Notice anything?
German school classes
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How t*lerant of germany to integrate fleeing refugee children with german teenage girls.
I swear that guy on the bottom right is in his fifties
Even your boys are getting blacked
I'm gonna get hate for saying this as a leaf but in my expierence, as a white guy German tourist girls are one the sluttiest kind of tourist white girl
Hes a 12 year old syrian who is very smart for his age because the barrel bombs forced him to grow up really fast.
If not, the sluttiest
German girls are incredibly filthy whores to all foreigners but will shame german men for having had sex with foreign girls AND will be complete prudes towards german men if they're being serious about them.
t. Torben-Mirko Jungfrau
German TV show
notice anything?
Where is the Syria muslim refugee? All I see are niggers.
The majority of """Syrian refugees""" came from africa and are just economic migrants
That rape will affect 6 out of every 17 students?
My class looked a whole lot whiter than that.
Must be from Western Germany.
Not a single fucking white male in the bunch. So tolerant.
That poor little boy on the bottom right, being a child during the Syrian conflict really forced him to grow up fast. So sad...
Its 2017 how is this happening? Get those fuckers out of your country.
paar geile Köder sind schon dabei aber die kanacken und mohrenköpfe sollte mam schon vergasen.
Looks like it is all going to (((plan))).
Good that I went to a catholic school where even jews were rejected and the only non white student of 1400 students total was a christian Indian who stayed for 2 years.
So lucky, fuck like I'm here go to uni, try to earn the scholarship oversee in 1st world, just want to have a shot of better chance of my life.
And there the lazy niggers could just simply earn all of it by the cuck and woman.
Shit it make me rage, I don't want to try it anymore, wish I have the courage to end my miserable life.
Mute Spittah on the very left.
Would you say that Norwegian and Swedish girls are much more prudish and stick to their own kind a lot more? Because that's how it seems to me, that might just be my own experience.
I havent met that many german girls, but the first time i ever picked a women off the street when I was about 17, it was a hot drunk german girl walking around an area with a lot of bars and nightclubs, and i invited her to my place which was close by.
And it was so easy to pick her up, I just complimented her and put my arm around her
And I dont consider that bragging at all, because I was really beta as a teenager and i had bad acne, messy hair, shitty clothes and wasnt even 6 feet so I feel like I really lucked out and almost any guy could have fucked her.
Usually when I hit on a girl and she has a sexy european accent and is very responsive and easy to get her number or pick her up it turns out she is german
Die sind alle legal
where are the german "males"?
The men are all shitskins and the women are European looking? Not a good trend. I fear Germany is not going to exist in 50 years time.
If you hadn't been communists you wouldn't have to go oversees to get a better life you know. Let this be a lesson.
It's illegal to be a white male in Germany
White Male? what it is?
must be hauptschule or berlin.
in my gymnasium all shitskins got sorted out about year 7-8 of 13.
Of around 10 niggers one girl from sri lanka finished school and 5 ended up in prison which is not easy in germany when you still go to school.
at the end we had one turk but he quit because the teachers were making fun of him because he could not read worth fuck.
>she has a sexy european accent
>must be hauptschule
>shirt says abitur 2016
le damage control face.
Swedish and Norwegian (as far as I know) girls claim to be open to dating foreigners, but they rarely do it and most never would in practice. Not sure why they're such hypocrites, but racist is the worst thing you can get called in Sweden so I would guess that's at least part of the explanation.
The last German male died in 1945
first time i see white people not wearing shoes inside there house .
why do so many wear there shoes inside there house ??
A lot of the girls look Jewish in the OP pic.
After a quick reversed search...
>"it was a very special experience to get to know people with traumatic experiences who still talk about it so openly." In addition, they admit that through the stories about escape and escape reasons, they have received a whole new perspective on their own life in Germany, "where we actually have everything necessary for life and should be happy with it."
Hahaha God Bless Germany
In germany its uncommon to wear shoes inside the house.
Me on the right
>Make it stop. I'm gonna look like the weirdo lonely beta in the photograph. Just take the photo. Should I force a smile or would that make me look even more pathetic? Please hurry up
You on the right?
Do people wear shoes indoors in the Netherlands? In Sweden nobody wears shoes indoors unless it's shoes that are only worn indoors.
In America, most people seem to wear their shoes indoors, and this seems to be quite common in the UK as well.
Pls answer this, no memes allowed.
There are none.
i wear my shoes indoors so that whenever i get broke into i can kick the fuck out of the burglar and chase him down if need be
You know when you would read a history book and see some really stupid outcome? You would think if i was alive then id do something about it. WELL DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE REFUGEES YOU KEKS.
You are just going to let them waltz into your country and defile your women? Allow them to sap your resources while sitting on welfare? These arent families fleeing violence we are talking about here, these are healthy males who are here to take over.
How blind can you be?
Surprisingly high amount of Germans in the class. Is this in the south or some small town?
>I don't want to be in a photo with a bunch of shitskins so I can get laughed at on Sup Forums, I'll just go home and play farming simulator 2017 instead
no hope for germany
Me on the very right
Nah my Opa came to Canada after his release from prison after the war. He died in 2009.
I swear the old Germans I know from Niagara and these Nu-Germans are night and day apart from each other. They're not even remotely the same culture. It's a travesty; in my Oma and Opa I can sense the rich Prussian history and feel the roots of the HRE. In modern Germans I sense nothing really. They are people robbed of their souls and their nation. Deutschland is long dead.
Dude, this state can not be saved.
I am a national socialist and I will vote greens or leftist in the federal election.
Germany MUST crash and burn if we want to have any chance for survival.
We must accelerate the crash so our chances are better.
Where are the white males in those two class pics? Those black men do not look like kids at all and they look like the bird that ate the canary. they know they are in pussy heaven. Geez Germany...the jews have totally destroyed you, brothers.
Why dont you fucking do something about it?
is that idris elba in the center?
You actually look like a normal guy. dont let the niggers get all the white pussy amigo.
I went to my city's Goethe institut (I speak German tho I'm not one) and the women I saw there there were typical tumblrinas SJWs with short colored hair and stuff, also spotted a melanin-ladden gentleman. There are no more Germans below the age of ~30 anymore, just americanized, bland, soulless "citizens of the world"
I've had the opposite experience and found nords every easy to get with but Germans impossible.
isn't this some school designed for refugees and people coming to Germany?
We had this thread before a while back
Why not simply refuse them entry in the first place? I dont get it. Back in 2010 life was kind of lame with BARRACK maybe a little liberal but it wasnt the end of the world. Now i look at western societies and its all backwards.
Its simple these are males only. So tell them to fuck off. Where are all the men??????
gymnasium pics i assume, all the guys are at realschule
People like me are a rarity this is why I escape on pol because I cant bear this fucking shithole anymore.
Degeneracy and decay is everywhere.
I just want it to burn down and get some revenge in the ensuing chaos
They are all manchildren. I know it because I live in Mallorca. And it's not a meme. They were raised like that: spoiled. They never grow up. That's why german girls prefer niggers, arabs and meds.
I mean, if you had to choose between a manly, hairy and fat girl, and a normal but feminine girl. What would you choose? Same with girls. They just choose men. Children are disgusting.
Sounds plausible.
Except for these are not class pictures. These are projects where refugees meet students, get interviewed. They are literally just monkeys in a lab.
Why do you have to fake the story when the truth is more hilarious?
Couldn't image why?
there are too few students
You dont get it.
There is no moral fabric left in Germany. There is no substance.
Germans do not WANT to exist as Germans anymore.
Thats what 70 years of brainwashing does to you.
Not only national socialism and militarism were attacked and destroyed but also prussianism, tradiiton, patriotism, loyalty, family values, love for your own etc.
Those values dont exist here anymore.
Germany is an empty hull, morally speaking. Nothing to defend here.
What I demand is a last stand so I can get into Valhalla. Thats all I can expect
Is that Elliot Rodger's muslim cousin on the far right?
This. Only this ....
So...the schools just bus the girls to the refugees? Goddamn Germany!!!!
It's kind of kiddish for me to say this but I think more than half of /pol would pick up weapons for your country
I'm actually a female (male)...
This is the truth.
The seed was already planted in weimar.
Hitler merely managed to stall the (((progressive))) left for 67 years.
This is the plant hey had outlined for germany from the start.
>It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.
>The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family. [2]
> everyone looks middle-aged
One my family is teacher and they have problem migrants hide in toilots as they don't want go outside in cold .
None them speak german
Yeah okay let's play the game like that. Yeah, they get bussed there to get pregnant from a male somalian. On top of that they have to marry him by sharia law afterwards and must let them live in their parent's house.
They also get a shitton of money to buy the latest BMW to get faster to their wives around germany.
so many turdkish
user the wiki article about Weimar was my first redpill the wiki article mentions it as a glorious time and I knew from my history book bread costed upwards of 5000 Marks and the article mentions it as happy and innovative time
Fuckin kikes
No More white man studying? Good I stopped too. Much better to be a neet
oh no that sucks
Weimar literally was the first playing ground for the globalists to enact their protocols of zion.
From a wholesome white nation to the brothel of europe full of trannies porn child sex and drug abuse
I would as well but only for the Germany in my mind and heart and not for the abomination that calls itself Germany today
Hitler gave us 12 years of freedom from (((them))). That is why he is the most demonized man in history.
Notice something?
> everyone has the exact same face
This cant be happening just listen to yourself. All the history of our ancestors built up gone in a flash. Its crazy. this cant be real life.
And the worst part is i feel as if we are all going down in a whimper. It was too late to notice. We gave females a chance, a bigger then bigger voice in politics and now look at us.
I think if Hillary won our presidency we would be the same as Merkel flooded with MALE refugees and all the liberal fucks who own the media would silence us just the same.
and that is good
no fucking niggers,jews, or other subhuman trash in this class
>Notice something?
They must be facing the sun because they're all squinting.
reminds me of that swedish class with one swede
>I would as well but only for the Germany in my mind and heart and not for the abomination that calls itself Germany today
Completely agree with you here.
The more I learned about german history and culture by reading original sources and old books and the more I travelled the world I noticed what a cultural vacuum of brainless consumer drone (((global citiziens))) germany is.
Most only live to consume and have unrewarding sloppy regret filled sex from tinder.
There is no cultural glue to hold together that unholy abomination that is modern germany.
Its all bland, faceless and empty inside.
There is some pockets of culture left in bavaria but the rest of germany is culturally dead.
Even the often cited as "based" east germans are hollow shells after 60 years of brutal soul crushing marxism.
I havent met an east german who wasnt a completely soulless consumerist drone.
you NEED more diversity aka black people
They're all Germans you cunt
In almost every one of the pics itt, the women are smirking. It's horrible. :^(