people actually exist who don't get this cartoon

> people actually exist who don't get this cartoon

Explain it to us wise one.

>reading makes her breast smaller

Wtf I hate books now.

we have to keep them away from books
>Big titty nation

It is a cartoon, therefore a lie.

really makes my cogs move

Yes this cartoon expressly judges women for their looks and seeks to shame those who dress differently than the artist as trashy and unintelligent.

Fuck books.

>reading books makes her figure shrink
Fuck never let a woman see a book again. Also is this implying only "normal" looking girls go to college? Ive seen plenty of artificial blonde hair bimbos at mine.


This is flipped.

Nice meme

>women who want to catch a man and have babies are evil
>women who want to dedicate their lives to enrichening their employer until her ovaries dry up are good

Yep smells pretty Jewy to me


So intelligence is corelated with whiter skin color?
Really cooks my emu burger

>be an ideal mother and housewife
>education turns you into a feminist cunt

BODY and SLUT shaming? Wew

what does it all mean?

>reading makes people less materialistic
not always

She appears to be a whore until she picks up the book and reads it, then she's just a whore still in private but wants to be called equal and not a slut but also not to slut shame because it would offend her previous lifestyle

Wat dis mean, bruh?

The Inquisition did nothing wrong

It's another occurrence of Superficiality=/=Intelligence dualism.

>Reading makes you white

Reading books causes your hair to change color and smaller tits? wtf! I hate books now!

>red book
Is that.../ourgirl/?

Isn't that what happened to the sleepy doctor. Forced to read from age of 4.

Knowledge makes you white?

From left to right

>ultra slut
>mega slut
>willingly slut
>experimental slut

Huh. Never thought of it like that.

Wtf I'm a racist now

Don't educate women.

Got it.

Black blondes don't read.

from shit to another one

>Reading makes you white
This is racist! We need to ban all books.

That actually makes a lot of sense, it's like a projection of their bad boy fetish that at least a third of them have. It's kind of sad low empathy people project their own desires, that's not how men work anymore than believing a pretty face in a man can make up for smelling like cheese.

The female beta exists.

Social Chameleons, duh
also it's probably porn by someone's standards. Fetishes that weren't inherently sexual got a lot of time to thrive and this is one of the results

Notice how when she's brown she doesn't know what a book is, but as soon as she turns white she is confidently carrying it. Clearly they are saying people who aren't white are dumb.

Do you really think the tumblr dyke in sweatpants is any smarter than the bimbo?

Reading makes you wear Yoga Pants?

White Males need to stop worshiping sluts.
Sluts are bunch of degenerate bitches who fuck out with everyone.

What a fucking faggot that first person is. They know what it fucking means they just want their pseudo intellect validated by their faggot peers

thats a little more accurate.

And at the same time not worship SJW MUH patriarchy iz ebilll and become a mega beta faggot

Is this a joke?
Do people actually don't understand what's going on in the comic?

>People getting this buttmad at a bimbofication porn.

Doesn't that nigga draws even men turning into tanned blonde bimbos?

>reading turns you into an SJW
really made me think

It also makes your boobs shrink.

>education makes blue eyes turn brown
really... gondoffled... my... harpsichord...

Much better

*tips photomanipulation program.

>Massive superslut turns into degenerate hipster leftist by reading communist propaganda.
Yeah, I get it.

fucking kek

oh my... details plz?

Still wearing tight pants at the end. Woman cannot escape the vanity which is built within them.

This desu. It's a disgusting misogynistic cartoon that glorifies western beauty standards and objectifies women.

Not to mention the startling lack of diversity and the in-your-face fat shaming.

The author of this cartoon needs to recognize that not all women look that way and they need to step back and let POCs use their voice .

>tfw bimbo can read


Post em.

Literal Sharia law propaganda

Not surprising to come from bongland

What's there to get, bimbofication threads are very common on /aco/ (don't ask me how I know) and this is just a reverse version. It's porn, masturbation material, nothing more.
Next panel the book turns into a starbucks cup


>it's a bimboification comic in reverse

tay was a nigger-hybrid

wait. being educated makes you whiter? blacks are uneducated?

bimbo =/= woman who wants to have babies
nerdchick =/= woman who dedicates herself to work

You're reaching a bit too far for it to not look silly, user.

Move the hipster next to the slut, then rotate one of the book readers so they're facing each other

So... if you start reading books your hair will go black and your tits smallers?

Ok, here is my theory:

Jenna Jameson started to read till she become Sasha Grey.

Blondes are whores - brunettes are smart?

No free market for women = Ugly women

No matter what they do, a rich man will buy them and they can't get divorced. He cant even see their face, let alone their ugly bodies

So they're calling blonde women stupid?


girl on the far-right a shit

Middle girl is best

Except all those "educated" women walk around like retarded sluts. And their education is mostly worthless too.

She obviously gave the book back to the owner, since that is not the same person in the picture.
Did I get it right?

>read books
>boobs shrink ad become ugly

also, comic is bullshit either way.

bimbofication is a fetish thing but not de-bimbofication. that's the weird thing about it.

on top of that, looks are deceiving. the biggest bimbo bitch you know might actually be pretty educated and smart. you just never know.

Literally the book she is picking up is the Qur'an

Think about it

The smarter the woman, the less of a slut she is.


I don't get it

So let get this straight
If a woman finds a book she becomes a book nerd, stops dressing like a slut and evolves.

Has this illustrator ever been to college? It's completely the opposite. If anything it would be the blonde slut as the last portion of evolution reading the book upside down and on her way to an abortion clinic.

Where in la la land does education make one not crave sex?

BMI should be standardized with an 1/h3 Faktor its way more accurate

the enhanced version

> read books
> become ugly


Sortimid being based as usual.

>Move the hipster next to the slut, then rotate one of the book readers so they're facing each other

not sure why, but OKAY!

As someone who has a tg/tf fetish, this is a real popular fetish. In fact, go on /d/, there is inanimate, tg, and 2 tf threads up now. Go on /trash/ and there's usually a tf thread or two up. /aco/ used to house us but abandoned us. /mlp/ has ptfg which is sometimes entertaining.

There's some potential for a loss edit here




I get that reading made her dress more modestly, but why did she shrink? She got shorter, her hips are more narrow, her breasts are smaller...

Since the runes do not reveal themselves to any but those who prove themselves worthy of such fearful insights and abilities, Odin hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil, pierced himself with his spear.

top kek

what the fuck


Is the book Mein Kampf?

Needs an edit with antifa, hijab and full burka.

Unless the book is supposed to be muh Holy Bible (why not make it clearer, then?), I don't really get it. Plenty of sluts like Harry Potter.