Ok... I think it's time to fire one of these up again. I watched this potato nigger and it gave me cancer.


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm half Irish, but fuck the IRA and Rule Britannia. Micks are fucking obnoxious

hater gonna hate.


fucking potatokikes

This. I'm not taking the bait.


>t.Seamus McGuinness


Fenians should be exterminated de sú

are we jews or niggers? make up yer fucking minds

But the Irish are fucking retarded guy.

Its impossible not to mock them.

>population of one country are pseudo human and have distructive niggerish tendancies

Yeah... no. Irish are a subversion of civilization... it almost worked but their niggerishness just can't be hidden.

Ireland is rightful British clay! UP THE RANGERS AND THE UVF!


Niggerkike, please...
Triggered much?

theres nothing wrong with the irish

Conans the best talk show host. hands down

Conan is just a mouthpiece for the leftist agenda "Hey guys Drumpf amirite?!?! Hahahah!"

But in all seriousness fuck Ireland, abandoning their Catholic faith, supporting gay marriage and race mixing after thousands of years of pure Celtic heritage.

fuck filthy Irish fenian scum! papist monkeys who can't even plant potatoes. A subhuman tribe unfit for civilization.

I wish Cromwell would have massacred them all

>thousands of years of pure Celtic heritage
are you retarded?

You're right, some mixed with Anglos, but that's not too bad compared to the ones mixing with blacks.

The Irish have accomplished nothing in their history, they have always been the niggers of Europe, spreading pedophile-idolatry papism and socialism.

They were the first wave of immigrants in the USA who refused to integrate, but instead behaved like niggers with their filthy religion, alcoholism, undercutting wages, tammany hall style corruption, even terrorism, setting the precedent for all types of swarthy immigrants, changing the us from a homogeneous Paradise to a multicultural shithole.

drinking, immigrating and terrorism is all what the Irish are known for.

IRish are creamy farted pallids... they're fuckin smegma... worse than smegma - they're infected smegs. Red and pustual


Ooga booga


Irish are ok, I don't have a problem with them, you're just being a dick OP.

forgot to mention their insane victim complex

>Congolese shitposters

Honestly from what I've experienced we are more like mild spics

He probably came here to visit and is just pissy that he got called out for claiming to be Irish.

el feniANO

t. Irish nigger

be glad it were the benevolent anglos who ruled you, we would have shown no mercy to your tribe of useless drunks


Just a bit of bantz Paddy. We love to hate each other.

That faggot isn't a representation of the Irish, whatsoever. He only has the blood, but his ideals and morals are far from the homeland. Fuck Conan.

Conan is whiter than 90% of this board.

He's also a confessed cuck.


This is ace.

All these non whites getting mad

By this logic Conan o'brien is not Irish

You fucking morons, not this thread again. I would fucking burn this country to the ground in a heartbeat to save Ireland and the Irish people.

But he's from America.

>Implying there's anything to save

Have you been there lately?

Man this level of delusion is Sad!
I will concede yis have got the Don which is a serious win, but if you think Ireland is in a worse shape than America, you're bluepilled as fuck

No I haven't. However, I have met plenty of different types of people in my work travels. All irish I have met have been decent, wholesome and hardworking people. All Americans I have met have been arrogant, cut/corners whinging cunts. This all being said... the very worst scum on the planet are englishmen, if you can call them men. They are lazy, disgusting slobs who do no work, who gossip like women all day and literally smell like niggers. Fuck england and fuck english people.

To be fare Ireland is a beautiful country. But this a hate thread Paddy. Don't you have potatoes to attend too.

I know im welsh but i may be part irish. I cant hate

he's not

The (((envelope))) pusher ...

100% americunt

all these britbongs just salty we kicked you out with pipe bombs and turf




*wink-wink, nudge-nudge*

Still butthurt you got BTFO on éire/pol/ last night?

>watch Le current year man
>wow brits are cancer
>watch colbert
>wow frenchies are cancer
>watch lebowitz
>wow kikes are cancer
>watch Trevor noah
>wow niggers are cancer

All of them are OP

>t. kikes
If the kikes hate us we can't be that bad.

Ethnically he is. Maybe even more than you.

why does everyone hate the Irish? They have some of the whitest genetics left in yurope and are all that's left of the pure race that prospered before the disgusting romans invaded

>Another division thread

Pic related plus Jews trying to divide and conquer.

kek, I did not get BTFO in any way retard. what the fuck are you doing in the UK anyway? you got your independence, fucking stay in your own "country" you filthy paddy

was*, late night is long gone

>>Another division thread
>Sup Forums "culture"

I think a second famine is in order lads


seeing a burger shitpost about Scottish football is surreal kek

t. Scottish football fan

You keep telling yourself that, it still won't make the Franco-German road a real country. What are you doing in Belgium if you hate Catholicism so much anyway, why don't you go back to the Netherlands?