Is liking redpilled traps gay, /pol?
Is liking redpilled traps gay, /pol?
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it depends if the penis is feminine or not
Do fags like tits?
Yes, because traps are dudes and you are a dude too.
Candy coat it how you want, it's a cross dresser. A man pretending to be a woman.
You're a faggot if you like men.
Faggots go skydiving off rooftops.
>tfw he never made any stewing and brewing videos
Go with him or chop your cock off
So OP aint a fag either then
What did you mean by this
fapping to a trap could even be gayer than being a trap.
some traps are only traps to cuck other men while the trap has sex with women instead.
not many, but some
Depends on whether or not do you think that gays can be productive members of society.
Hi putin ya fucken pedo
liking any traps is gay, which is fine, but don't hate gay people while you're in the closet yourself.
Liking their political ideas about Trump? Not gay. Wanting to have sex with a man who is trying to look like a woman? Super gay.
Sauce? For research purposes only
Is watching a trap porn where he is having sex with an actual female gay?
I think you need a time out leafbro
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stop posting this fucking disgusting creature
Sick pederast pervert
Yes, liking traps at all, is gay.
And I'd argue that a trap could never truly be red-pilled, by the fact that their fucked up mental illnesses give them delusions that they can change gender through disfigurement.
Traps aren't gay lol
It's too late! He is achieving his final form!
It has got to be less gay than straight porn, surely.
You sound resentful that she's in a diaper and you are not
i remember this fag filling diapers or some shit for some livestream. Everytime i see this picture it reminds me of it, im ashamed to be in the same race as this 'person'
Lol. How the trap wouldnt be a hot dog down a hallway i have no clue but youre right and i prefer twinks for these reasons and many more
what i meant
>its not gay if your balls aren't touching
It doesn't feel right to call myself a faggot for liking traps though.
It's like I'm not a real gay or something.
true, I hear the guy in ops pic has never even fucked a proper dude, just girls and other traps.
it can't be gay if you are a guy watching it. its kinda gay if you are a girl
but what if you are a trap? hmm
So a trap watching trap porn is not gay?
Liking ANY trap is gay
Now fuck off and go find the vice president so that he may zap the faggot out of you
That's gay bro.
If you fuck it you are gay.
If you let it Fuck you, you are gay.
If you suck it's dick, you are gay.
If it sucks your dick and you never touch it emotionally or care for it, maybe not gay. (If you suck it's nipples gay bro.)
Don't EVER fuck traps.
Trust me.
I went clubbing last year and met a 10/10 looking feminine trap. If I wasn't a trap expert by then I would never assume it's a guy. But the over-acting gave her away.
We ended up in my appartment. She was very feminine, even her feet were sexy and feminine. She was shy and beautiful in face.
The turn-off of the century: her ass smelled like a locker room after 50 faggots had a gangbang fest for a month.
The smell is what gaves them away. The manly, disgusting odor. Put a finger in your ass, smell it, and you will have an idea how their asses smell. Just like yours. Because they are MEN.
i think that's the singularity
>tfw you will never divide by zero again
Its really just a technicality, you could fuck super manly ftm and you would still be technically straight.
Anyway liking trap porn doesn't mean you like real life men, which is all that matters.
>smell of ass
That's because the goy doesnt take care of ass.
Well I'm gay and don't like traps so?
All emes aside, yes. If you're a guy who's into guys you're gay, simple as that. Religion, political beliefs, personal philosophy doesn't matter. Homosexuality is sexual attraction to its own sex, no conditionals required.
Sorry for spoiling the fun with obvious shit but we have avalanche of newfags who may take some crap seriously before lurking a bit longer.
you are a straight 100% certified alpha male
>traps are a meme
>hasn't joined the illuminati
>Put a finger in your ass, smell it, and you will have an idea how their asses smell. Just like yours. Because they are MEN.
Are you telling me girls ass smell different?
This. Also ive never smelled anything wrong on men
Ok so is it gay if you watch trap on trap porn?
Its important imam I need to make sure its haram before Friday prayers.
What did you expect faggot? Even if he cleaned his ass out fresh, clubbing all night isn't going to stay that way, fuck it but expecting it to smell like roses is retarded
Cause you fags like it.
yes. Dont be a fucking degenerate. If you like men then just accept it, dont bs around with the "Are traps men or women" crap.
Absolutely not. Dating traps is the final redpill.
I thought that the final pill was the bogpill
If it's pretty and wears a dress that's good enough for me
Traps aren't gay if they are only attracted to and have sex with biological females. In that case they are just heterosexual men with a mental disorder.
learn to think for yourself.
>Is liking redpilled traps gay, /pol?
You are attracted to something that has a dick, and you are attracted to it because it has a dick.
Yes, you are gay
Yes, it is. Disgusting freaks. I hope you're all killed off.
What i dont understand is how men are supposed to be confident and not feminists if they dont like their own though. So why does it extend to everybody else's too?
>hasn't seen the bogs in trap form
Bogpill is a meme like "flat earth". Although there will always be more redpills
No. Transexual porn targets male population.
Homosexuality is being attracted to manly characteristics e.g. hair, beard, strong jawline, muscles.
Most men are obsessed with their penises from childhood. The fact that a woman with a beautiful figure, feminine characteristics has a penis is actually quite straight.
I know it sounds weird but psychology bro.
Most people here that are into traps don't like normal guys, just women and traps. also most people are into 10% of traps that actually look good.
Yes. Traps are mentally ill men and men liking other men is extremely gay
Liking traps doesn't make you gay.
>Dating mentally ill men is the final redpill
KYS you degenerate faggot
That's not a man nor woman
It's a roach
Yes it does
Traps=mentally ill men
Liking traps=liking mentally ill men
Liking mentally ill men=gay
it looks like that kid i used to know in school
Yes, inshalla. These degenerate kuffar will fall from the tallest building, allahu akbar.
>If you arent attracted to traps, youre a muslim!
I don't like them either, but user here is being a pretty good muslim for specifically throwing faggots off of rooftops
Is liking redpilled traps gay, /pol?
It's is not even a pill.
All healthy men feel attraction towards feminine attributes.
What is degenerate is to pursue such aspirations.
Kys youreselves
tfw basically a redpilled trap who's trying to figure out how to detransition
That is a man with long hair
Look people, liking traps is million times more red pilled than being a pleb that goes for the pussy meme.
Women fuck up everything, pushing feminism and multiculturalism, why the hell would you want to deal with that shit?
Feminism thread appears and people figure out what a load of shit dealing with women is but somehow they never make the final leap of logic.
Traps are the ultimate red pill, a cutie with having women around fagging things up.
Is this the Cascadia flag in the back?
I always wanted to go live in Washington state
>embrace extinction
nothing wrong with traps (other than what is obvious), but women are necessary and wonderful. they just need to harmonize
>tfw white nationalist
>tfw can only cum to tiny-dicked white sissies getting pounded by the BBC
Nice try, Ahmed, but you will fool noone. Liking traps is straight and a true western value
Id never ever pursue someone who I know it's a trap, but... if after getting a girl to my/her room and strip her naked and then finding it's actually has a penis, I'd still fuck it.
but you're attracted to their feminity ence you arent gay. you like feminity, you like women or anything that looks like it. it doesnt matter if it has a penis or not as long as it looks cute.
So are gay men.
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