Berkeley Schoolteacher Yvette Falarca Openly Calls For Violence

>neo-nazi headhunter, yvette felarca, has been reinstated as chief cultural marxist propagandist at some mixed race children indoctrination facility
>yvette is a member of BAMN which stands for By Any Means Necessary
>BAMN is labeled as a terrorist group
>she is known for putting twp (traditional workers party) members in the grave during the sacramento race war
>here we see yvette killing a neo nazi with her bare hands
>here is her giving a statement after the war

>this year yvette masterminded the berkeley chimpout
>total victory for yvette
>tucker carlson, cuck boy as he is now known after yvette trashed him, had an interview with her
>some samurai wigger made a video about based yvette
>he's doing the "are you kidding me?" face every 5 seconds. he just can't aceept the fact that yvette is practically invincible
>someone made this. i dunno what this is but whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cry about helicopters please. Make more pence roll threads

Batshit crazy

Gooks rotelearn without questioning anything

This gook is just a vessel for the jewish propaganda she was exposed to in her sociology courses

Your link doesnt say they are muh terrorists. Says militant. Says might be. Says has been peaceful. Says low level, at the worst. According to a study and not a declaration of law

>expose the violence and intolerance of the left, especially in college campi

>make the left seems even more crazy in the eyes of the general public

>total victory for yvette


Beware of the mongrolized gooks, they are often communists.

Good lets kill her

Cunt's full crazy desu.

Who is this semen demon?

yvette is too hardcore for drumpfkins.
keep chewing on your maga hats, losers.

not a single amurcan responded.
i assume yvette took care of them and their nazi fantasies.

>openly calls for violence

Let's start with her

shouldn't you be standing in the street looking vacant while people blow horns

OP forgot to take his meds

Also sage

Carlson was extremely disappointing—in many of his recent interviews, looks like he's developing either dementia or a drug addiction.

He does next to no fact-based research before each show: He could easily have called her out on the lie about an an anti-fascist getting shot by a milo supporter. It was a non-political Asian man who had no idea what was going on who shot the agitated anti-fascist.

But also, he made no effort to undermine her points—he relied on the good sense of the audience by just throwing her softballs and letting her hit them where she wanted.

Why didn't he ask what we should do about communists? We can look all over the world to see where that leads. Why didn't he ask what we should do with anti-racist activists? We can look to Africa to see where that leads.

He shouldn't have relied on "muh first amendment".

We need better people in media.

I want to fuck her.

Or hell—don't even ask her. Just say, "Yes, I agree. That's why we need to violence against communists and anti-racism activists."

He also should have defended white people's right to promote their interest, but he's a cuck who would never go there.

>Openly Calls For Violence
till she get punched in the face.

Is she going to be doing any of the 'violence'? This tiny Asian girl?

Lmao, I find it so funny when people who have never been in a physical altercation in their entire lives say that violence is the answer. It's the same as fucking chicken hawk politicians chiming about going to war.

Is this the new bognadoff meme?

She's a fierce little firecracker. See the webm I saved from the last thread I want her to spit on me and call me a capitalist pig.

>those tiny babby punches

I wanna have her impotently pummel my chest in frustration as I enjoy the impromptu chest massage she would be giving me.

Potato pic very related.

Share Blue needs to stop posting these innappropriate pictures of underage children! Digusting!

she assaulted someone at a protest but it's ok because shes female, a person of colour and a liberal.

just fucking kill her

1 bullet

all you gun fags shooting paper targets in the woods now have a chance

I want to walk up to her wearing a MAGA hat and watch her jump to try snatch it off my head, only for her to give up and punch at my sides so I can feel her tiny fists.

And then when she's tired herself out, I'll scoop her up and princess carry her as she meekly protests, blushing and weakly calling be an idiot fascist pig as I carry her to my place!

Really? a Chinese? Are foreigners even allowed to intervene in US politics? Seems like the US is getting cucked from the outside.

We should do whatever we can to turn her into the face of the left.

I would've fucking decked her right there if she touched me. Self defense bitch

>And then when she's tired herself out, I'll scoop her up and princess carry her as she meekly protests, blushing and weakly calling be an idiot fascist pig as I carry her to my place!

honestly behavior like this is an indicator of sever daddy issues.

one punch could do it

But leaf, if you punch your enemies they win.
I'd be her daddy.

>I'd be her daddy.

you'd have to keep her in her place. Anything less than forcing yourself on her as she protests every night and literally chaining her in the kitchen will lead to her losing interest and dumping you.

I only have slight daddy issues, thank you very much.

Would she atleast try to poison my food or smother me in my sleep because if she's not pandering to my masochism there are other fish in the sea.

You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a woman who's the best, with guns, with knives, with her bare hands. A woman who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In California her job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Yvette is the best.

>I only have slight daddy issues, thank you very much.

Daughter I never did love you, thats why I never paid any attention to you.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here.

Slap this gook in the face.

>Would she atleast try to poison my food or smother me in my sleep because if she's not pandering to my masochism there are other fish in the sea.

she wouldn't as long as you hit and yell at her regularly. Just trow the bowl in her face randomly and tell her your gonna kill her cause you suspect she put something in it.

God I hope atleast half of what you said is true. Do you think if I keep lewding her on Sup Forums she could track me down?

Yeah total victory in the sense that I want to put this bitch in a stack of tires douse it with oil and torch the fucking thing

She could have killed 'em all, she could've killed you. On the internet you're the law, out here it's her. Don't push it! Don't push it or she'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go!

She's pretty hot. Would nut deep inside.

and you would have been arrested because permacucked normies think that you have no right to self defense if "there is no threat"

This lady's normal speaking voice has the timbre of a person who has just inhaled helium. She sounds like a fucking cartoon character.

>Don't push it or she'll give you a war you won't believe.
What if I do push it? Do you think she takes prisoners of war? Is she versed in torture?

She barely got away from us here in Sacramento. We will be waiting for her return. When she brings her bay area faggotry up here again, their will be blood.


five ten zero six four four six two eight zero is the number for MLK, Jr. Elementary

Pretend to be a normie if you call to complain.

err, middle school, sorry. the number is correct though.

9/10 champ

I remember that shitty google art

I'm talking about me, baka

The police wait so long to do anything, anarcho-tyranny at it's finest.

There is nothing wrong with killing nazis.

Just like the doctor said there's nothing wrong with your rectum, dork.

I would of upper cut this little smelly nippy BITCH

It sucks being 6'4 no one ever assaults me FUCK


She would've hit the ground like a sack of potatoes and immediately started blubbering and screeching "how dare you hit a woman!", but would probably beg you to fugg her later that night.

>Weak midget gook bitch who owns no weapons calls for violence.

And she works for an educational institution. Doesn't sound very smart

Didn't her group get owned by Heimbachs guys?

>I would of upper cut this little smelly nippy BITCH
you and what army?

special agent heimbach was coordinating his troops from his alabama bunker

>Implying you need a army for these type of weak people


Normalizing political violence will end up getting a bunch of communist and "anarchists" killed so I'm all for it.

this guy tried. he got a boot party instead.

And he still got up, these people are weak

I can't tell if she's Asian or a spic or mixed. Can anyone give me a quick rundown?

>he still got up
like a dirty bitch after getting abused
lol, i think he likes getting thrown on the pavement and kicked by yvette.

I know I would.


Well he didn't fight back so another man that loves to get beat up by women? Those people that like that are not men we call them vampirecucks

You're a nazi.
Now what?

>that part where she was punching him in the abdomen and he wasn't reacting

officer, officer, HELP MEEEEEEEREREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

To be fair it took 4 """"grown men"""" and a short stack to get him on the ground in the first place.

I dunno...

I think Tucker is starting to give them enough rope to hang themselves with.

Why argue and fight with her?

I saw the interview, and was honestly a little freaked out that people like her exist. Do you really not think the 4-5 million who watch the show (not including reposts, youtube etc) didn't get redpilled about the maniacs in their kids schools?

I work in a pretty conservative office, and everyone had seen the clip. It certainly made them all much more wary and combative about the left.

that's an excuse a porn slut would come up with

>was honestly a little freaked out that people like her exist
There's more where that came from friendo. Why do you think she's a school teacher?

Well, mr gypsy, notice all of these events similar to this happen in lefty hiveminds. Try to do this in a red state like Kentucky, Tennessee and the result would be a gun being pulled out and at least one dead liberal before the cops tackle you.

Then in court all you have to say is "I feared for my safety" and self defense laws help you get off Scott free.

Ugh kill it with fire. Flips are the fucking worst Asian group in America next to Indians and viets

>instructed me to change my name to "(((Chase Stern)))"

Both parties suck.

The commies are weak as fuck, needing so many people to get one guy on the ground, and even needed to sneak up on him to do it successfully.

The guy has no situational awareness, since he should have had his back to the officers to prevent a shit sneak attack and would never have been put on the ground by the weak commies.

>a red state like Kentucky, Tennessee
me so scared

When you've someone that batshit on your show, the best and most effective course of action is to let them speak. Tuck knows what's up.

Yeah they are. That's why it never happens in conservative states.

Whose computer did you steal so you could shitpost, gypsy?

Made my day, thanks!

Someone dox her then tweet a google street image of her house to her, first clean it up to look like it was a cellphone pic

Tucker is single handedly handing thhese degenerates ass

#baby's first false flag
#collect your $.02

Your grandfather didn't put lead in their heads for you to be a fucking faggot on a forum no1cares about, but that isn't stopping you.

>she's a flip

I do apologize in behalf of my country. She ought to visit her home country for sometime. We're at the brink of wiping the country clean of communism. She would go extremely well swaying on the breeze on a lamppost

You still have a long way to go Aquino. Solve your NPA and Abu sayaf shit first.

She's Filipino. Nigger tier Asian, always batshit crazy.

such beautiful imagery

Nice cutting out the other part of the webm where the commies just randomly start being the shit out of the guy and the cops don't do shit to stop it