What is the difference between the holocaust and what the Nazis wanted, and the Christian crusaders?
What is the difference between the holocaust and what the Nazis wanted, and the Christian crusaders?
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So what? Like you've done anything to impress society and your country, genius
No but seriously where are my history buffs? I'm not making an argument i legit want to know
The crusades are a real historical fact.
Could you elaborate your opinion, please?
Btw I'm op but on mobile connection now
>What is the difference between the holocaust and what the Nazis wanted, and the Christian crusaders?
well the crusades actually happened
The crusades were a response to hundreds of years of Islamic aggression, invasion and enslavement.
The type of plague, in the 10th century it was a muslim plague, in the 20th century a jewish plague.
Also, i don't think nazis cared about Jerusalem, now that i think about it
Them digits goy
You can study the crusades, you can escavate the sites, you can read the ancient document.
Crusades were real, they happened, it's a fact.
You can't study the holocaust, it's illegal, there are no nazi document over the holocaust, you only have joos testimony and no other sources, even if gypsies and political dissidents were also holocausted, but there are no gipsies or political dissident survivors. You only have the words of joos. Any study is denied and is against the law to try to challenge what is written about the holocaust.
I happen to know that nazis did, in fact, steal art There's credible evidence to prove it.
Care to explain why they did that?
The Teutonic Order Knights did not attack Islam. ..... They were killing northern Europeans
The Nazis did not care at all about Jerusalem. In fact they wanted the Brits to give the Jews the land that would become present-day Israel except nobody liked Jews in those days so the Brits refused, forcing Nazi Germany to look for other alternatives.
There's a Jewish population here that dates back from the Nazi relocation of European Jews and they've mostly become very powerful (big surprise, huh?) with involvement in power generation, banking (oy vey!), logistics, media (the goyim know!).
Do you dislike Jews?
Basically, the fascists were crusaders. Doesn't that seem like a reasonable thought?
I don't really care about the holocaust, just a bunch of old dead filthy joos, but the deniers say 6 millions is too high the number may be as low as 270.000, ovens are a fake, and there was no program to exterminate the juices, Adolph just wanted them relocated and all the photos are just dead from typhus diseases.
I don't care. What really piss me off is that is illegal to research the matter, to prove or disprove the deniers.
Hitler killed Jews, Crusaders saved Jews from Muslims.
It's not illegal where i live
Why don't you come here?
What about the inquisition?
I'm not an historian, not interested, thanks.
And USA is the worst place at all to make a study that can damage the joos, they totally run your country.
Nazis didnt care if the jews were all dead or not because they arent neurotic supremacist semites
They just wanted to deport them and have all Germany runned by Germans
Kikes played the story as if Hitler wanted to go around the world hunting down every last jew even though he helped many go to israel rather than kill them. You don't eliminate a parasite by spreading it out and around.
Also gas chambers and ovens make no sense at all. If germans wanted the jews in the camps dead, they wouldve just posted a few guards and worked them to death then had their own bury them until they were all dead within a couple monthd from starvation and exhaustion.
Building a bunch of high tech meme chambers would be a retarded waste of resources when they could just dig a hole and then force the jews to work until it was time to go in the hole.
Well then goodluck to your life and adventures my friend
first two never happened
uhhh, because it didnt happen here so there's no evidence to gather???
The Spanish inquisition is the reason Spain still exists today you shithead
My dislike for Jews only goes so far as their meddling in world politics goes. The Jews here have been pretty much benign, but there's some minor shilling against Trump from one of the local media networks.
trump literally said he loves Jews yesterday
Are you sure about that?
Yeah but they were Krauts, so what else would you expect?
Hitler wanted full nationalism,that doesn't mean he didn't take foreigners but they had to contribute,none of this modern nigger shit.
If Gypsies came,they'd have to work like everyone else or get the fuck out.
The people that have lived inside Hitler's Reich described it as being the ideal;everyone was happy,naturally there were very small minorities that weren't completely satisfied though but that is to be expected anywhere.
Hitler seemed to have understood the Jewish threat,they infiltrate high positions and ruin countries,like Russia & the Bolshevik example.
tl;dr Hitler wanted nationalism but Jews for some reason I have forgotten wanted to completely wipe out the Reich and the people,the Muslims can be manipulated because they hold themselves back with their dumb shit religion,it is their strength and weakness;however smart,thinking people are too big a risk.
The Christians,Jews,Hindu's and Buddhists were persecuted,killed,raped,enslaved,and so on.
Christendom was pushed back to Byzantine,and their king pleaded for help from the Pope,and he rallied together Crusaders for a defensive battle lasting like 300 years,too many mudslime scum,though. So they were defeated.
It's the new thing these days to shit on Christians and shill for Pisslam immigration,another Jew plan put into motion.
Being Christian does not mean 'Don't fight back.' it basically boils down to not being a cunt,be righteous & just,from my understanding.
That's about as much as I know about it.
Being righteous is cunty