Why is there no threads about /ourguy/ Paul?
Why is there no threads about /ourguy/ Paul?
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tfw no aussie Farage...
keep dumpin you absolute bloody rippa
did farage really not already know this?
what did he say after, got a link to the full show?
archive you're shit ausfag
Sit down an listin' childen. Let 'ol missa Golliwog tell yall da histry of blackin up. See, it use tuh be that a white man, who we use'd call "massa" would entertain hisself and the missus by puttin' shoe polish on hissa face. Now he woulda usually leave the area round his mouth clean, cuz boy did that shoe polish tatse like the devil, and lordy lordy did he holler and shout if golly did'n apply that polish all correct-like. Now massa would invite all his friends round and they would wear Golli's clothes and imntate Golli's songs like "Forty Hosses in de Stable" and "Lynch dat Tar Baby Like a Kentucky Hog". Why they would even do Golli's "Genuine Negro Jig". It were a mighty fine affair you see. People would come from miles and miles to see massa do Golli's songs. And afterwords massa would let Golli sleep in the stable next to the hosses. Massa sure wassa nice to Golli.
Course nobody do that nomore.
Thank God that high IQ business-owning paki completely B this uneducated white cunt TFO
i fucking love you bongs, you know that
just wish you'd get your country back on track
cuts off before we get to hear nigels response. the fuck is this? marketing?
Because the shills keep sliding them.