Swedish court sentences man to life in prison for war crimes in Syria. An important question for the investigation to answer was whether there were legal courts at this particular time and area, that could have passed legal death sentences. According to the prosecutor the conclusion was that it can't have been a legal execution.
Swedish court sentences man to life in prison for war crimes in Syria
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SOURCE, that just doesnt sound like Sweden...
bump and (YOU)
So basically he's sent to jail not for being a terrorist, but for impersonating their "justice system" scam.
Not surprised. Sweden is still cucked to the max.
are you new here?
He was sentenced for crimes against humanity you filthy Algerian ape.
what the fuck am i reading?
in court for being a terrorist in syria
jailed for executing people when being a terrorist
the fuq
a (YOU) means like well done, kudos, good comment, etc.
This is what happens to you in Sweden when you kill mudslimes.
Executing whom? Rebels? Or its he a rebel?
there is a difference if you're a murderer or if you're a murderer
tnx, i never knew that
I forgive you for not being able to read and understand, it must be hard to learn new languages for a somalian. Let me help you:
>An important question for the investigation to answer was whether there were legal courts at this particular time and area, that could have passed legal death sentences.
What the court was pissed about was that he tried to usurp (((their))) monopoly on justice.
Had he killed people randomly, they'd be fine with it. You should know, your country is filled with people who did so.
Which side was he fighting on, Assad or ISIS
>Den 46-årige mannen har stått åtalad för att tillsammans med andra personer ha skjutit ihjäl sju regeringssoldater i provinsen Idlib i Syrien 2012.
>the 46 year old man was prosecuted for having together with several other people shot 7 Government soldiers to death in the province of Idlib in Syria 2012
Part of the then FSA, executed 7 captured Government soldiers with an AK.
I miss the death penalty, what's the use for a jihadist being kept alive at the expense of börk börk
We strip them of their citizenship and then bomb them with drones. Easier than dealing with trials.
What happened to the "FSA are the good guys" meme? He killed muslims and was sentenced because of this. Your Islamic hellhole does not tolerate it.
The media is pretty hush about Syria now ever since the Government won in Aleppo. They were throwing shit fits as the battle was nearing its end and screamed "HUMANITARIAN CRISIS WE MUST HAVE A CEASEFIRE THINK OF THE CHILDREN OH THE STARVATION AND BARREL BOMBS REEEE" but then they went silent. The media doesn't even use the word "FSA" anymore since it no longer exists, and just use "rebels". They know they've lost Syria, and public opinion starts to turn (albeit slowly) as people start to realise that it's basically just Government & Kurds vs. ragtag jihadist militiant groups.
As for the "islamic hellhole does not tolerate it", I'm sure that there are many muslims and a few socialists who are autistically screaming right now but there is little they can do, thankfully.
But what about your commie mudslime government? Did some user sent a card to them with the fat red cross over Stockholm labeled "Nuke goes here"?