Germans are a Disgrace

Very complacent people, at least the ones under 60. Most of these people display an infuriating lack critical thinking and are unable to foresee that the mess they are doing today will be left for the next generation to clean up.

>welcome refugees, don't know why, just welcome them because "no human is illegal"
>extremely sympathetic towards them cuz "they're dying in their home countries"
>don't give a single fuck about the Germans that were sacrificed so said commies can be accommodated in this country
>refugees are not only from Syria, but also from North Africa, Iran, etc
>let them in anyway, grant them temporary asylum until documentation is analyzed
>they have no documents, let them stay anyway
>refugees commit crimes right, left and center
>none of them goes to prison, let alone gets deported
>state-owned GEZ/ZDF/ADF cover up facts, even go as far to say Germans are more criminals then refugees
>bigger cities increase security, lots of cops all over, celebrating big events like NYE is no longer safe
>I go to language school with refugees, not even them can't stand this shitshow
>German cucks can't see all this, can't be bothered by it cuz their generation won't have to deal with it.

Holy fuck. Leave it to a few based refugees to wake these retarded people up.

Other urls found in this thread:!5364667;m/

What do you want us to do?

fourth reich

The rest of the world is going to stomp us again and you would betray us again Luigi.

Vote a better chancellor into the gov. who will enforce immigration laws, punish criminal refugees accordingly and reestablish Ordnung in Germany.

This needs to stop:

italy has never been united, only half of us betrayed you and they betrayed us as well, they are traitors to our people and our country.

fourth reich

>Vote a better chancellor into the gov
tell me his/her name


>refugees killing and raping other refugees

This is just going to become the norm here. Like black on black crime in America.

You just want a chance to kill some germans like your grandparents.


>only half of us betrayed you
which part

Well I think Mr. (((Goldblattberg))) will do a much better job for isr... Germany.

I'm Glad you can admit this, Hans.
Like WTF do Your People even be saying while Your men are being killed and your women and children are being raped around you?
How do you all collectively just ignore what your own government is subjecting you to?

>butthurt Balkanese slav angry his host nation doesnt behave his way

love these episodes. Continue.

>How do you all collectively just ignore what your own government is subjecting you to?
We already know they are going to make europe great again under german rule, cucking everyone. And we will all be rich as fuck. Stay mad.

Since AfD doesn't stand a chance, what this user said - he may be the hero Germany doesn't need.

>This is just going to become the norm here

This is the very same level of complacency I speak of. Don't let this happen, again. Weren't the Turks who came as guest workers after WWII and the no-go ghettos they created enough?

those who did not obey the law of the country, those who did not observe our pacts with germany, those who let a foreign country invade our coasts and our islands, cheering for them, while killing their own brothers.

>Weren't the Turks who came as guest workers after WWII and the no-go ghettos they created enough?
Apparently not
The guilt is not gone
Everyone still hates us.

1 off

naw my grandparents were German imports. dad had to go and breed with a dirty Ashkenazi bitch to make me.

They're wealthy therefore think they can never be wrong.

Are you gonna say the same when they've stolen all your money and their swords are your throat you greedy kike?Why exactly does AFD not stand a chance?
I Remember Trump "didn't stand a chance"

Hate to say it,but Hitler would be so ashamed to call himself German today.Instead he would return back to his real ancestry,the Austrian.

More like the Syrian refugees you allowed into the country, you cuck. They KNOW too many of them is wrong. The few secular, hard working refugees who left their countries for legitimate reasons KNOW that scum from their own countries is abusing the refugee crises. They don't want any of that sharia law, burkas, religious tolerance bullshit in Germany. Have you ever spoken with a refugee in your life? Of course not, and you never will.

>rapefugee stands in front of the border
>rapefugee stands behind the border


Nobody hates you but you yourselves.


People died. Got shot. Starved in camps. But they weren't gassed by the millions.

Adolf was right to kick the usurper serpents out of the government. Now you can just watch the US and see what happens if you don't take action.

Jewish lobbyists. Jewish run media / hollywood. Jewish celebrities. A degenerate nation filled with obese liberals.

Europeans need a new backbone. And a strong proud germany would do just fine.

You are fucking retarded.
Austrians and especially Hitler all considered themselves to be german back then.
Obviously modern Austrians consider themselves completely separate from Germans but that is due to denazification
Hitler would be the last person to do this

If anything he was looking at too much of europe and thinking it should all be german.

For fucks sake what do they teach you in school in montenigger?

>>People died. Got shot. Starved in camps. But they weren't gassed by the millions.
Then how come every german child can go to a schooltrip to a concentration camp nearby where they take you step by step through the gassing?
Did someone just go through germany afterwards and build all of them?

Haha, fucking lazy coward Kraut.

Nice Pasta, Mr. Proxy wannabe german

>Everyone still hates us.

This is true and you know exactly why. Most of you just can't bother integrating. You place your stupid religion above all.

I am a native german you idiot
I am not talking about turks

I am saying everyone hates germans

I would get less hate on Sup Forums with a turkish proxy.

Not a pasta and try being constructive, fucking cuck.

Still valid and you know exactly why those people don't integrate, idiot.

no it is Pasta
you are clearly not a german with all the errors you made

so again, nice Pasta Mr.Proxy

Unrelated but I have a feeling maybe these guys were Turks. Can a Kraut check it out pls?

>you are clearly not a german with all the errors you made

What "errors"? Are you trying to sidetrack the argument to a silly grammar battle? Warum genau bist do so mad?

The russian build most ovens after the war. Its a fact. First they destroyed every kZ and after that they build it back up.

Refugees are good people, even though it would be perfectly justifiable if they weren't considering the way we have been treating them.

Some of them are alright, but I'm afraid your pic will set a bad precedent.

Russians literally built chimneys and rebuilt parts of the camps. It was to further demonize the nazis and worked well for the jews, they illegally got given land by the bongs.

you aint german
you know nothing about us
fuck your divide and conquer tactics or try to improve your own country

its so fucking obvious that your just a Proxy, you cant even write a single german phrase
fuck off and go back to the shithole you came from

You probably spent the most of your life in Germany, enjoyed all the first world features like education, medical supply, infrastructure and entertainment so far but couldn't get a citizenship yet even with our ridiculously piss easy dual citizenship laws?

And you little fucker dare to complain about why your host nation is so shit and call others cuck on the internet?

I don't have a single pinch of respect left for people like you. Then go the fuck back to ex-Yugoslavia.

Literally Almanci-tier behaviour.

>doesn't read OP where I clearly state I go to language school with refugees because I am an exchange student

I never claimed to be a German you little retard, but I might become one, and of course I would do my part to improve this country and reestablish what I came here for.

no thats what happens when ppl enjoy movies like full metal jacket to much here is another thing like that but abit older :

>You probably spent the most of your life in Germany...


>And you little fucker dare to complain about why your host nation is so shit and call others cuck on the internet?

It's clearly going to shit. Does it have the same low criminality of a few decades ago? Absolutely not.

>I don't have a single pinch of respect left for people like you. Then go the fuck back to ex-Yugoslavia.

And I don't have any respect for self-hating Germans such as yourself who have zero pride in your own culture. Your nazi guilt is repulsive.

Your country invented Prussian education. i made peace with the fact that 90% of people are public school slaves with no real consciousness. Farm them before the kikes get their hands on them. It's all you can really do.

Normies have no idea. They barely know anything of the horrors of communism. When I was in school the focus was on le ebil fascists and nazis as well but at least we learned SOMETHING about the other side.

Losing the educational system was the worst thing the West did in the war against Globalist jewry.

Also, not a Slav and I don't know why I should feel ashamed if I were one. I guess that makes you a racist.

Also, the commies.


I would rather choose Anarchy

Get in large groups and start educating refugees on the streets. Make sure it is only one or two because they will disrupt the talk with too many views.

That simple.

All germans should just mass kys. Im tired of seeing them complaining here and do nothing about their problems.

you hear me, germcucks? stop posting on Sup Forums and go kys.


stop crying you three, take your rifle and beat the shit out of Russia, just easy huh?

Yeah, just like everyone else that "refugee" has to deal with the sociological implications of her move. Maybe it will justify some animosity towards them or they will get burried under a gang of refugees.

Even if i said we are going to implement "afermative action" (selective hiring for political purposes) if there are millions then they might not be the special one to get noticed. Maybe they have higher standards. If they do then maybe they reach for higher standards and would resent just being part of an arbitrary quota?

How can you Germans and French allow what these elected offical have done to you?

The World is hoping you do something.

Why don't you workers call a strike and stop work?

Your country is already destroyed. A strike would force the official to remove kebob.

Last chance before America is forced to ally with Russia to protect

Are you happy with all the fake news state-owned GEZ puts out just for you, Kraut? Remember, you pay 17,50 euros a month for this crap.!5364667;m/

Pic related (official source) and this debunk all that.