Is this a good thing or an invasion of privacy?
Is this a good thing or an invasion of privacy?
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hah do it, if your getting free shit from the government they can do whatever they like, same as drug testing at a job, they're paying you and they expect something in return?
m-muh freedoms!
fuck off unemployed nigger op
so basically pot can be free but you can still lose your job or get buttfucked? how does it work?
Creates jobs, keep gibs from druggies. What's not to like? The unemployed don't pay into taxes and don't contribute. They're a drain. They shouldn't complain when they have to earn or be worth the 'gibs'.
In fact, drug testing isn't enough. To get gibs, the unemployed should be working hard to get a job. Those unemployed for a certain period should just be cut off. If they got kids, they lose their kids and they should be sterilized so they won't be creating more mouths to feed.
It's an ineffectual waste of money, these programs frequently don't even recoup the money spent on the testing, these programs are frequently proposed by somebody with links to drug testing companies by (((PURE COINCIDENCE))), most of the drugs people care deeply about the homeless using you can easily avoid getting busted for on a drug test, the #1 drug the homeless use by far is liquor which is legal. T
I think the best way I argue against these laws is I ask people, if they were homeless, would they want to pay for drug testing with the money allocated for welfare, regularly get drug tested, and in exchange get all the money from the people that get caught? Or would they rather not deal with drug testing, given it doesn't seem to save any money, and deal with other homeless people being broke desperate drug addicts?
Real solutions are to distribute funds more frequently, thus discouraging binge drug usage. Another effective solution is giving away benefits in a way that cannot be as easily converted into drugs as pure money. The drug testing shit is pure kikery. The only drug they're going to catch people for is DUDE WEED and who gives a shiit if a homeless guy buys an eighth?
drug testing in anti american imo.
Its only an invasion of privacy if they're forced to take the test. If its an agreement between the government, which is meant to be representative of the people, and an individual, which, in short is, "I'll prove I'm not taking drugs if you give me free shit", then, no, its not an invasion of privacy.
Exactly. Next we should install cameras in their houses to monitor their every move and make sure they're not doing anything reprehensible. Actually, why even let them live anywhere they want? Let's round them all up and put them to work in some labor camps.
Considering my company's going under and over held a job for the last 10 years that's fucking bullshit. I have a "medical card" so fuck them
But so they are forced to take the test just by contractual obligation rather than ex nihilo so its fine with you?
someone is making money off this
Pretty sure it's welfare recipients, not just "unemployed". Big difference. MSM misrepresenting shit again.
I can't actually tell if you are being serious or autistic :(
This is retarded!
You're pointing the test the wrong way!
It's your leaders you should be testing. All CEOs and positions of government authority should be drug tested mandatory.
Cocaine and other drugs are eating the systems minds alive
>they are forced to take the test
They're not forced to take the test, they're obliged to take the test only if they want welfare money.
You don't have privacy if you're claiming you're so poor you need government assistance.
You don't deserve government assistance if you're spending your minuscule amount of money on drugs.
>All CEOs should be drug tested
And? And then what? Okay your CEO smoke week. So what? He's out making millions of dollars with his company. Meanwhile what's a welfare single mother doing? Being a drain on the system, not providing for it.
Drug testing of welfare recipients has been ruled unconstitutional in the past. Also as much as the idea itself makes sense, it's actually proven to be a massive waste of money. When it was implemented in Utah for example, it caught something like 12 people out of a couple thousand or something like that. Statistically speaking, people on government assistance are no more likely to be using illicit substances than the general population, which actually makes the mandatory drug testing somewhat discriminatory in my opinion. Believe me, I'm not making the case for the welfare state, just trying to play devil's advocate here because I did a report on this in school.
costs more then it saves, just cut spending for welfare and force then to get jobs or become contractors
He's using your system of logic to demonstrate your flaws. it's a valid technique.
As an actual autistic man, I take offense.
>Drug testing of welfare recipients has been ruled unconstitutional in the past.
Post the ruling and see if it's still ruled unconstitutional.
t. Paul Ryan
It's government paternalism. It really feels like something being done to punish the homeless for being leeches more than it's being done to help them. It makes it so while people can easily avoid getting smacked by the drug tests, welfare recipients have something to legitimately fear if they go to rehab. Most of the ways Sup Forums is imagining implementing this violates the 4th amendment.
There are ways you can spend money to reduce drug usage against the homeless, like I said before paying for smaller more frequent payments, but this is a highly invasive one that's not cost-effective.
Finally, I just think it's insane to normalise drug testing outside of where there are safety concerns. Stop driving us closer to the future where big brother makes us all pee in a cup for our own good.
>They're not forced to take the test, they're obliged to take the test only if they want welfare money.
So should they get that deducted from their taxes?
If you've paid in for twenty years and fail a drug test on your first month of welfare, you should be entitled to claim back however much you paid in that goes to welfare. So twenty years worth.
Mobile link but here, it also includes figures for how much money was wasted when these laws actually were implemented.
>people on government assistance are no more likely to be using illicit substances than the general population
I dont believe that at all and ask for a source besides your ass
The people I know who are most vocally in favor of welfare recipient drug testing would fail a breathalyzer test every morning they showed up to work.
they tried this in florida and it didnt work
Forget the others. If you are receiving benefits from the government you SHOULD be monitored.
Drug testing violates the NAP.
>"The court has once again confirmed what we argued all along: that the state of Florida cannot treat an entire class of people like suspected criminals simply because they’ve asked the state for temporary assistance,” said Maria Kayanan, the associate legal director of the Florida A.C.L.U.
>From July through October 2011 — the four months when testing took place in Florida before a federal injunction — 2.6 percent of the state’s applicants for cash assistance, or 108 of 4,086, failed the drug test, according to figures from the state obtained by the group. The most common reason was marijuana use. Another 40 applicants did not go through with the testing.
>Because the Florida law required that applicants who passed the test be reimbursed for the cost, an average of $30, the cost to the state was $118,140. This was more than would have been paid in benefits to the people who failed the test.
>If you are receiving benefits from the government
You are technically receiving them from your past and future self. You paid in and will pay in again. The government just charges you a high fee to give the money to yourself
>(((the unemployed)))
Welfare receiving deadbets? Definitely drug test, if you can afford drugs, you can afford food
How about we just remove all welfare and taxes? All the druggies that turn to crime to finance their habit gets btfo by gun owners and that's that.
Bump, waiting on rebuttal
You wanna sit around all day getting high off your own money? Fine.
You want others to work to give you free money so you can sit around all day getting high? Fuck off scum.
No... nobody should be receiving benefits. Federal taxation is theft.
What about the cost of the drug testing?
Is it true you get drug tested for nearly any job in America?
It's great.
If you're a beggar nonproductive worthless vermin collecting any government handouts, you can't afford drugs, alcohol or nicotine. Testing positive for any of those substances should result in immediate termination of freebies, back billing for the last month of all freebies, banned from all freebies for 5 years. Welfare is a safety net, not a career: capped at 1 child, limited to 8 months, not eligible again for 2 years.
Anybody that is not on the government teat should have no problem with this.
What if you never paid taxes in the first place?
What if for generations you and your family have been on welfare with no intentions of ever finding gainful legal employment?
I genuinely cannot tell if you're shitposting or just sincerely missing the point.
>Anybody that is not on the government teat should have no problem with this.
People who don't want crime rates to triple have a problem.
Taxes aren't supposed to work like this, don't even bother trying to reason with him
Whatifing this early in the day... lad it's not even second tea-time yet.
> When it was implemented in Utah for example, it caught something like 12 people out of a couple thousand or something like that.
It's worse than that, these programs generally find weed users when nobody actually gives a shit about weed because weed is by far the most likely drug you're going to get caught for on a drug test.
>You don't have privacy if you're claiming you're so poor you need government assistance.
Legally wrong. Morally wrong. It does society and the homeless no favors to humiliate the homeless with drug testing that's not even cost effective. Homeless people already have enough shit to worry about and enough reasons to feel bad about being homeless without kicking them while they're down.
>they're obliged to take the test only if they want welfare money.
You damn well know some people don't have any real alternative.
I don't know how you guys being forced to pay into a welfare safety net, and being told this safety net you had no choice but to pay into, is only accessible if you drug test. It's like having to take a drug test before you can declare bankruptcy. Why should YOU have to get drug tested to get access to a safety net that YOU paid for? How is that not shitting on your 4th amendment rights?
I'm arguing for no drug testing but you're a fucking loon if you think drug use rates among the homeless are 2.6%
Stop listening to (((Soros))) and his (((ACLU)))
Seems great to me, I don't want a single cent from my taxes to go to a druggie piece of nigger shit.
I would be all for drug testing the unemploymed and welfare recipients but only if lawmakers take drug test as well, since their six figure salary is paid for by the tax payers.
You bet your sweet ass none of them will do it. I fucking hate the daily show, but one of their most based segments was asking Florida lawmakers to take a piss test and all those niggas said naw we're good lol.
>have a drink at a friend's place to celebrate
>get banned from welfare for 5 years
For those in favor of drug testing how do you justify the cost of the testing since the goal is to save money on not paying welfare benefits?
I want to see mandatory drug testing for elected officials. Every month.
this, but at the same time some great people really do have a misfortune in life and need a period to improve themselves. i would support a system where everyone can get like 3 years of government support for any reason at all, but after that youre on your own for life.
It sounds like those people who are showing up to work are purchasing their alcohol with money they earned at their job.
so does welfare
so it balances out
Ah, well, I fell for the bait. Well done Mohammad. Carry on.
Do the crime, do the time. And the work.
Put the lazy on chain gangs, let them clean and scrub the streets, parks and all public buildings. They will work then, one way or the other. Unless their criminal activity finds an armed American, in which case trash is taken out and nothing of value lost.
It's win-win. You can't live you entire life as a child.
NEET here.
I'm too poor to buy weed nor do I want it. I'd gladly accept this if it means less people on NEETbux. The idea people are getting free money while I don't bothers me.
The idea people use their free money on weed of all things pisses me off.
Basically how these threads go
>Drug testing has been tried, it failed to save money, wasted money, ignores that there are several better ways to spend money to reduce drug use among the homeless especially the use of legal drugs like alcohol which are used far more than illicit drugs, is highly invasive, vertually every drug but weed is trivial to avoid getting caught for on a drug test, the extremely few people they catch are weed users and who fucking cares, it violates your 4th amendment rights to be forced to pay into a welfare safety net you can only access if you take an invasive drug test,
>BUT MUH LEECHES CAN'T KEEP USING MY MONEY FOR DRUGS! FEELS > REALS! I shouldn't get drug tested though because I have a right to privacy.
It's not homeless people, its people receiving assistance from the state..? So I think 2.6 could be accurate. I don't know, I think those people with cars and food to buy and in all likelihood kids to support are probably going to use drugs less than literal hobos who have nothing else to spend their change on. And the article pertains to the first group. You misrepresented that and blamed te ACLU and SOROS for fudging the numbers because you couldn't read clearly, typical fucking leaf
yes the law requires a 5 panel drug test. private companies i know of dont do on-the-job drug testing after that unless they have a government contract, so you know drug use isnt really impacting workforce performance. its just the government being controlling
The only problem I have with this is it will cost a shit ton of money. It's also been attempted before and they only found a handful of drug users (probably because it was volunteer based and not mandatory).
>Forget the others. If you are receiving benefits from the government you SHOULD be monitored.
This. You are technically a government employee if you are receiving some form of monetary compensation from the government on an ongoing basis.
Test 'em. Shouldn't be very hard to pass that test if they are trying to get their shit straightened out.
Better idea: cut that shit all together. It's lowered the standard of living for all Americans, and will always do so until it is abolished.
What's the memability of this?
And if they fail hang them publicly
I bet you've put at least one peepee in your mouth, haven't you? Haven't you?!
high all the time
thanks working bros
whenever they've tried that they've found it wasted more money than it caught people. When people are that dirt poor they can't really afford drugs.
I should put that on my next WeWuzKangz meme. Next to Yakub or somethng.
what about the disabled? What if they're on medical marijuana?
Its good but only if those unemployed people are receiving government benefits for being unemployed.
I would probably be unemployed in the eyes of the govt but I still work every day
About the level of discussion a person can expect here.
2.6% is the number that got caught using drugs by drug testing programs. You're using that as proof that those receiving assistance don't use drugs more than the general population.
To compare drug use between those receiving assistance and those not receiving assistance, you need two comparable numbers, not one, because only a small minority of people drug tested get caught.
Give them a pass if they can prove it.
>only a small minority of people drug tested get caught.
And it's usually the softest drug they get caught for. Cokeheads get a pass. Fentanyl heads, they get a pass. Potheads, they get fucked, it stays in the urine too long.
It's great. Also people on social security and medicare/medicaid need to be tested. We've got to weed out the rats from our society.
Anybody for reducing welfare spending should encourage fentanyl use TBHFAM. That shit is making our homeless population drop off like flies.
Holy shit the day of the rake is overdue.
To solve both of those issues that the commie leaf fuck posted is to abolish those benefits in their entirety
Hahaha first Sup Forums post i read in a few days and it's this.
The disabled aren't unemployed.
Over time you catch out all the drug users and then you don't have to give them anything, thus reducing the amount you are paying out over time as all the drug test failures can't collect any more money.
Also it helps reduce organised crime in the area as gangs aren't going to fight over territory where there is only a few customers.
>Anybody for reducing welfare spending should encourage fentanyl use TBHFAM. That shit is making our homeless population drop off like flies.
Disgustingly inhuman.
Disregard for human life always taints leafposts. remember what Canadians used to be like
Honourable, Upright, Relentlessly moral people who value life highly and can always can be counted on to provide an example for us to follow.
Now look at you. pic related is the average leaf poster.
There are already charitable institutions in place to help those that are not fortunate. The only thing poor people are entitled to is food and shelter. So, soup kitchens and a tent on public land.
If you don't make poor choices in life, you can very easily save up at least 500K for retirement and live comfortably. And this is just on minimum wage. You probably don't even need 500K if you plan your housing correctly—tiny houses are a great option if you choose to buy a land plot.
Everyone is receiving assistance from the government in some form or another. You can't just randomly test people for suspected drug use when they're employed, and the same goes for the unemployed.
>Why should YOU have to get drug tested to get access to a safety net that YOU paid for? How is that not shitting on your 4th amendment rights?
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>It's worse than that, these programs generally find weed users when nobody actually gives a shit about weed because weed is by far the most likely drug you're going to get caught for on a drug test.
This is the real crux of the issue. Drug tests by far only test for weed, since alcohol leaves your system in 24 hours and other hard drugs take only a few days longer. Weed is fat soluble and stays for months on end, so even one binge or even only weekend smokers will get caught, whereas an extreme alcoholic has only to wait a day or two to be in the clear. It's fucking retarded.
it's not free money, working people are being forced to support your lazy arse, get a job and stop being a lazy nigger.
>You are technically receiving them from your past and future self. You paid in and will pay in again. The government just charges you a high fee to give the money to yourself
You are technically receiving them from your past and future self. You paid in and will pay in again. The government just charges you a high fee to give the money to yourself
Only counts if you have ever actually worked. Anyone that says they are a Neet or calls it free money has clearly never worked a day in their lives, and probably never will.
>Everyone is receiving assistance from the government in some form or another.
>every person; everybody
you have limited worldly experience, my friend.
It's a waste of money irrespective of moral basis
>free money
No on truly believes it is manna from heaven. That is just a term the lower classes use for their welfare.
Stop arguing semantics.
this is where i make 3 shill posts for based conservative Sowell's economic policies
lol I got kicked out from army because I smoked weed while visiting home. After a week they still found some traces from my piss.
Meanwhile this one almost full-blown junkie was shooting up amphetamine into his veins but didn't get any shit because amphetamines disappeared faster from his system. Well I can blame only myself for not choosing the drug of winners
required pol reading
If you want free money every month you need to be sober and looking for work so that someday soon you won't require free money every month. This will be the way of things.
It's the states duty.
If you smoke spice, you have stooped beyond niggerdom. It is the absolute lowest that you can go, and you deserve every type of brain cancer you get in your life.
wanna know the best way to discourage drug use? you wont get a job if you take drugs.
No I fucking want it done. I don't care if I'm only contributing $0.05 to your monthly gibs. If I have to subsidize a poor person I want them to be clean and out of trouble.
It seems like an unnecessary measure to go after those receiving unemployment. Unemployment is designed to be short term and generally requires you to show that you are actively seeking employment. Many people on it are forced to simply because they were laid off. They really need to do more about those using welfare.
I feel like 80% of the people posting ITT don't know the difference between unemployment and welfare.
Unemployment = support pay while between jobs (usually white middle class)
Welfare = lazy, uneducated leeches who don't want to find a job (usually poor niggers)