Bye Bye Trump!

Sanders is on the case.

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Nothing to see here. Libtards are just being crybabies.

Trump's ship is sinking fast and he knows it hahaha.

Can't wait til this loser gets JFK'd

To bad the pubs will just refuse to acknowledge anything

>Trumps going down in scandel
>they are going to shot him
Flag checks out..carry on

FBI already said they didn't, Boinie. Are you senile?

Typical, he's not doing any work and shoves it on other people.

He should ask the senate if the DNC thoroughly coordinated with media to work against his campaign.


So you want him to go down in history as a martyr and someone who stoop up for the people?

Remember how Trump chickened out of debating Bernie?

lmao what a pussy

Oh no. Bernie 'Pay for my Audi R8 and 3 houses' Sanders is going after the rich person who is actively changing shit and ruining wealthy peoples investments.

Except that's not illegal. Shitty, but not illegal.

The butthurt is unreal. If you can't Unseat trump in the next 2 week... it's curtains for you

if you guys haven't noticed with the cruz debate and sanders calling cnn fake news...sanders got redpilled at somepoint recently and is obviously on a new side these days. he knows the investigation will turn up jack shit. he's trying to prove a point by being centrist

Maybe he's wondering why you would shoot a man when his office is already going down in flames

I'll believe it when I see it


He should still ask them tho

The funny thing is that all the "justice" democrats on jewtube are saying how stupid it is that the democrats are focusing so much on this russia thing

Sanders didn't have a chance against this two time loser... much less the president of the United States and both houses of congress.

When will they be satisfied? People will put up with this nonsense for a little while but eventually crying wolf ends up bad for the crier.

Burnie will never catch a break

>all of a sudden the senate starts giving a fuck about Barnie Sandals

>senile commie jew in charge of anything

no, into the gas.

Feelings aren't facts, Bernie.

>actively changing shit
So far he's signed a bunch of exec orders which have done little, and the only law he signed removed the requirement for oil companies to report how much they pay to foreign companies (Fuck transparency and all)

Go back to worrying about how the Russians are going to shill your election the bong.

God Bernie is such a fucking deep state goon.

How anyone ever perceived him as "anti-establishment" is beyond me.

He's nothing but another crony. He is a traitor the constitution and to the people of the United States, and he needs to be executed for his treason.

>on a new side
Typical Jewish behavior, not redpilled.

He couldn't do it because of legal problems that would arise, shill.

He sold his soul and integrity for third house...

>Feelings aren't facts
Tell that to Trump.
>Muh 3 million illegal voters..

Remember when Bill Clinton got lots of money from China for his campaign? If Trump goes down, at least we might finally get a precedent to be able to tear someone down for extra-US influence.

People are allowed to talk to each other. Doesn't mean they coordinate with the media to work against someone's campaign

>muh Russians

Meanwhile, AIPAC and 80 Pro-Israel PACs are allowed to opperate freely in the US.

I'm sure (((Sanders))) doesn't mind though.

campaigns and foreign governments coordinate all the time lmao

why is this such a big deal and why is everyone freaking out about M-MUH RUSSIANS

Yeah, debating political opponents during a campaign is super duper illegal


someone ask him why didn't he give a shit about investigating hillary's emails when she was running for president

He wasn't though as he had already dropped out. That's were the problems would arise from. Now go and kys, shill cuck.



>he had already dropped out

lmao what a transparent lie

>Muh 3 million illegal voters
He will be vindicated. And all lefties will eat shit as voter registration reform laws are put in place.

Bernie already did, this was shortly before the first debate with Hillary. Kys, cuck.

Gonna laugh so hard when they find nothing and then Trump gets the dems investigated to return the favor and they find ties to pedo rings, Jews, Saudis and mass corruption

lmao still lying

No, you are. kys cuck.


Is this the guy who let two fat Black lesbians steal his mike at a rally?

All the faux outrage in the world doesn't change the fact that 19 GOP senators would need to willingly suicide their careers for Trump to be removed from office. Eat shit, libs.

How fucking dumb are you? This russian shit is not real.


"Ahem. Today, I will ask a question."

*collects paycheck*

No, he most certainly won't. Do you unironically believe that thousands of poll/vote staff are in on a vast conspiracy and every single one has kept their mouth shut? Was this babby's first election?

Take Trump's claim about NH for example, which only involves a couple thousand. Who organized these voters? Who are these voters? Where did the buses come from? Who owns them? Who hired them? Who drove them? Why can not a single witness out of likely tens of thousands come forward in a state that was almost 1/2 trumpcucks?

>He will be vindicated.
You mean including his own daughter and Steve Bannon who were both registered in 2 states?

There's no evidence of any mass voter fraud, he's either lying or seriously delusional,

His wife's son needs a house

Brave Sir Donald ran away
Bravely ran away away
When Bernie reared his great white head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald!

>The Emails
I think colluding with a foreign government is a bit more serious than running an email server.

please stop pretending to be retarded it's not healthy for you sweetie :)


More than their careers would be suicided. I can promise you that.


i voted bernie and probably make 3x as much as you do.

does that trigger you kiddo?

stay in school, you're gonna need it.

Triggered? :^)


>Who owns them? whos behind it all?
You know who.

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Can they already fuck off with this "russia hacked elections" meme?

>russia coordinated with trump
maybe he's been watching cnn fake news what do you think?


All your questions have been answered systematically since as far back as 2014.

>People are allowed to talk to each other. Doesn't mean they coordinate with the media to work against someone's campaign

Isn't that why the FBI just cleared Michael Flynn??



"Go on," said Bernie. "How's it gonna be. We gonna get a little
"We'll have a Muslim," said Donald. "An' we'll have maybe a Jew an'
BLM protesters... an' down the flat we'll have a... little piece welfare-"
"For the refugees," Bernie shouted.
"For the refugees," Donald repeated.
"And I get to tend the refugees."
"An' you get to tend the refugees."
Bernie giggled with happiness. "An' live on the fatta the governmen'."
Bernie turned his head.
"No, Bernie. Look down there acrost the river, like you can almost
see the place."
Bernie obeyed him. Donald looked down at the gun.
There were crashing footsteps in the brush now. Donald turned and
looked toward them.
"Go on, Donald. When we gonna do it?"
"Gonna do it soon."
"Me an' you."
"You... an' me. Ever'body gonna be nice to you. Ain't gonna be no
more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from 'em."
Bernie said, "I thought you was mad at me, Donald."
"No," said Donald. "No, Bernie. I ain't mad. I never been mad, an' I
ain't now. That's a thing I want ya to know."
The voices came close now. Donald raised the gun and listened to the
Bernie begged, "Le's do it now. Le's get that place now."
"Sure, right now. I gotta. We gotta."
And Donald raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle
of it close to the back of Bernie's head. The hand shook violently,
but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The
crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again. Bernie
jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay
without quivering.

Because its more than just hacking now. If Trump violated the Logan act he can be impeached.

>Isn't that why the FBI just cleared Michael Flynn??


These kikes are dumb

They will investigate and find nothing and it will just look like they're witch-hunting Trump and he will seem like a victim of the Deep State.

>not fried

what did he know and when did he know it?

at least you can post

explanado por favor

is this oc?

They'll carry it on the same amount of time trump carried on the birther idiocy

It's over for plumpf

Ahhh yeah, small loans of 1 million dollars. The dynastic rich really do work harder and smarter than the dirt poor... class mobility exists!
(just not on that scale)

Meanwhile outside the meritocracy of the rich (ie. back in the plutocracy of the average).

No its based on what people want the ending of dragon ball super to be like.

That's what the investigation should find out. If its not totally covered up now.

It makes since now why the Trump went all batshit on the intelligence agencies. I think he go wind that somebody knew something. Remember "The Art of the Deal" Trump will go on the attack always. He knows he dun goofed, and he knows the FBI / CIA have something on them.. He's just trying to make enough noise and trying to bully them from doing anything about it.

No one cared who I was until I ran for the election


>Can't wait til this loser gets JFK'd
Trump hasn't gone after Israel's nuclear weapons program nor has he gone after their illegal domestic lobbies he'll be fine in that regard.
>Said the man who's it's now public information that his own party committed voter fraud and other corruption to ensure he never got the nomination.

I've posted it before

how about deflation?

do you think you could give me a quick rundown on who these guys are?



It is actually illegal for DNC and campaigns to coordinate with the media in that manner.
They tried to get around this law by using proxy agents but really that's just to make their illegal activities misdirected from them and onto their patsies




I would say that this is more or less proof that the ACTUAL "russian puppets" are using the "Trump is a russian agent" thing to actually discredit Trump and try to get him impeached. They're more or less projecting their shadows on Trump.

Wow, how's life in the old folks home?

>Trump hasn't gone after Israel's nuclear weapons program nor has he gone after their illegal domestic lobbies he'll be fine in that regard.
really drained the swamp

Fuck off, its nothing.

Even if Trump himself spoke to Putin, it wouldn't be a violation of the Logan Act. The Logan Act sought to prevent private citizens from interfering with foreign negotiations. There's no debate that the intent of Congress wasn't to prevent the incoming president from speaking with foreign leaders as part of his transition duties.

when will the bern learn

They didn't hack the election though. Trump was really popular in the Midwest, and the democrats made the biggest political blunder there by setting up a Clinton!
Her husband destroyed the Tobacco industry, they destroyed many of the remaining industrial jobs with NAFTA. Not picking Bernie when he was hitting his stride was a huge mistake.