What's with all the jew hating?
Don't you people realize that there are both bad jews and good jews, just like there are bad whites (leftists) and good whites (alt-right).
What's with all the jew hating?
Don't you people realize that there are both bad jews and good jews, just like there are bad whites (leftists) and good whites (alt-right).
Zionism has always been an enemy not of our choosing but of their own actions.
Do not try and paint "muh nationalist Jews are allies because nationalism".
That's exactly why they treat us as enemies because their insane view of nationalism dictates that there is no cooperation just conflict. This idea is based on economic fallacies only outmatched by Marxist.
You're the one making a fallacy that somehow all jews subscribe to zionism. They don't, much like all whites aren't libshits.
There is something I don't understand, why equate Zionism with the Marxist leftist Jews in America?
They are not Zionists they are globalists. For me, as an Israeli, and a Zionist, I believe Zionism means Israeli nationalism nothing more. I follow the words and ideas of people like Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and Menachem Begin.
Not people like George Soros, or even bankers like the Rothschilds.
So, yes, I know why people hate Jews. I hate these people you hate as well, only I don't put myself on the same boat as them and I don't think you should to.
If you do have kids they are probably not going to have thr same mindset and your opinion of the world will always be biased by the arbitrary religion you have. Stop infantile sexual mutilation you dirty lying Jew.
Thank you for illustrating my point, mysterious merchant.
I think most people who go apeshit over "muh zionism" on anonymous boards are usually dirty screeching mudslimes who shouldn't even be talking to us.
To add to your point, Soros and Rotschilds are, as you point out, globalists. They don't give a flying fuck about what happens to you, me, the average jew, the average american, western society, or even Israel. Heck, Soros has his minions in the Knesset as we speak.
How do you know he practices "sexual mutilation"? Maybe he doesn't, so what is this name-calling going to achieve? This is exactly my point. I don't get why you put them all in one basked. It makes no fucking sense.
Zionism includes the idea that jews are gods chosen people and that they should purge non jews from israel. I dont really care if you kick non jews out of israel personally. But the god stuff has to go
Because it is 2 branches of the same tree.
Zionism for Religious Jews, Marxist for Secular Jews, and death to white Europeans form both side