Navy vet tries to stop "teens" from killing a turtle. A fucking turtle.
Guess the race EASYMODE
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>Navy vet tries to stop "teens" from killing a turtle. A fucking turtle.
yeah fuck having empathy for living creatures and shit.
you're so edgy, i bet you would kill your own mother to get youtube clicks. because you're so edgy and you just give no fucks.
I'm not defending the niggers you mutt
>young age
>torturing animals
Isn't that one of the biggest flag for someone who will grow into something real serious down the road?
Yes, but so is their skin color.
Damn vets, always putting their lives on the line and shit.
Okay, so, I remember seeing this exact same thread about a month ago along with this reply. Is that true, or am I having the most insane deja vu ever here?
Man, actually, this happened Tuesday? It's so fucking weird. I live in Daytona and I remember this exact story and this exact thread with that first reply with that redcoat cuck misunderstanding OP.
Seriously: I don't give a rat's ass about starving niglets and the Holocaust, but torturing animals is the one thing that really makes me wanna gas people.
Probably from communist China
You're retarded.
He's saying guess the perp.
You're not even British.
You're some Cashmire Paki.
Fuck off paki.
>"The one had it over his head and he was smashing it down on the sidewalk," Blough said. "I asked them to please leave it alone, just let it go to the lake."
>One of the men, later identified at Johnnie Beveritt, 18, picked up the turtle and threw it down on the sidewalk; the two other men, Ryan Ponder, 23 and a 16-year-old boy, kicked the turtle toward the apartment building away from the pond, the witness told police.
>Blough told them he did not want to fight, one of the attackers said “I don’t give a f—and I don’t care if I go to jail,” according to the arrest report.
>Police found the turtle, dead, floating in the pond in a puddle of blood.
>“The animal likely suffered greatly during the time it was being battered by the three defendants,” the officer wrote in the arrest report.
Who do I have to pay off to make sure they die in jail?
Man that turtle looks so sad
rip jeb
Presumably you would contact the Aryan brotherhood, but that is just a guess. and 50% chance they would black mail you into being a drug mule.
For fucks sake.
oh oh i know i know, niggers! arabs only attack people, niggers are the shittest tier human so it has to be them.
You sound just as dumb as those turtle smashing niggers.
why would they do something so awful to poor jeb
hes already been through enough
>see names
>surprised they aren't black
>then see pictures
>they just have white names
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if Hitler didn't show up.
Are you mentally disabled?
We, as humans, feel blessed with advanced intelligence
It is truly sickening to see other 'humans' misusing their gifts just for cheap and cruel laughs
That turtle probably contributes more to its ecosystem than the lived of all the niglets combined- and there they are killing it just for simple laughs
Literally aiding in the heat death of the universe
it's a tortoise
Where is zombie kid when you need him
Kek'd and check'd
>Police found the turtle, dead, floating in the pond in a puddle of blood.
I'm fucking boiling. fuck niggers and all other humanoid animals
i don't have a reaction image angry enough to properly respond to this
at least that ones alive, seriously how can society say that race is a social construct, I've literally only ever met one decent black man among hundreds of niggers.
>and all other humanoid animals
I wish we could deport these fucking dindus to Ghana or the Gambia.
>check flag
>not a burger
I'm so confused
No it's not. Tortoises don't have arms.
Tricked again
Dindu. Nuffin. Whitey vet should just leave those boys alone!
this is kike propaganda
they promised to the gorilla they will let him eat the cub after
wtf if nigger life is that boring, why don't they steal an xbox or something?
Literal animals.
If I was bored and I came across a turtle, I'd feed the turtle strawberries. I wouldn't torture and kill it.
I live in a city without very many black people. It's also pretty peaceful so I've really only seen animal cruelty once while living here. I was walking at night and saw a group of people hanging out on a porch. The one black guy in the group picks up a cinder block and hurls it at a stray cat and crushes it.
Still really bothers me when I think about it.
animal abuse should be punishable by death
some places put them on a list like sex offenders
Greece, ladies and gentlemen.
> Free healthcare, Safe space.
It's a liberal paid shell.
it's a fucking turtle.
Someone get Shaun Kings thoughts on this story.
Kill him, find him and kill him.
this coming from an usa
we have many gorillas in greece,i know my shit
Shutup faggot they were doing it to be malicious, they weren't gonna fucking eat it. Real men don't act like savages
non-human detected
And surprise surprise, it was nigs doing it. Good job sticking up for niggers nigger lover
>this reading comprehension
I seriously feel dumber because of your post.
Oh, i miss the dank Jeb memes.
>black people
>having healthy fruits bought at a grocery store
They could have fed it a piece of their Big Mac
every black deserves a bump