Is he the most annoying guy who think he is funny?

Annoying Liberal ''comedian'' who don't even write his own jokes,building career by insulting Trump day after day.

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Sometimes he actually has a point though

>more importantly
Does ANYBODY even watch his show?

I know some of us have combed through it for meme value, but does anyone here know of people who actually sit down and endure his drivel?

His show is plain boring and so biased that i found no value in watching it.

Me. I watch his and Colbert's shows when really bored.

His show is watched more by Tumblr-kind of people like Sup Forumsaks

It's a popular show among liberally minded people. I hear them spout Oliver memes all the time.

I find it strange that both Oliver and Trevor Noah are foreign comedians on relatively popular shows in the US. Were these guys popular in their home countries or did they reboot their careers in America like so many other failed public figures?

Digits and he's a nonce

I guess it wasn't the current year when Trump came down from the Heavens and smacked his cuck face with his cock

>comedians are somone I should be agreeing with

Sure they get to sit on their high horse and dont have real arguments but that wont stop me from telling nazis trump shouldnt be president because he is donald drumpf

he's the reason Community went from a 10/10 to a 6/10

Well, here is an example. He's at least 60% right. Trumps needs to use better sources than Fox news.

that nig that took over for jon stewart does the same thing

Ok, but I fail to see how he is funny. He is supposed to be a comedian, right? Do the people who watch his show genuinely find him funny, or rather do they enjoy self righteously sniffing each other's asses?

Why are you even watching that shit?

I grant you it was good at the beginning, but he HAD to get political and he just turned into shit.


>Ok, but I fail to see how he is funny.
He's not. In fact, I don't remember the last time an American joke made me laugh.

I don't know why, but last time I saw a new video of him, after a long time of not seeing him... I dunno, I felt kind of sympathy for him. Not that I forget the fact that he's pushing horrible, horrible agendas, but more just in that I think he actually thinks he's doing the right thing. Also, he's ugly and I feel bad for him. Like the way he panders and seeks laughs in this kind of low self-esteem way, I just see this awkward kid in him still who wanted approval and something about seeing that human flawedness just makes me feel kind of a sorrow for him, just on a general, apolitical level.

no, that crown goes to Trevor Noah

literally hasn't made me even smirk once.

He has his moments but then goes full retard sensationalist. People like him are the reason the liberals are so hated.


Funny thing is that he hates the Drumpf joke.

He thought it was funny for all of 5 minutes.

What the fuck? Who even gives a shit about ll cool j?

I'd say Chappel is funny but he's black.
Gabriel Iglesias' last stand up was cool.

Wasn't there a study that proved their shows were basically brainwashing people into agreeing with them? Something about the pause and laughter after their statements

He is not funny, even liberals acknowledge his show is shit, and he made a Jew joke before he got his Daily Show gig. He must have magical powers.

>Gabriel Iglesias
Fucking kill yourself

>building career

Send him to North Korea or something, the UK doesn't want him back either.

Was he popular in the UK before he came to the US?

only because the amount of effort put into was insignificant to what happened to that shitty meme

if it was succesful, he wouldn't be saying that; he made a massive cock out of himself

> but he's black
I don't see how is this a problem in and of itself



His show is consistently informative and manages to give some otherwise mundane topics intrigue. And at least he's funny sometimes


Something like 70% of The Daily Show's audience has walked away because of this level of comedy

Even the new theme music is shit:


The people who find him funny/witty are the same people that like the Big Bang Theory. They think 'that sounds clever and he is a comedian, so it must be funny'

Lots of people do, that doesn't make them worth watching/listening to

He's not alone.

Fuck you, your taking your migrant back.

>he couldn't resist chimping it up.

>CNN is gone
Stop it, I'm already rock hard.

lol, thread is full of rats from sinking /ptg/

Oi I say we ratchet up the memetics and make this good old chap cry on the tube about his whimpers

Libtard media is compass of truth

I've got a picture on my phone somewhere of a fatass litbard sitting in one of the computer labs at my uni watching Oliver's show. They really do exist.

>reread after posting...

God I'm bad at this.

Can a britbong help a yankee with his Brit-speak?

Someone post the webm of him blowing up the 2016 please


>montages of Oliver begging Trump to run and then panicking that Trump is now POTUS

Y'all blind. This guy woke. Red-Pilled on tax reform, infrastructure spending and state government reform

John Oliver is limey paid shill cuckold who overdosed on blue pills and tricks libtards into following his shit with his sub-par humour and virtue signaling


Mr last cuck tonight? Yeah he's pretty bad.

FInd it so uncouth when nations we cucked use their little derogatory word for us. Enjoy your fucking civilisation fucktard, or, you know, go back to dying at 30 from a sore tooth

Community was pure garbage from the start.

Not a study, that was a post on Sup Forums



no u werent



My boss does.

>Tfw you are traveling for work and have to split a rental car and have to listen to your boss regurgitate the latest derp from Oliver every morning

>DUUUUUUDE I've completely surrounded myself with people who share my political opinions and have no contact with those who support leftist policies who are the exact kind of people who would be watching this show that extols the virtues of leftist policies
>like does ANYONE watch this shit?!

It's consistently a ratings juggernaut for HBO both on tv and YouTube. When you isolate yourself from the opposition your anecdotal evidence is even less useful than it usually is.

That's because the kind of people who succumb to the leftist dogma are insecure morons who like to think that they are smart.

They think that listening to a guy with a foreign accent makes them smart.

It's kinda like idiocracy

>literally the only media not completely owned by jews
>its a bad source hurr

Gay people don't care about John Oliver.

Why do leftie americans jerk off to english faggots, who speak with their nostrils again?

Used to when i was bluepilled, but we've all gotta grow up sometime.
>Now it just makes me angry.
>plus he has only gotten more blatant

He needs new teeth for starters

Why is a bottom of the barrel level comedian such a big name in American television?

I liked the "Last Cuck Tonight with Johnny Trigger Warning" bit. Also him blowing up 2016.

Old school cucks reliving their teenage fantasies

the writing for the show is fairly good at times but can be pretty bad. honestly i hate all types of pandering comedy more than anything, its garbage for people who dont actually care about comedy and only laugh because theyre hearing their own opinions echoed back to them in cliche "jokes"

he doesn't think he's funny and he writes his own jokes though

>Were these guys popular in their home countries or did they reboot their careers in America like so many other failed public figures?
Oliver was completely unknown here before being big in the US, now lefties here know of him from clips shared on kikebook.

hey, we have hedberg.


Also to anyone from the UK his accent sounds fake as fuck, he must put it on for Americans, no one sounds like him here.

He's woke af on policy issues but he's got a blind spot when it comes to Trump

Not the study but essentially the same thing.

he has made a few points but he just pisses them away with his retarded gags.
>shows you a clip of trump saying something silly

also he refuses to acknowledge facts that dont fit his worldview and handwaves them in a way that makes plebs think theyd be stupid if they disagreed

>Quick make'em laugh before they start actually thinking about what I said.

This stupid cunt literally died on stage here at one of the biggest comedy festivals and had to leave the UK in shame to find a job.

I'm utterly fucked shocked at how low the comedy standards are in the US, that they would employ this cunt. He couldn't find ANY fucking tv shows here that would employ him.

I remember when Colbert, Stewart, and SNL used to do funny skits that had nothing to do with big politics. That doesnt happen any more. Everyone has the same target. Its boring.

doesn't annoy me
you must be a fag or something


Most times he actually has a point.

Is he dare I say /ourguy/ pretending to be a retarded cuckold and disguising truth under obvious repetitive libtard propaganda and unchecked facts, not to be shut down?

I don't mind his political views, but I hate how comedians today do comedy to prove their points.
It's ALWAYS something like this:
>Pick something I don't agree with
>Tell audience about the issue
>Tell them how stupid that sounds
>Pick some absurd simile that doesn't even remotely mean the same thing the issue was about
>audience buys it and laughs

Let me give a fucking example:
>Some people say that all lives matter and black lives matter is selfish and that we should help every life
>That's ridiculous, that's like saying this house is on fire but we should help all the houses!
>*audience laughs intensely and sips tea*

It's really triggers me when comedians do this "YEAH, THAT'S LIKE SAYING...", because I know it's going to be so dumb and stupid.

The entire Bush-era Daily Show crew is tied with him.

His wife is a soldier. Of course she is a slut.