Balt/POL/ General

Todays topic:How do we get rid of russian minoriy problem?
1.Post Baltic stuff
2.If your a greek,russian or Canadian shitposter fuck off.
3.If your not baltic then ask whatever qestions you have.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Cathedral,_Tallinn

What did the Greeks ever do wrong?

They are shitposting in balt/pol/ threads.

>How do we get rid of russian minoriy problem?
Import more russians and make it a majority. Putin is gonna annex you eventually anyway.

Reporting in, fellow balts.

Read the rules please.

Hello mate.

hello original slavs

fuck russkis
also what do comrades think of rail baltica?
imo fucking waste of monies especially when we dont have enough for our national rail roads
biggest inter-balt project in a while though

You guys deserve it though. Also show some respect to the Russians, you people lived in the caves prior their presence there.

Post Baltic qts and redpills. I'm pretty ignorant on both.

Read the fucking RULES!
(Pic related) no more is needed to be said.

oh my gosh happy independence day lietuva

Stop being racist towards Russians you faggot Neonazis

It's either that or EU forces you to spread your asscheeks for the horde of Merkel's bearded children. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
You should be fucking thanking me for bumping this shitty thread.

Balts are more blond hair/blue ayes then germans.

Sue me. Also aren't you guys supposed to be Lithuanians in denial without liking basketball?

We wait for the shit go down in Belarus. This will cause a chain effect and have major consequences for Putin's regime.

Do you feel in charge?

4th rule do not answer to russian baitposts.


>Implaying we where the racist ones from the beginning

I will shitpost here, if you don't mind.

This is what i am talking about.

sauce of cute character?

Daily reminder. that baltic states during ww2 did not oppose bein annexed by soviets.
Burn the pol*k, Kill the b*lt, Purge the t*rk.
Also baltshits have no culture what so ever.
Every thing that they have was raised during soviet union. Since commies have are hard on promoting irrelevant shithole minorities uncivilized traditions.

idk man,it may be a great lose of mony or if it works well it may be preaty good.

I like the word "nošaut". Do you like the word "nošaut"?

Uesugi Kenshin from Sengoku Rance.


>multiculturism threatens from the west
>untermensch russkis threaten from the east
one could say we are fucked but I say we will fight and we will struggle and in the end we will win
Baltics are now awake

You're the racists now. Stop the mental gymnastics.
Your country literally has fines for businesses posting anything in Russian and denies local Russians citizenship and voter rights even if they're legal residents who have been there all their lives and have homes there just because their Latvian is bad.
There is no excuse for a European country to discriminate like this and your nation is being hypocrites when you pretend that you support western values while doing this.


Biedrs Peters, why are you so angry?

We suport only western economy,and culture,not there policies.

Go back to Sup Forums. The Baltics are boring as shit. Not even Russia gives a shit about you.

No need to be afraid, everything is fine, your just a pussy.

western values a shit thats why your nation is in a downwards spiral in the first place
minorities who run their mouths should be thankful they arent sent to the fun camps
no room for multiculturism here

>Uesugi Kenshin from Sengoku Rance.
your waifu is real now


Then you're just leaches who pay lip service to Junker but really just suck the resources out of the EU.
Tbqh that's even worse because you're reinforcing your history as a dependent nation that leaches off its masters. Such a slave mentality assures that your nation will never achieve anything.

Now that's just rude, sabiedrotais Peters.

>How do we get rid of russian minoriy problem?
Fuck them out of existance
Propganda about why russia besides SP and Moscow sucks.
Enforce assimilation laws like
1. They have to marry a native
2. Only native language schools

>American thinks that only becose he has some pilicies then everyone should have the same policies as him
This reminds me how american tranny got rejected from entering into dubai,becose she HE was tranny,then americans autraged at this ,but what they dont understand is that if something works in america it dosent mean it should be applied everywhere.
Also see the (Pic related)?I dont whant muslims or russians walking on them,they where built bye my asncestors blood,tears and sweat,they did it for us,not for russians or muslims,where where russians when those buldings where built?Where where the muslims?No where to be seen,but of corse these days if you are for your people and for your own culture you are racist scumbag right?

>1.Post Baltic stuff
Aren't all those churches built by the danes?


>being below 90


If Russia starts accepting more profucts from Baltics and EU eventually we could become a trading station between Europe and Russia, this is why we need to be friendly with Russia. I still hate russians tho.

They were built by germans, baltics were only a slave cast.

>muh rights cyкa ьляд

>Europe is a land of liberty and freedom for all that stands against discrimination and denial of human rights
>but we will deny these particular citizens their human rights because we don't like them. We don't care about western values but you should still pay our bills :^}

I see why the ruskies are sick of your shit now tbqh. Reminds me of when I visited Tallinn and saw their Nazi monuments. Turns out they worship them just because they thought Hitler would give them more welfare than the Soviets.

Everyone normal Latvian doesn't like russians already and russian schools can't be stopped since Riga is ran by a literal russian, who rigged the electio n. Govt. corruption is a big problem.

Being unwilling to integrate properly and refusing to accept standards set by the law isn't a "human right."

You're acting like we're actively genociding Russians, putting them in ghettos which we deprive of electricity and water.'s_Cathedral,_Tallinn
>Originally established by Danes in the 13th century, it is the oldest church in Tallinn and mainland Estonia.
>Built near the River Daugava in 1211 by Livonian Bishop Albert of Riga, who came from Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany
>Between 1623 - 1636, at the initiative of Sigismund III Vasa and later completed by his son Wladyslaw IV Vasa, the Baroque style Saint Casimir chapel by royal architect Constantino Tencalla was built of Swedish sandstone.
>He was the son of King John III of Sweden and his first wife

You're welcome I guess? Maybe use this for your next /balt/ thread.

yet in every other relevant thread burgers shitpost BUILD WALL! MUSLIM BAN! FUCK SJWs
or are you a liberal faggot?
either way GTFO this thread

They were Soviet citizens until it fell apart. You're expecting them to magically turn balt as soon as the Berlin Wall fell?
That's not an argument and you know it. Doesn't excuse your Nazi worship either or the aggressive sentiment on display in this thread.

Only Estonians are nords, the rest are slavs.

Crossing the border to live here illegally is not the same as being a native who is being repressed for their ethnicity.
A better analogy is Israel's expansion into Palestine and nobody here supports that. Even if theyre sand niggers, the kikes have no right to genocide them.
Still not an argument

Suddenly? Its been 20 years and they still cant speak Latvian, there are russian people who have lived here for 50 years and still can't. You have spics in the US, you should understand the problem.

Eternal support to our Estonian brothers.
Rest of you Balts are good too.
Stay strong against vodkaniggers.

The Berlin Wall didn't fall yesterday. It's been almost 27 years with small progress.

>nazi worship

Nice meme

only imbeciles and russians dont know how to learn the local language and properly integrate
prime example of why multiculturism doesnt work and we are tired of it
long due for an aggressive stance

>everyone should drop everything and dedicate their lives to learning Latvian RIGHT FUCKING NOW REEEE
It's not that easy to learn a language as an adult. You don't just wake up and start speaking it. The way to deal with a nonintegrating population is to promote integration through education, not oppression and fines against a select minority. Which is actual literal racism.
Still not an argument, you could integrate them easily without fetishizing their abuse.

>A better analogy is Israel's expansion into Palestine and nobody here supports that

(((good post)))

Rail Baltic is a scam to get us into economical troubles and loan-trap. And to keep it going we must sell fucking everything.

Anybody shilling for this scam should lose their teeth on the spot.

But you prefer ivans to muhammed?
Is courruption a problem among russians or also balts?

>Also see the (Pic related)?I dont whant muslims or russians walking on them,they where built bye my asncestors blood,tears and sweat,they did it for us,not for russians or muslims,where where russians when those buldings where built?Where where the muslims?No where to be seen,but of corse these days if you are for your people and for your own culture you are racist scumbag right?
>they where built bye my asncestors blood,tears and sweat
Who do you think your ancestors were exactly? Most buildings in that picture weren't built by Latvians at all. Are your ancestors German or what are you getting at?

It is in our germanic nature to give to the more unfortuante ;)


Independence war all over again. Hopefully goes peacefully like in 1987-1991 not with arms like in 1918-1920.

But we are against hardcore kike bolsheviks this time and last time we were forced to kick them out with arms.
> pic related

Thanks for helping commies, baltniggers.

>everyone should drop everything and dedicate their lives to learning Latvian RIGHT FUCKING NOW REEEE

Have you ever learned a foreign language? You do it parallel to whatever you were doing before nobody expects anyone to "dedicate their lives to learning Latvian"

>The way to deal with a nonintegrating population is to promote integration through education

Which is what we've been doing, even though it has been met with plenty of "rees" from the Russian speaking populace.

>oppression and fines
>fetishizing their abuse.

You're blowing this out of proportions again.

>promoting integration by making their kids learn Latvian rather than trying to kill them all
>Jewish post
Nah, you're the kike here. Oh well, I personally couldn't care less about Baltic shit holes so there's no point on me trying to educate them on being civilized any further. Enjoy being conquered by the ruskies, you balts earned it well.


They wgere built on Latvian leighboar.

And stop posting Hitler bullshit. Hitler was autist German("austrian") junkie who fucked up and Molotov-Ribbentrop pact gave our independence away in 1939. Learn history.

Germans suck at least on the same level as Russians if not worse.

>integrate or it's it's the russians for you!

Demolishing those churches is long overdue.

But not latvian brains

Fuck off with your Germcuck nords. Estonians are Estonans, relatives to Finns.

Balts are one of the shittiest nations in Europe. Deserve to be annexed by Russia.

The only thing you're good at is draining money and crying about "nato pls help"

Preferring testicle cancer to ass cancer is for nordic cucks.

So let me understand your argument here. The Germans took the initiative to construct the buildings. They were the ones who financed them, who designed them, who brought the materials, who directed the laborers.

The Latvians were the laborers who physically built the structures when directed by the Germans. You agree with all this, yes?

But earlier you said
>they did it for us,not for russians or muslims
Well no, if you agree that the native Latvians were simply used by the Germans as cheap labor, albeit for a structure that would largely be beneficial to common man Latvian society, then clearly they did it to earn a living. The Latvian laborers hardly had a say in whom they did it for or whom they didn't do it for. They simply worked in order to be paid.

So what compels you to dictate who can and who cannot use the product of your ancestors' physical labor?

>Europe is a land of liberty and freedom for all that stands against discrimination and denial of human rights
>but we will deny these particular citizens their human rights because we don't like them. We don't care about western values but you should still pay our bills :^}
Reminder that europe wasnt like that untill late 20th century you retarded faggot,reminder that europeans owned all of africe untill ww2 forced them to lose there colonies,your understanding of european culture is retarded and ignorant.
>Pay our bills
No one is paying for my bills buddy,you think that we are some kind of welthere niggers or something,thats not true.
>Turns out they worship them just because they thought Hitler would give them more welfare than the Soviets.
Actualy no,we fought for nazzis becose russians where sending our people into exile in thousands ,to die in cold of siberia or die from tourture in gulags,while nazzis came and didnt kill our people,we triedd to do everything that is in our power to stop secound ocupation of soviet Union,we chose from 2 of lesser evil.
Also daily reminder that Latvia was prosperous economic nation before soviet ocupations.(Pic related)

fucking debil, if the russains all would learn your god damn language not a god damn thing would change, whole country would still be shit and poor as fuck, how can you be this fucking thick ? they don't learn the language cause they don't have to, it is in fact the other way round, you need to learn russian to be succesful in your own fucking country, which means you are still by definition a cuck screaming you learn estonian bullshit

They counqered our lands and used latvians as slaves to built those buldings yes,what exacly is your point here?We recounqered our lands yust like they counqered our,s before.Riga belongs to us now.

mfw the weather keeps being the same

is it true that germanic people come originally from the baltic region? I think they were called teutons back them, am I right? I've always wanted to learn the history of the baltic countries


>No one is paying for my bills buddy,you think that we are some kind of welthere niggers or something,thats not true.
We gladly pay for your bills, because we want you to succeed like we always have.

>Also daily reminder that Latvia was prosperous economic nation before soviet ocupations.
A land of wise germans and a native slave cast. Look how far you have fallen behind, and it all started when the germans left you.

Kāpēc šajos /Balt/Polos tu visu laiku liec vienas un tās pašas bildes? Nopietni - Tev datorā ir tikai 3 bildes?

Not exacly true,baltic region was conprised of various of Baltic kingdoms and tribes,then teutons (Germans) counqered our lands and mixed it all up into 1 big state called Livonian Order,they owned it for 700 years thats why we have so mutch german heretage.

>germanic people
Formed as a people group in souther scandinavian penisnula and danmark

KYS, Jevgeni Ossinovski.

We Wus Baltic :)

Seems like a pretty cool part of the world but I don't know much about it compared to surrounding countries. I would consider emigrating, I'm a teacher so I'm pretty sure I'd get a job easily there. What's the weather like? I can't deal if it's worse than the UK. Home comforts are important to me too, I need to be able to afford to have a good lifestyle. What chance do I have?

Nē,bet tā bilde izskatās vislabāk,man nav citu nopietnu bilžu kuras parādītu visas 3 valstis,tikai memes vai countryballs.

interesting, thanks. I'll do my research about this