My fellow Canadians...
Belief in your Leaf
My fellow Canadians...
Belief in your Leaf
Yes, what does that leaf mean? Does it represent some war or...? I don't get it.
You know how leaves fall in the autumn?
The leaf symbolizes the fall of Canadian society.
leaves fall and get raked away, this symbolizes canada as an independent country for 35 years before it gets taken oven by the mudshits in a few years.
I liked the old flag better
What did justin mean by this
How did you remove the leaf from your flag bud? I don't want my leaf anymore I'm ashamed of what my country has become.
>L E A F
That poor little girl in the picture... in a few years she'll have her mouth filled with immigrant cock and will love it because of how empowering being open to diversity makes her.
poor girl, save her based Prince George of zero highfives!
On the day of rope, all leafs will be burned.
Have to move to Canada for most based job opportunity. Worry that /Pol will no longer be able to see and respect my Imperial flag
Best just stay home faggot
Immigrants be stealing all your jobs, bruh
Stay out Abdul.
We're full
To be fair, your intolerance makes me feel a little more at home. God save the Brexit-voting Queen
Oh no, this leaf has gone rogue!
it's a symbol that you work hard storing up enough food to survive the winter each year, only for some asshole government to drive a tap into you and bleed you dry.
Trudeau with a nationalistic message in a picture with a white child?
w-were the prophecies true?
All it took was one meeting with Trump, Trudeau confirmed white nationalist
Honestly, our flag is aesthetic as FUCK. I love it. It looks so good blowing on a wintery day and as good in the heat of summer. It just fits Canada so well. So much nicer than America's tacky bullshit and better than most Yuro flags too.
It means a departure from tradition and embracing of degeneracy. Maple leaf never.
shit the leafs escaping
Why pride in the canadian flag? Borders are made up so why take pride in a made up flag :/ ?? Why would I expect more from cishet white male Trudeau though. Smdh
oh well now hes just mocking us
Literally nothing more pathetic than you bootlicking faggots who want to go back to having another nation's flag stand in for our own.
It's the equivalent of tattooing your boyfriend's name above your ass.
Does anyone still have that picture of the totalitarian canadian flags?
Chinadia's leaf is just a warped star.
The flag represents the maple, which is only found on the east coast, and it represents red, the colour of the liberal party, who silently signed in the new flag overnight.
the kid isnt a muslim immigrant.
it represents native Canadians. The original Canadian flag had a thistle, rose, shamrock and fleur-de-lys on it as well, but they were removed by communist sympathizers to sever our heritage
>not wanting to represent your national and cultural heritage
There is a reason your country is going to shit
It you
Can we talk about the American flag?
It literally has fifty fucking stars shoved on it.
>Sri fucking Lanka talking shit
In my country your people clean toilets and sweep hallways. How's that for respecting your heritage you literal broom-pusher?
many individuals versus monolith soulless leaf
Your fate is to be cast off and die in the dirt when your purpose is complete?
I find it funny that you tried to insult him but only managed to be somewhat rude :D
no referendum or nothing? did canadians want to get rid of their cuckstamp? you had the best looking one imo
they should have just stuck with original 13 stars
It's a sacred symbol of national unity.
fucking leaf MAN FUCK YO LEAF.
>tfw this leaf hates his flag so much the leaf escaped
Its called being proud of your heritage. New Zeeland knew this and voted to keep their flag rather than replace their history with some shitty plant.
you do have some good flags left though
doggo ;_;
W-what is he doing with that loli?
Referendum are a farce, the entire time we'll do them the gov do everything it can to lengthen is as long as possible so it become an eternal judicial saga that eventually get forgotten and even if the referendum do manage to happens, the federal government can pick and choose what it will do with it. Basically it mean jackshit and change absolutely nothing.
This is the only flag that matters
This is a great day for Canada, and therefore the world.
No, it was up to parliament. Of course we had to get rid of the cuckstamp, but come the hell on, we chose the ugliest flag in the world. Red and white like a hospital, with a fucking leaf in the middle. How the hell do you salute a leaf without looking like a moron?
WTF did you lose your leaf?
Only good for the cheap beer and easy pussy
I thought it didn't mean anything, and Canada was a post-state?
Why don't you have haute patisserie shops and luxury ski resorts in your province?
This is the flag of Canada, not the current bedsheet logo
No really...
What did he mean by this?
Poetry and unfortunately painfully true.
I see Vancouver has a new flag
The problem with that flag is that England doesn't hold that much influence over us, so it ain't a clear representative of what the context of Canada is.
But it would be league better than a fucking maple leaf, a species that is found only on the east coast.
That's not the canadian flag without leaf, that's Peru. You can hover your cursor over the flag and it tells you the name of the country.
Dunno, he's the biggest virtue signaler on the planet.
Thank you, Germany.
>weaponized autism
Did Trump talk some sense into this guy?
No problem!
Here's a bigger pic if you don't believe me. You'll also notice the red borders are slightly wider here than they are in the canadian flag.
Yeah, just like post-racial America, huh?
Trudeau will fall
>its another "german doesnt get humor" post
You should try admitting your mistakes for once rather than always playing the "I was only pretending" card.
It's satanic symbolism
It represents the devil's pitchfork
I don't understand how you guys were ever a world power.
dude, some of us have been around computers longer than you've been alive.
That only makes the fact that you didn't know how to read country-names from flags even more embarrassing then. Congratulations!
I are belieber
You are autistic.
You fucking autist.
>bantsing the bants
I like you, you're one of the good ones
Over a tetrazillion hours in paint
Make Quebec independent and change your flag to this, embrace who you are.
Welp, some leaf here is obviously quite upset someone that's not even living in Canada knows more about their flag than they do.
How can you fucking mistake Peru for your own flag, you genius? Way to reinforce the leaf stereotype!
you are first -rate HTML programmer, Kevin
Just put the fucking union jack. Stop pretending you are anything but BONGS.
"Subject of the Queen" fucking cuck.
Thank you. Goes to show just how much underage trash we've attracted with the election.
>When autism forms a nation in central europe
the sugar maple and the rock maple are found on the east coast. In the mid west we have the Manitoba maple. In bc they have the red maple. So different species of maple are found throughout canada.
both bretty good
How come nobody ever posts the screen shot or pasta of the long "a fucking leaf" post.
I cant seem to find where i saved it. Anyone know what I am talking about it and have it handy?
The union Jack, bald eagles, the Eiffel tower, the statue of liberty, the sombrero, the hammer and sickle, the kangaroo, Oktoberfest, the autobahn, pasta, the shape of Texas, gyros, and suicide bombings are all more recognizable symbols than A FUCKING LEAF
The Maple leaf is an Iconic symbol of Canada its typically found in Ontario and eastward.
The two red borders symbolizes the blood spilt in the two world wars securing our future.
>blood spilt
So all 12 of them, right?
>What was Canada's Hundred Days
>What was Juno Beach
>What was the liberation of the Low Countries
But i though Trueau said Canada was the first completely bank own.... i mean post-national state.
>be a leaf
>Britain gets the credit