>see on social media there will be local 'women who code' meet up
>go to it
>dude you're a guy you can't be here
>i identify as a transgender woman
>no you don't you have a fucking beard
>I also identify as a lesbian
>dude you can't do that!
>other women start arguing amongst each other
>feelsgoodman.jpeg SLUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPP my soda with shit eating grin
>talk starts
>raise hand, start pointing out obvious flaws
>they are fucking livid
>woman starts talking again
>this isn't a safe space, I feel violated
>call mall cop over, he hears what I said
>starts laughing so hard he's crying
>just puts his hands in the air, says he isn't paid enough to deal with this
>15 women hands on hips glaring at me
See on social media there will be local 'women who code' meet up
post proof or gtfo
take this shit to /r9k/ you larping cunt
I enjoyed this tale.
What obvious flaws?
I don't even care that this didn't happen, it still made me laugh
what was your end game? to piss women off? it's only going to cause them to bitch even more and try to get even more laws that pander to them in place. just ignore them dipshit
End game was clearly for the kekles, the only valid currency on the internets.
spoken like a true shit-posting aussie!
I want to believe
You are doing God's work user and you are a credit to your gender.
yeah you barely ever see women with balls like this lesbian!
Thanks for the good laugh mate. Even if untrue it's perfectly reasonable and plausible.
You sure showed them!
>shit that never happened
interesting anyway, got a smirk out of me
>>>starts laughing so hard he's crying
you don't have a beard in your profile pic
>and that's why I'm never dating another woman
>im justified right guys?
Who is this dick queen?
>women can't have facial hair
What HTML tags did you learn?
Is it a true story? If yes GG
well women were teaching me, plus it was in highschool
I have learned well from you Aussies. I was taught by the best.
Women generally can't code.
>t. cs lab instructor
>nano ~/.profile
>alias cd=" echo bash: cd: command not found"
>source ~/.profile
So my rare pepes hold no value?
>he got cucked by vi
>be me
>be grading 1st year java lab
>students have to write a program that simulates ordering a pizza online.
>one girls won't compile. Tonnes of errors
>give 0% and tell her what was wrong
>skip to lab2
>have a hambeast yelling at me
>was the girl
>she's mad because she got 0% but worked "real hard"
>I tell her there's nothing I could do it wouldn't compile
>she asked me how she was supposed to know that
>dumb bitch didn't even bother testing it
>after 5 minutes of me getting yelled at she leaves
>gets 0% on lab2 because she didn't actually do it
>echo 'alias cd=" echo bash: cd: command not found"' >> ~/.profile
>he doesn't use ed
>he doesn't remember what he types
>black girls code
>god is dope
>i am the future
That's a tranny I bet. Only Arab women grow staches
I use vim to do most things, dunno why little config files I use nano. Probably will stop at some point.
I know, I'm just trolling kids who HATE nano
>echo 'alias cd=" echo bash: cd: command not found"' >> ~/.profile; source ~/profile
fixed that for u
>writing a function to do a thing and using an existing function which does the same thing twice in your function
women\compscicucks should just give up.
should have told em to fizzbuzz\bogosort
The pepe market will rise again once the shillls die and stop using them.
Absolutely fucking hilarious.
Next you will tell me women are actually funny
>>just puts his hands in the air, says he isn't paid enough to deal with this
This is the one line in this entire story that makes me believe it actually happened.
What IP block is that flag from? Are you posting from your job?
>kids who HATE nano
Trust me, it's the kids that like nano.
The decrepit old geezers are the ones how can't accept that we have no further use for ed or vi.
I didn't realize the internet recognized the EU as a sovreign nation.
Welcome to 2017