Do you have any rational reason for Japan does not accept 200.000 immgirants per year?
I can refute your argument.
Do you have any rational reason for Japan does not accept 200.000 immgirants per year?
I can refute your argument.
Other urls found in this thread:
daily muh japan refugee thread
You can go fuck yourself you traitorous piece of trash
Ken-sama when is it time for class?
Because Japan wants to remain a homogenous country without terrorism and sharia police.
rly glad we bombed you guys
There will be at least 200 000 more refugees per year there if they do. Why would one want it?
Go to bed Chon you zainichi shit.
Just stop.
our country experience things worse than terrorism and sharia due to lack of economic growth.
2/27 rape
14,814/200,000 rape
accepting immigration will increase crime,poverty , shit up the economy and create segregated migrant communities which will fracture the japanese society .
sample is below 30. therefore we can not say it is like nominal distribution.
Lol they alreadg take 200k english teachers every year what more do you want?!
>Do you have any rational reason for Japan does not accept 200.000 immgirants per year?
because you keep spamming these fucking threads every single day.
A country that is shocked by people breaking the cultural taboo of talking out loud on the train is going to accept a bunch of refugees who are accustomed to blasting their prayers from loudspeakers three times a day?
Good luck with that.
Seriously in Okinawa they're pissed off simply by having American soldiers from the naval base influencing the local culture. You think they can handle rapefugees who demand the local culture change?
They don't want to and they don't have to.
Because the Japanese people do not want 200k immigrants
You're either an English teacher or someone stationed in Japan, so fuck off.
Because they are inteligent people that can't be jewed.
so accepting immigrants will solve your problem.
such intolerance should be changed. like it or not, this is adoption process.
This is global age and "local rule" should be abandoned.
>taking professional teachers is the same as taking professional rapists.
just stop shlomo, the well being of japan is crucial to israel .
everyone do not want to pay tax. but It is needed.
immigrants are same thing
No country has an obligation to accept refugees they don't want.
If the population of a country would rather have no taxes and therefore no public services then they should get their wish.
Will you take white sex refugees? White women won't give up their pussy to me, I think I have a better shot with slit eyes.
Based Yuri cites Japan's immigration policy as the very reason why it remained strong and successful.
Always listen to Based Yuri.
and we will avoid such things because our constitution say "government is expected to increase public interest."
Therefore, our government have judical right to judge immigrants are needed or not.
Its not your responsibility to?
Why SHOULD you accept refugees?
Inb4 muh feels muh human race
Because They can make my country stronger.
It is profitable for us and them.
Why not accept them?
Cool, and what has Japan's government decided?
not yet.
But PM abe got suggestion from IMF that Japan need at least 200,000 immigrants per year.
Also, our union of companies demand government to open border.
I am pretty sure that it is near future.
In fact, we decided to accept only 300 refugee.
It was like a test. and the result was good for pro-immigration.
People accepted this political decision.
>Do you have any rational reason for Japan does not accept 200.000 immgirants per year?
Because muslim nations aren't accepting Japanese immigrants.
And which countries are you using as proof of these claims? No country in the last 60 years has been improved by accepting immigrants. America, Germany, Sweden, France, UK, are all in shambles largely due to immigration and related policies. What makes you think Japan will be any different?
user please please actually meet a muzzie before saying this seeing a mosque in Japan would be the saddest thing for me
not this fucking thread again
Japan doesn't have the money to do it. Japan is on the brink on fiscal collapse with their accrued debt
end of fucking story
even if they wanted to (they don't, lol) they can't
i know pakistanni students they are nice
Okay let's say the sample size is upped to 30 then, and the last 3 are guaranteed law-abiding foreign residents
It's still 2/30. Are you retarded?
Why the fuck am I replying to this shitty bait post
>even if they wanted to (they don't, lol) they can't
Gov't sold land lot very cheaply to school operator linked to PM Abe's wife
Sigh don't let them near your women, or provide them explosives
Stay safe user
OP you dense sack of shit, your country is one of the last few bastions of the western idea of "no fuck you join our culture or get the hell out of here" that the west needs to look at and promote and yet you want more heathens in your walls? if you want change go to the countries you want so desperately to come into yours and see how they are in their natural habitat and think hard about if you want that to shit up your streets and your culture down the line. fucking people like this are the first to get killed for being a traitor to their country.
>our country experience things worse than terrorism and sharia due to lack of economic growth.
You seriously have never had experience with terrorism and sharia if you think it's worse then economic stagnation or decline.
What we saw in 2015 in our souther border with Serbia was MORE than enough taste of muslim invasion for us not to want ANY muslims.
Think of this pic before you go waving 'refugees welcome' signs!
fuck off ching chong wang
>An economic downturn is worse than bombs, rape and systematic tyranny.
Shitty bait, sage and move on.
Dirty fucking liberal you people are a cancer to societies DONT RUIN NIPLAND WHERE ELSE WILL I GET MY ANIME TIDDIES?!?!?!
Because they aren't stupid. (yet)
In case this isn't obvious, this is a bait thread. Report and move on.
I have no argument
Please let me immigrate to your country, I wish to take advantage of the fact that your women are retards who hate your men and are fascinated with foreigner cock
Ooga booga
Don't worry Yoshi. Your nation will never receive any refugees.
You are one of the chosen nations which will stay racially pure for (((some reason)))
The population is already way too congested for it to bring in any immigrants.
>You are one of the chosen nations which will stay racially pure for (((some reason)))
Fuck off English teacher
It's very uncommon to clme across a Japanese Person who isn't right wing.
That's why it's so disgusting to see you wish for the slow death of your Country.
Just to spite the one guy who posts this thread on Sup Forums every day. If they took immigrants his career would be over.
They specifically do not want terrorism and Sharia, so the choice is obvious. It's not a matter of better or worse, it's taste.
Can't keep blaming the Jews forever whitey
Why not Brazil?
its because they are racist. polite racists
Lol im sure that reason has nothing to do with birth defects via high doses of radiation. Japan is on its way to nuketown reality.
because your country is shit at living
>Posts the same dumb thread advocating ethno-masochism
>get's BTFO out literally every day
>He's also an ordinary masochist in addition.
Rly makes u think