Blackpill and Islam

Fuck at this point I'm considering going full blackpill if Trump doesn't get a second term and converting to Islam then rushing to bring the Islamization of the west.

Think about it pol. Wouldn't be karmic justice for all these awful western feminists and liberals to be chained up in burkas? Have Hillary Clinton confined to the inside of her house while Bill celebrates his harem. Have Merkel forced to wear a hiqab and disappear from the public sphere. The loudest and most annoying feminists getting acid splashed as mob violence chases the Jew out of the USA.

I dunno that's starting to sound pretty sweet to me right now.

I'd never give up the land in which my ancestors lay to the dregs of the middle east and their shitty backwards religion.

Woah slow down there nipponbro I was talking about real countries. You don't have any of these problems.

>doesn't even use extra flags


So you are a coward is what you meant by that post.

swedish goverment wanted to try islam and islamic church made them wear ugly robes and sit in the corner while men do stuff

and you dont even think twice because it wasnt some hated majority race doing that

rapes, racism, sexim, violence and murder dont exist if a minority race does it, that´s what SJWs are teaching. Fucking wake up

The only objections I have to Islam are it being anti-space colonization/science, anti-free speech, anti-drug legalization, and they chop off the tips of their dicks. I am A-ok with chaining up feminists and liberals in burkas, after all, that's what they voted for.

Depends if we even have a slight chance like currently i will never join islam but BUT if it ends up being absolutely hopeless i would join islam simply for the purpose of getting revenge on the useful idiots.

Taking a minute good thing in exchange for the end of human progress and universal slavery and punishment. Doesn't seem like a good trade.

Plus what about anime


Islam is pretty nice.

reminder that if a muslim is about to kill you, convert.

he's bound by the quran to accept your conversion and you as a brother, all your past sins are forgotten.

he feels like he's won and you don't get executed and might be able to escape later.



Not if you believe these things are an inevitability. Not ready to give up yet but things just look pretty bad this morning famalam

> famalam
Islam drone

Islam isnt actually about beating/hijabing women tho, that's just the backward culture from which the rapefugees hail. In the end, it's basically just large scale organized crime. You might as well start your own gang.

When government goes Islam it becomes nationwide organized crime. Democracy no longer applies. This is what happened to US and EU (especially Germany and Sweden). I wish you manage to uproot it there.

EU is a lost cause and will go into civil war mode.

Someone post that ex-Muslim guy talking about what it's like being in a %100 Muslim country. Mentions it being brother vs brother

I have one quote, was this the same guy?