>women are elevated to celebrity status with hundreds of beta disposable cocks at their feet
>we call em sluts yet our cocks remain untouched
>women are elevated to celebrity status with hundreds of beta disposable cocks at their feet
>we call em sluts yet our cocks remain untouched
>>women are elevated to celebrity status
Literally what? All I see are profiles..
Is this some paid shit that stalks popular profiles?
each woman has at least 200 likes within 3 days
>The app that destroyed the west
lol no, just a symptom not a cause
>only 450 matches
Must be great being a chad on tinder
Is it that bad to be a KHV at 23?
I'm more of an "omega +" than a beta honestly.
I am truly invisible to women.
KHV at 23. I think its too late now man. its like feral children getting in society in their teens.
u will always be developmentally retarded
Nothing has changed in terms of who is persued/puresuee, it's still the majority of tinder chicks drooling over the few chads on it, infact it's mostly guys that take advantage over dumb sluts on that app, or naive first time users.
Then what can I do?
Should I just focus on improving myself?
Don't listen to this user, there's always hope.
They know what they're getting into, they simply swipe left more often.
Some guys get matches literally every five swipes, especially if you have a thing going for you. I've got no end of high test nerds after a well spoken pretty boy, there are plenty out there. Just reread that, and I mean chubby girls and even a few Asians.
My only issue is privacy. If I get stalked because of this shit I'm not happy.
it would require you tremendous effort just to get your first kiss
i am talkin about PUA. no not RSD. pure straight up PUA
When you swipe a ton of matches, but only get like 1 or 2 and even then they either not respond to you or stop talking to you.
>still wanting to not race mix
is this a meme? Have you never even hugged a female friend/acquaintance in a purely platonic way before?
No I literally haven't, I never had friends or a social circle growing up.
I was always that kid you saw eating alone or on his own.
Eventually it internalizes.
I'm a little sickened by it to be honest.
I don't hold hands with my female friend. That would be weird.
I've held hands with friends before
while it was raining and we were trying to stay under a small umbrella but still
>I'm a little sickened by it to be honest.
PUA is a means to an end
at this stage you HAVE to con to get laid
I've never held hands with any male friends and I'd only hold hands with my sister, whom I'm extremely close to, if someone had died.
Literally what? Are you either Indian or from some crowded culture or a woman?
Never mind, I'm from a Germanic/Celtic country. Irish men are friendly and German men are down for anything, but neither are that touchy.
No, no, you notice you're doing it without intentionally doing it. It's quite dehumanizing.
Seriously Tinder is worthless.
Most women on Tinder are ugly bimbos.
I pity the chads who fucks all those ugly women.
I haven't holded anyone's hand neither got a kiss
>tfw guys around me fuck qt but I can't score.
I'm 23 and on the exact same boat as you. Just the other day on valentine's a girl gave me a clear hint in a public place and I just froze like a complete beta moron idiot that I am. Golden opportunities vanish like that. Always be prepared to go for it, that's my advice
Have you tried telling them that you poo in loo?
They will assume you are royalty then.
I'm probably paler white than you tbqh
Why are you posting this thread every single day?
Calm down your autism, go out and talk to women, and you too might get laid some day.
What are the rest of the people expected to do: be celibate so people like you are not alone?
But I can't :(
I even tried to make white girl understand this
Get over here bro.
bog pill her
Tinder is worth whatever opener you can come up with, if you can get her talking she'll emotionally invest and make things easy. She might even not unmatch you and report you if you ask for nudes.
>when my friend says he doesn't read bios for opener ideas
They're Indian, they're bragging about that onnneeee time.
Sure. I'm a nigger. You caught me.
Looks like we were born in the good era for games, anime, internet ease of buying shit but for woman it's the worst.
lmao. Can someone explain to me how you can even stay a virgin in the modern age, like how is that even possible?
>it's a "Sup Forums tries to analyse Tinder but can only do so from their own perspective" episode
The real winners from Tinder are attractive men. Whenever they want a date or just to fuck, they can message dozens of women in a matter of minutes. Women are left with no choice but to play by male rules (i.e. put out fast and often) or they'll simply be ignored. If Tinder actually favoured females, it would somehow require that men offer commitment and not just a dick.
"Men use love to find sex, women use sex to find love" is an exaggeration, but the core message is true - men tend to want no-strings-attached sex with multiple women, while women tend towards fewer longer-term partners.
Be an ugly faggot, intrvert and social anxiety. Then we'll talk.
Tinder didn't destroy the West, it just banged another nail in the coffin.
Written like a true beta.
After my last relationship when to shit I tried tinder for 2 years. Got laid on every first date.
All the women had issues and were not exacly keepers.
Tinder is only good for red pilling you about how worthless and unrewarding casual sex is.
You don't have to be ugly or fat. Just be really into looking up stuff on the internet. Soon engough, you'll find more common ground with anonymous strangers than real people. It will become increasingly difficult to connect with anyone irl. You start losing social network and then can't go back.
Being ugly is subjective. But I'm definitely the other two and I still managed.
>indian brings pol bantz to french stacy
>what? Huh? I g-guess I'll go out with you, just don't call me racist, ok?
>do i burn coal? Like in an oven?
>is day of the rake like, an indian holiday or something?
>you have a wife and a son? But who is the dad?
You might as well be talking to a brick wall.
While tinder is pretty crap I ama fraid it's not the cause of west' destruction. It's the drives and attitudes that created market for such an app and then made it become what it is today. Westerners creating and furthering their own doom seems to be a common theme nowadays, from white guilt, through "rapefugee welcome" to this.
apple destroyed the west. stupid smartphones, stupid apps, stupid itunes. the internet is so fucking boring due to apple