Is Poland dragging the EU down?

Is Poland dragging the EU down?

I think poland people a cute

That's actually good for the Poles, "refugees" don't want to live in poor countries.

poles are alright in general. they are still suffering from their commi subjugation like most slav states though.
the poles who migrate to the west are pretty often trash people and can't be compared to the majority of the poles.

that's the reason it's not bad in here and we have quite low unemployment rate - big chunk of "social margin" left to UK/Germany. Downside is bad PR they are doing for Poland.

Wenn ich das seh, werd' ich echt sauer

yea. kudos to you.
I love going to poland but I hate meeting poles in my country....guess that pretty much sums it up

Not as much as Germany is dragging down Europe.

im pretty sure there are countries in the actual eurozone lower than 25

we got nat soc goverment, what did you expect?

low quality bait

I think Poland is ripe for a deluge.



Fuck off, i know your jewish tricks.

What does it matter if you give it all to third world monkeys?

Polackenlümmel schreien white power

yeah well like... you wrong user

1. Germany is actively destroying western civilization, western values, and white human beings, no Poland, so you missed by a mile Hans.
2. Contrary to Polan stronk, based Poland, and much conservative, Poland is ruled by socialist for like forever. Since we got rid of the USSR in 89 every government was more or less social, social benefits are huge in terms of what people can get for free. Even more, to fund this tax levels are high, bureaucracy is on unbelievable levels, and is growing exponentially. People do not do shit about this, because they receive free gibs, and whenever there is a problem, government can just say that it is all fault of those "corrupt businessman's" who don't want to give cash for gibs.

All in all, if anyone ever wondered how to have one of the smartest populations in white world, one of the best educated nation, that does not fear to risk high for reward, people who always find solutions to even the hardest problems, and having this population run economy stagnant for decades - watch no further, just do what our politicians do.

Du lügst, du Polacke!

At least Poland is more livable then the middle east ackmed

Here's an example of how EU abuses it's powers to profit Germoney:
1. A few months ago, a GIGANTIC action was started by the green party that the air in major cities in Poland is extremely polluted. That was the case for a longer time, but only now did they start hardcorely advocating against it. In every foreign controlled media. Goal? Close coal powerplants and go "green".

2. At the same time, a few licences for coal mining expire in one of the biggest coal mines in Poland. Most of what they mined was low quality coal and what remains is the highest quality coal. Guess who has his eyes on those licences now, that's right, german controlled companies. Germany, who has a lot more coal fuelled power plants than Poland and yet it's Poland that's evil and needs to pay money to the EU for using coal and having polluted air.

The EU are just niggers who abuse their powers for their own benefits. Same with the environmental laws they enact. Fuck them. The funny thing is, that clearly someone is paying shills to create Schultz memes and meme them here so he gains popularity. The only effect they had on me, so far, is they made me hate his face. I want to punch it every time I see it. They really have no idea how to make use of memes. It's such a fucking good thing that EU is failing. It's hard to hide my joy over it.

Polacken Lümmel schreien white Power

Muniotion zu schwer bleibt, immer hier

Wisst ihr noch, im letzten Krieg?

your compatriot puppetmasters need no outside help with that
as always, EU delenda est


Which country will still exist in 2040? Which country will be a caliphate?

Und dann kehrt Deutschlands Osten endlich
wieder heim

Are u stupid op?

Poland's gdp before ww2 was the same as Italy's. Germany recovered so quickly because it never paid back any reperations. It owns Poland $500 billion for just material damage not to mention loss of life. Look at the GDP growth of Poland during communism compared to other non communist cpuntries, Poland's gdp is stuck in one place while other western countries' gdp is increasing rapidly.

This so much, my blood boils each time I see eternal hans scheming behind EU.
Go and die to that diversity already REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh, wie ich dieses Scheissvolk hasse

Dont forget we had Soros pupets here.
eg: Our minister of Finace Marek Belka in early 90`s had plan of 'cooling down' economy cuz we made so much stuff, Ruskie was buying we were making but it was somehow bad, at the same time he frozen USD rate for year and tiped Soros when it will be lifted, we were fucked for half of our GDP in that year just transfered offshore.
And yet Hans is wondering why we have economy problems. I tell you, because you cant stop yourself with fuckin us over jewish scum. You cant help yourself from destryoing anyone that is happy or weathy. You are miserable souless bastards and feel good only when others feel as miserable as you.

Sie schrie'n, in einer Woche wär'n sie in Berlin
Als Kriegsgefangene kam'n sie noch schneller hin

Great pasta man, but you still failed to provide argument.
Enjoy civil war with muslims.

They should leave, it would be better for them. Let's hope the whole EU goes along with it.
How the FUCK did the Poles get cucked into this mess anyway? I see so much pro-EU bullshit propaganda from Poland.

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