>Travel ban ruled unconstitutional
>Flynn Resignation
>Russia leaks
>Cabinet nominee drops out
What a fucking trainwreck lmao
>Travel ban ruled unconstitutional
>Flynn Resignation
>Russia leaks
>Cabinet nominee drops out
What a fucking trainwreck lmao
The greatest leaders overcome challenge. Lets see what happens friend.
>no wall
The fire has only started rising
It's been downgraded to a fence coming out of the taxpayer's pocket.
At least he is president.
dont forget the whole lets put the globalists in the white house fiasco
>Dumb frogposter
You're a failure. I'm sick of hearing about Merican politics regardless. All burgers just stfu.
Eh, if he just deports all illegals during his term, that's more than Obama managed
>b-b-but Hillary lost fag hahaha
No one cares about that bitch, she irrelevant now, not even in the spotlight, but keep the strawman train pumpin! At least the libtards you rage about can admit she's corrupt. You really think this business man that just so happened to hire Jew and Russian interested people isn't corrupt?
Lmao I thought Sup Forums was redpilled. Just a bunch of snowflakes, cupcakes, and hunny's. Wow I just said a bunch of super smug shit lol, am I a Trumpkin yet?
Pic related is you
Popular vote user
Obummer was almost draconian with deports.
>President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
>Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Trump won't even touch that high score, he just so happened to fool a bunch of idiots in this country that pretend to care about the future. Single and childless men and women, as well as young impressionable minds that eat up whatever their parents throw at them. Sure, there are some good hard working middle class people that ate it up too, just probably small in comparison to the other groups from my observations.
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point David Brock, fuck off.
Drink the kool-aid faggot.
Stop wasting millions of dollars to lose elections.
Lmao disliking a retard that dangers the future of my lifestyle and children = supporting Hillary. Yeah, classic. Next you'll be calling me shariablue
Obvious bait post from a Trump supporter but I'll respond so all these new kids can learn about a think called "arguments" rather than "call them a shill"
>Travel ban ruled unconstitutional
By the 9th circuit court, which, like the 5th circuit court, has become a partisan body that does not rule based on law. 79% of the 9th court's rulings are overturned, and this ruling will definitely be overturned, as there are literally zero grounds to call the executive order illegal or unconstitutional regardless of your opinion of it. Barack Obama did the same thing in 2010 however it was only Iraq, Trump did this for 7 countries instead of 1.
>Flynn Resignation
He lied to Mike Pence. Most likely because Pence can't be trusted, he's a fucking republican. It's standard procedure to resign after lying to such a high ranking official. The alphabet agencies (who are working as hard as they can to subvert Trump) even made it clear that Flynn committed no crimes in his communication with Russia, nor did he commit a crime lying to Pence. He resigned out of politeness.
>Russia leaks
What leaks? (none)
>Cabinet nominee drops out
Obama nominees that dropped out:
Judd Gregg
Tom Daschle
Bill Richardson
Bush nominees that dropped out:
Bernard Kerik
Linda Chavez
Bill Clinton had 5 dropouts as well
I'm looking forward to the CNN headline
I am going to do so much shitposting that day.
You're honestly giving that group of misfits a little too much credit
>What leaks?
The ones our oh so glorious leader bitches about on Twitter. He called them illegal leaks not fake leaks because he knows they hold ground. He's about as bad as some of you straw manning.
>Let's not focus on the leaks that may confirm illegal activity.
>Goy, focus on the fact that they were obtained illegally.
>Cabinet nominee drops out
You know, I sit here and bash him in my posts, but I hope to god he can pull it off. I don't want our country to fail, but we're already so knee deep in to the multiple conflicts of interest and competence that it is hard to see a positive outlook. Not to mention we're already dealing with this Russian scandal.
Idk user. If we can't collectively criticize the stupid shit, then what are we really accomplishing? Getting dank memes? Making liberals cry?
>Barack Obama did the same thing in 2010 however it was only Iraq, Trump did this for 7 countries instead of 1.
Obama paused the processing of refugee applications for six months from a single country after it was found the system failed prevent terrorists from that country from entering the US. He did not stop people who had already gotten visas from entering the country and he did not advocate for a system banning people for their religious affiliation. So no, it was not the same thing.
Trumpettes think we and the courts are supposed to ignore the fact that Donald J. Trump publicly said he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
If it was a Muslim ban then why were 85% of all other Muslims still allowed to come over?
when will you shills realize this shit isn't working?
truly pathetic
Ive been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me
I wish I could see faces of people that make these threads. Trump won and very few Trump supporters have regrets. Why the fuck would they? Because desperate liberals and Obama holdovers are trying to cock block along with the entire media? You think autists on here are gonna abandon Trump after that election fight? It's not even working on normies, m8.
If you want to illegally ban people based on their religion, obviously you're not going to go too wide. They started off with the countries the Obama administration had labeled as "countries of concern" because that was the least obviously illegal path for them to start off with. The difference is that the Obama administration never stopped anyone from coming into the country based on their religion or origin, and Obama never said that he would ban people from the country based on their religion and country of origin.
You support pedophiles.
The fact that most of you guys don't have regrets is what's most concerning. Even putting the Russia stuff aside, his first month has been hilariously incompetent.
>Travel ban ruled unconstitutional
Are there still people that are really this retarded and don't know what a TRO is?
How so? What CNN article convinced you he's incompetent?
>Aides beg him to not to watch too much TV
>He hates reading so much his daily briefs have to be condensed with a single page, primarily graphics and maps.
>When complicated discussions comes up he either changes the topic or directs the questions to Bannon / Kushner
>travel ban rollout was a complete clusterfuck
All this yet he,ll still Win in again in another 4 years.
All this yet within the first two years the democrats the communists and shadow government will be cut down and dismantled.
All this and yet should anything happen to Don Russia will eniliate every liberal strong hold communist city within America and give conservatives and Texans and people in the south aid to rebuild.
>Don't disagree with me :(
>Nothing wrong with a Trump general running all goddamn day and all night
I would think those would be the shills. Imagine trying a Hillary general every day, place would go fucking bonkers with the claims
No the fuck I don't, stop with your goddamn projection.