What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
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there's nothing wrong
It lost. Even the edgy kids of today are civic nationalists.
It doesn't work. White people have been killing White people for thousands of years. The same with Asians, and Blacks, and even the Native Americans.
Humans value having shared culture and values over ethnicity. The EU was a great way for whites to unite, until we ruined it.
Not a lot. Needs to be a tad more racist.
I just think that if a person behaves as a wild animal, it should be deported back to its natural habitat. It's the humane thing to do.
alexander was macedonian so i totally understand why hairy greeks are against ethnic nationalism.
it's ok bro you don't have to kys, just take it easy.
>It doesn't work
t. eternal anglo
>if a person behaves as a wild animal
that's relative to a culture, no?
Nothing, it's the only valid option in fact.
But as we now know for hwndu Sup Forums is full of shitskins so ofc they shill for civic nationalism.
It's another shitty ideology
they key criticism is that you only need a certain immutable trait to be part of it. it doesnt need any effort on your part. but what is the alternative?
What makes you think we can't preserve our own race?
The actual truth? In leftist thought the idea is that by destroying or blending nation States you will eliminate the need for war. It's a common theme, antipatriotism. If you don't care about your country you won't fight for it, if every nation is like this there will be no war.
Google "positivism"
It's not realistic
Nothing wrong with it, it's just not enough
Redundancy. Nations have an ethnic basis. Ethnic nationalism is like calling someone a stupid idiot. Which you are.
t. pajeet
>helo yse pleez wait i return call yes
I think this too.
Civic nationalism is the only way nowadays.
White people may cease to exist in the future, but honestly, why do we care?
Why do we care if respectable non-whites (Black, not niggers, Asians, etc.) learn our Western values and continue them?
Why should we care if they're white as long as they learn our values?
>alexander was macedonian so i totally understand why hairy greeks are against ethnic nationalism. it's ok bro you don't have to kys, just take it easy.
Oh no, the angry boy is back at the keyboard.
>respectable non-whites learn our Western values
t. Faruk Muhammed Akbar
>White people may cease to exist in the future, but honestly, why do we care?
Fucking kill yourself.
you mean today, right here and now? its not practical
civic nationalism only works so long until it doesn't
however, ethnic nationalism =/= "racial" nationalism
the rest of the world tries to kill you when you try it
Not an argument
Why do you care?
Why does it matter if Europe is white or brown if the same values that we currently have are still alive?
It is pointless to worry about something as unimportant as skin colour or genetics in general.
It's racist senpai
Why do we care if the polar bears go extinct? There are plenty of other bears.
no one can deny their carnal, primal desires to care about their ethnicity over their nation.
if World War 2 happened in 2017, do you think the African Americans or the Latinos would fight to save France from Hitler?
hell no, they would hope that European whiteys would destroy each other.
Every other race / religion and culture is ethnic nationalist. It is the very basis of tribalism.
It is only Caucasian culture that has been turned on itself, resulting largely in the degeneracy we see today.
When a significant proportion of your population are not native, it puts you in a sticky situation with hard and likely unpopular choices to be made.
nationalism = violence
it creates a distance between your minor group of people and rest of the humanity, which will certainly lead to conflict at some point
civic nationalism attempts to gather larger groups of people under one tent, but it still creates divisions between those who don't agree with their vision of society
The fact that it's suppressed so hard Tells you just How Good It Is For Everyone.
Why do you care about western culture post WW2? I hope it dies and we whites learn how to dominate subhumans again.
Not for you since your flag is indian.
I meant all the immigrants living in western countries.
How could I not care, all of my ancestors came from Europe and Europe is where western civilization was born, bringing with it everything that I love.
Only whites share the vision of western civilization as it should be, no other people sees it like we do. Pajeet, Muhammad and Mr.Ching sure as hell won't preserve it if they ever become a majority.
Multiculturalism doesn't work, it slowly kills one culture in favor of the other - if Europe is no longer inhabited by europeans, it's no longer Europe.
Now go fucking kill youself, neo-german eunuch.
well, for once jews can't claim top positions of power in such disgusting uncivilized and oppressive system
also no one would welcome the refugees
but tribes didn't function at the race level... they functioned on a much much smaller scale.
Everyone's gotten so used to each other that we've all got SOMEONE who's non-white that we'd miss. Well, maybe not on Sup Forums, but Sup Forums isn't even the majority of the alt-right.
>What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
Ethnicity doesn't fall along national lines for starters.
Secondly most "ethnic nationalists" are "white nationalists" - but 'white' isn't really a fixed concept, nor a useful one. French people are nothing like Americans are nothing like the traditions of the polish, are nothing like the traditions of white australians, are nothing like the traditions of norweigians....
But a stupid fucking "white nationalist" will accept them all as if they're part of his nation... fucking idiots.
Oh yeah; and white people can be dicks. Particularly Germans, fuckwit.
I piss on your ideological ideals. They're stupid.
The same dynamic still applies.
For example, American blacks came from many different ones back home, but today all recognise "us" and "them".
This. Ethnic nationalism prevents effective expansion or trade. There's no legitimate reason for preventing immigrants from achieving citizenship, all it brings is benefits as long as you hold them to the same cultural and legal standards as the native population.
Nothing as long as you're not white.
Our current values will not exist as our culture will die. Do Buddhist values still exist in Afghanistan? No, Islamic values exist as they will in your country.
That was in no way my point.
I was meaning that morally at least, it's far easier to justify not letting them in in the first place than it is to turf them out of their current homes - or go to even further extremes.
>Ethnic nationalism prevents effective expansion or trade.
Wrong. There is nothing stopping you from buying and selling shit just because you won't take in people to live in your country.
Every race has a different character. Whites built the modern world for a reason.
Mexico is shit because of browns. Africa is shit because of blacks and the middle east is shit because of sand dwellers.
When you take these people elsewhere, they make it shit.
lol moose cunt went fucking flying
>tfw Polish ethnic nationalist
Fuck off, close the market, close the borders.
It's raycis and you're literally hitler for not wanting to prep Jamal and Achmed for your wife and wifes son
>all it brings is benefits as long as you hold them to the same cultural and legal standards as the native population.
theory has yet to meet reality I see
Eu was doomed to failure at its conception
>Why does it matter if Europe is white or brown if the same values that we currently have are still alive?
They won't stay alive if Europe is mostly populated by mudshits you fucking imbecile.
Ethnic nationalism is the only ideology that will save the western world and the the white race. Cultures are nothing more than an expression of a race. There will never be a western world born from blacks, mexicans, indians, etc...
The only people against ethnic nationalism are minorities in countries that know they will be btfo by the majority race in the country or people that committed miscegenation. Basically cucks and people that shouldn't be there in the first place.
>What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
It's not realistic.
Stormfront in 20 years has done absolutely nothing to stop the flow of immigration, cultural marxism, white male shaming, feminism etc.
Civic nationalists with their reddit gamergate shit and their e-celebs like Alex Jones, PJW, Molyneux, Lauren Southern, Milo, etc. in 1 year have made feminism hate mainstream, making fun of multiple genders mainstream, have made social justice warrior hate mainstream, exposed islam, have converted shit tons of liberals, and have got a civic nationalist president elected.
>Cultures are nothing more than an expression of a race
I tried to make the case for this to a friend. didnt work. there is literally no evidence for this.
Ethnic for a start is a poorly constructed Jewish ideology, you either mean race or culture. Not a bastardisation of the two.
recommend me some good anime, i just watched some with cute girls dying all the time, i could not handle it.
Identity politics is marxist politics.
Marxists only belong on the end of the rope.
What was it you were watching user?
I think he watched Gakkou Gurashi
That's because culture is a product of society. A society has a culture and has nothing to do with race.
so various circumstances imprint on the dna. that just means that a nignog can from africa to sweden and be a swede in a few generations.
>Identity politics is marxist politics.
I agree but whites should still make up around 90% of people in white countries.
there was Stasi, eastern germany and alliens. my taste is of a pleb desu i started watching recently.
but a society is made up by individuals and culture the product of said society. agreed?
and individuals differ between races. agreed?
so culture must differ because of differences in dna.
People think it's sick to preserve your people and culture. Ignore these cunts and kick minorities out of your countries Sup Forums bros, do not let your country become like my country.
Great show, a lot better than Total Eclipse at least. Read the VN, it's amazing.
Show me one race other than white's that's culture even slightly resembles western civilization. Is there another culture that you as a white man would rather live in than western culture? Are you really too dumb and honestly think the Africans will come around on their own and adapt western principles. Seriously do you think? The evidence is quite literally all of human history and the entire current world around you.
one thing was rly ilogical tho, why in the fuck would you throw a weapon instead of killing that cunt in the end. thats what killed big boobed qt.
Exactly? I don't care for polar bears. I care for humans.
You should go to Africa and teach them about your western principles...I hope they splash acid in your face.
and how much has race to do with it?
That wouldn't happen unless you go to the muslim parts like Somalia.
Half true, nigger culture in America is completely different to nigger culture in Africa, just as Texan culture is different to New Yorker culture. Race plays a role as to which culture your going to identify with as much as geographic location. So it boils down to society, individuals create culture based on the societies they're in and in turn society provides a platform for created culture to either thrive or die.
Kek, i like you. You're right though
Fascism is engaged in racial preservation tho.
1. viewing other races as infererior to ones own race is the definition of racism. This is viewed negatively because it goes against the morality preached by western religions (i.e. treat others how you would want to be treated, turn the other cheek, wwjd, hangin with lepers and prostitutes, being charitable, etc.)
2. whites are not the ethnicity native to this nation, so it doesnt make sense for there to be white ethnic nationalism in a natively non-white nation.
3. having pride in something you havent accomplished is seen as sad or arrogant depending on who you ask. being born a certain race isnt an accomplishment of ones own, so to have pride in something one did not accomplish doesnt come across as appealing to others
I believe that human behavior is a large majority nature and a tiny minority, maybe 10 percent nurture. The way whites evolved has eventually made whites susceptible to wanting western principles. This is probably because of intelligence and how are brains are willing to delay immediate gratification for future gain due to the climate we evolved in. I think it has a lot to do with race. As I said culture is nothing more than what an expression of a race due to how they evolved separate from other races.
the fact that it makes the mutts on Sup Forums squirm means it's a good thing
>calling other people mutts
found one
Problem is everyone is mixed. Someone who thinks they are 100% German probably has French blood in them.
That's not how evolution works. You sound scientifically illiterate.
But still European. Admixture between europeans is not as bad as mixing races.
Yeah everyone is mixed but he is very easy to tell who is white and who is negroid or other...and these whites have a much different view on how they want to behave and live their lives so they should segregate together. People who don't think we should segregate don't have to be around niggers every day like I do. They are violent and dumb almost all of the time and I would do anything to live in an all white nation.
Maybe you disagree because you haven't experienced diversity like California has.
this triggers the mudskin
This is the best argument for anyone white that doesn't want ethnic nationalism. Intelligence determines so much of a person's behavior.
so can you show that race plays a role or is it just economic, sociological circumstances which form a society? there is now way you can pinpoint anything on race and thus its almost impossible to make a case for it.
that's all conjecture because it fits in our view of the world (how true or false it might be).
not an argument
And what's the point of preserving values?
How is it all conjecture? You are literally not making any sense and haven't pointed out what you think is just opinion. What do you want the citing of the studies? It is all accessible information.
A nig nog and his offspring will not become Swedes in a few generation just by living in Sweden. Organisms evolve through natural selection. Environmental factors select for desirable traits in a populations, allowing them to thrive, while weeding out members of the populace with less adaptable traits. Nogs living in Sweden will still be human beings acclimated to the Sub-Saharan African environment, not true Swedes. And as the link I provided shows, genetic traits go a long way in determining a populace's culture. Obviously allowing immigrants in controlled numbers isn't a problem, but mass immigration literally threatens to wipe out Swedish culture based upon what I've just said.
Why do civic nationalists don't support a world government?
Sometimes people like you try to molymeme to hard when things are self evident.
because people will soon start to fight on who is more white/black/asian then turn into chaos rather than united. You need an ideology - something independent from human's biology feature to bring people together.
they think of countries as sports teams