if so, is it just so you can have sex with them?
Do you want more women in the workplace with the same job as you?
The last thing you want to do is fuck the women you work with.
Low T beta yank confirmed
>I'm female mcsmile I work on the maintenance of these windmills
>Oh cool, it's nice to see a strong woman climbing and fix-
>My gosh climbing these tall things are you mad, our male workers do that, I only oversee the procedure.
>I-I see...
>Man don't you think it's unfair I get paid less than those men, I mean we're doing the same job why should they be paid more ? That's so sexist !
I'm a software engineer. I thought it would be nice until I actually had the pleasure to work in a group made mostly of women. Useless fucking idiots, each and everyone. I should've learned that in the military, but I like to be positive.
Lord no, there's more than enough as is.
no, yes
same job here, mind sharing some stories?
from past experiences, you do not want to do that no matter how qt she may be
there are tons of girls outside available