WTF, I hate the criminal "justice" system, now. Should all black people in jail be let go?
WTF, I hate the criminal "justice" system, now. Should all black people in jail be let go?
We could move to the Roman system.
No long term imprisonment -- only fines, flogging, exile (deportation), and death penalty.
No they should be all killed.
Anyone have that pasta of the public defendant ranting about how fucking retarded and self defeating his black clients always are?
Niggers genuinely don't understand the law and have no moral compass. With that in mind, keeping them in cages instead of euthanizing them at birth is a generous, of not prohibitively expensive and naive course of action.
Kek, Trudeau probably wouldn't actually object if we started just dumping criminal minorities across our northern border, would he?
>commit crime
>blame it on whitey
>cry racism when justice is served
>WTF, I hate the criminal "justice" system, now. Should all black people in jail be let go?
Absolutely. They should go to Africa.
Why not bring back slavery for criminals?
>Should all black people in jail be let go?
>Massive crime wave
Proof blacks are the cause of most crime.
NO! Do the crime, spend the time.
Young Black males seem to have an almost compulsive need to steal ANYTHING they can and to be high as much as possible.
>from slave to criminal with one amendment
>Translation: I can't follow the simplest of instructions because I'm retarded and I want to get away with shit
are niggers really this stupid or is this some form of ironic self-parody?
no but all black people should be put in prison
>ironic self-parody
that would require a modicum of intelligence and self-awareness
It reminds me of the most redpilled series there is.
It shows how OJ got away with murder by his lawyers race baiting and trying to instigate a riot.
Has anyone here actually watched the documentary OP is taking about ?
I know this is a radical idea nowadays, but maybe if they didn't commit crimes they wouldn't be in prison.
in the documentary does it mention that 13% of the population commits over 50% of violent crime? does it mention that you can be a functionally retarded nog in school and if you don't get yourself expelled you're basically guaranteed a free ride to college? does it mention that affirmative action will literally pluck niggers from trees to put them into medical school, engineering programs, hard sciences, etc, in which they bix nood themselves out of within 2 years?
no? into the trash it goes.
let em go into...
into containment states.
How would you know any of those things if you haven't watched it?
does it mention those facts or is it basically WE WUZ?
>Should all black people in jail be let go
as long as they go back to Africa
My liberal friends won't shut up about it.
Towards the end yes it does.
>Towards the end after pushing their wewuz narrative
Tomi Lahren and Glenn Beck are even in it
I had the misfortune of having to sit through a good portion of it because my step mother is a neolib and I can say that they were not even subtle about the propaganda. Its made for people who don't really care about the issue but want to seem like they do. At one point they start playing clips of violence with incredibly contextual and edited trump speeches
Where exactly in the 14th amendment says blacks shouldnt go to jail?
>these two kike-owned msm faggots are even in this nigger propaganda
Agreed, bring back slavery.
The criminal justice system isn't racist, the first police weren't slave catchers and if we have to concede racism because of disproportionate number of blacks then we ought to concede sexist because of the number of men.
The first modern policing model doesn't come from the south. It came from the London metropolitan police force in the 1800's. It isn't a slaver model.
Don't act like Tomi Lahren doesn't make good points ... she isnt even the MSM don't be a dumb cuck
Do YOU have a link to a documentary about this? I want to learn more !
Does is push the "school to prison pipeline" meme?
My wife is a teacher in line for a VP position and I can tell you that school systems do everything they can to keep kids in class and out of jail. Some kids are just lost causes thought, but schools try as hard as they can with them; even to the detriment of other students. Schools then basically have their hands tied on how they're able to deal with problem children. This hand tying comes from school boards (which in my area are usually mostly black) who don't want to seem racist and trash parents who devalue education. "Why you pickin' on my kid!?" is a very common accusation.
Problem children siphon time and resources from the children who can be helped and the children who act appropriately. Administrators are unwilling to support their staff many times because they don't want to be seen as participating in the pipeline. So now we've got schools filled with children who have immunity from consequences not only at home but also at school.
Is there away anyone can prove their point with facts and information from multiple peer reviewed studies ?
For the most part blacks just aren't capable of the same levels of civilization as other races.
How can you prove that you (the little guy typing) is capable of being civilized ?
That picture implies people aren't well aware of this. When you break the law you literally become a slave. What other purpose would you serve? You could be shot and cremated, or you can be fed, clothed, housed, and put to work for your remaining sentence.
>Relatives of a teenager shot and killed while robbing a home in Miami are upset with the homeowner for defending herself. Trevon Johnson, 17, spent the final moments of his life last Thursday trying to rob a woman’s house before she killed him during a confrontation
>“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood. You have to understand, how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point of view,” Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris said.
>Raised in hood. Robbery. Get his money.
>Robbery. His money.
I don't think that's so. I'm highly racist, as in my preferred course of action would be to just kill them all, but I think they can assimilate into the culture and be good hard-working people. I'd much rather educate them, get them off welfare, and teach them to be self-sufficient than them ruining my community with criminality and robbing me for the resources I worked hard for.
What about the war on drugs effecting communities of color more ? Don't you smoke weed? Blaze a big 420 joint with your peoples ?
That's a problem with the law, not the prison system.
Scale of 1-10 how much of a virgin are you ? How much cuck porn do you watch on a regular ? Be honest plz
No, but much needs to be done to give education to younger generations.
The problem isn't that niggers are behind bars, the problem is that some of them aren't.
This guy ^^^
Every majority black country is an absolute shithole. Japanese make Japans. English make Englands. Africans make Africas.
There are plenty of problems in the prison system would you like a link to Adam Ruins everything? Follow up question why has Trump not fixed Flints Water ?
Colonialism ruined Africa. This is a fact. What shit country made you? Is there a turd on the flag ?
The justice system is a fucking joke, you can't lock a man in a box for decades at a time and expect him to come out right on the other side.
What we should do is have prisoners do blue color work and learn a trade while they are in prison. That way they learn how to do something besides crime and they aren't just wasting tax dollars doing nothing. Besides its the only kind of work they will be able to get outside, might as well have them already learn the skills and build a portfolio. You could even have them earn a little scratch inside so when they get out they have something to pick there lives up again.
They should be let go to the gallows.
God that was a good but fucjing infuriating show. Worst part was watching it with my bluepilled brother and not being able to rage vocally at all the racebaiting.
Danm that is a pretty decent idea. Obviously not for all crimes but some. Are you BluePilled?
You know, if they eneded the war on drugs and niggers stopped going to jail for trafficing, they would just go to jail for something else. Because they could no longer deal drugs, as that would be a legitimate job with regulations, then they would have to turn other things. Because niggers will never have the self respect to turn an honest living.
Yeah you're right but IDGAF about other places. I'm talking about the US. They ''can'' assimilate but they're being fed lies and welfare to keep them suppressed by the Dems in return for votes.
Nope, libertarian leaning towards an cap. I like freedom and hate wasting money, especially on criminals.
The amount of resources it would take to educate all of them would be incredibly high.
It's not just a matter of "oh just teach them stuff while they are in prison!" You need psychologists on staff, you need to do 1 on 1 work a lot to deal with problematic individuals. It would be very very costly. It's easier just to throw them back inside a box once they break the law again after being released.
Good luck convincing people to vote for giving niggers and spics free education.
>Should all black people in jail be let go?
Sounds like a great idea
Man released from jail Monday shot, killed by police Tuesday
Hey ... uh I don't know if you caught on but I'm Black. Born in the murder capital in the 90's. I have a decent desk job where I do art. I was raised by a single mother and father in prison. Why am I not a criminal ? Why do I have a normal life ?
Replace let go with executed and your on the right track.
You are obviously not a nigger.
That's why you need to change the educational system's goals from "every one is going to college" because we know that's not true and doesn't work. It needs to shift to vocational training and teaching young people from an early age.
The ones in prison now? Hang them.
Lol he thinks criminals will pick up a job after they leave jail
Yes. You can't solve much with current gen niggers. The root of the problem is the school system.
Honestly the whole country could benefit from some universal education outside of high school. The more we have access to resources the less likely it is ill rob you when I see you right ?
All of them should be let go and sent into the homes of those who have asked for their absolution.
Education in mass. Besides those that don't "stick" realistically wouldn't continue the program. They get "removed". We could build another Australia or Auschwitz, up to you, I just don't want to waste the and money on "The justice system" meme
Or you could just solve the god awful current education system that is ran by the banks which spends 12 years teaching kids the same shit over and over again while quietly whispering for them to make sure they go to college and take out student loans for some bullshit degree.
Niggers have no incentive to go to school because they don't aspire to be anything more than simple people. This would be fine if the education system wasn't tailored in the complete opposite direction. So they never see any reward for their good behavior in school. They never see money in their own pockets for their entire youth. There aren't any fruits to their academic labor.
Once again the kikes fuck over everyone but themselves and the white man is blamed for it.
No, they should be executed. All crimes from petty theft to murder should be punished with the death penalty.
>every person of color is a nigger
fucking racsist.
Lets just all come together be nice to each other and make the world a better place. Yeah ?
Exactly, but individual schools and school boards are ham-stringed by PCness and, despite Dem insistance, the government can't fix everything. Black communities are going to have to stop throwing pity parties for themselves and start actually taking care of their children.
Just because you have black skin doesn't mean you're a nigger you damn idiot.
That was my mistake I just assumed most of you were huge racist. Because you know ... Sup Forums
They should be let go to Africa.
You're the exception, not the rule.
how did you get a phone in prison?
They belong in jail.
I remember a guy in there stating that interracial rape was all white on black women, forgetting to emphasize that this was just relevant when blacks were slaves and not touching upon the fact that it is quite the opposite today.
Otherwise it was okay?
Friendly reminder: You are not white.
Its an easy mistake as most black people ARE niggers but most of us do make the distinction. I for one hate white trash just as much as any nigger, perhaps more.
>shot and killed while robbing a home in Miami
Thug Roulette
Damn I LOVE living in Florida
What if I told you ... that 90% of black people I associate with are like me? What If I told you I live in the ghetto and most people that are shitty are poor and uneducated (blacks and whites)?
>What about the war on drugs effecting communities of color more
Stop selling drugs then, stop taking drugs, how is this anyone else's fault ???
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Deported to Africa
>Deported to Africa
Just make them go back. Crime epidemic solved.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I am a huge racist. It's a product of growing up around a multitude of very trash-quality blacks. But I also know what's moral from a human standpoint and that take prescience for me.
If he does just have US border security execute him and the Canadian justice system would be helpless to stop us.
If let go you mean sent to Africa? Yes. Shit, I'll settle with sending them to Canada to show the world why they were in jail.
My point was that black communities and white communities of the same house hold income use drugs at about the same level. But blacks are punished more often and harder. Becky(white) get pulled over with weed(at most cop dumps bag sends her home.) Ashley (black) same thing but she gets her car searched and charge with possession. God for bid she has two different bags! that possession with the intent of distribution. They are both in wrong, they both fucked up, shouldn't the punishment and treatment be the same ?
because you can't know all truth so you base the judgment by how many whites get caught with possession and how many blacks
Hey man if that how you are then thats how you are. Its good that you still recognize people as human. Maybe time and exposure will warm you up a bit and it doesn't oh well. At least you aren't like the majority of people here.
Should have just been vocal as possible fuck feelings rage on facts
Now a lot of that is in how blacks tend to react to cops too like they're some kind of boogey man. I know cops, unfortunately I went to ones funeral recently, and they are just regular people who are performing a horribly hard job with no appreciation. When someone gets all "ooga booga i dundu nuffin" that gets annoying quick. Black cops don't like that shit either.
niggers acting like committing crimes isn't their fault. fucking lol
Yeah definitely. And give them all a gun on release too. Would be pretty good for a laugh.
Yes, they should be let go. They dindu nuffin.