He's a fucking Sup Forumslack, has got to be. His previous videos could have been evidence enough but then he started chanting HWNDU and there was no doubt in my mind.
PewDiePie on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
He is a raging liberal being edgy to get more hits and stay relevant. That's it, nothing more.
>get more hits
>be getting kicked off of his biggest platform
>biggest platform
That's youtube, what he made with disney is not even a fraction of what he makes with ad revenue on Ytb.
If he is then he's smart enough to keep it hidden. Stop trying to get him to reach out to you, you little faggot. Get some real friends.
Also stop using a proxy you Swedish faggot
when was this recorded?
This,i am so tired of 14 year old edgy fuck shilling for this swede cuck on pol.
Dunno, i'm guessing 2015
nice digits
well he might have changed his political views recently idk
It seems like he only recently became more redpilled
>being this new
>not knowing the origins of pewdiepie
Guy Fawkes era manchildren detected
This is not long after the election in september 2014.
pewd is in the uk canacuck
> leftists don't go on Sup Forums
This meme really needs to die. If lefties coming here wasn't a thing then the concept of the red pill wouldn't exist in the first place.
Don't forget the refugee thing happened between them and now
Um, yeah exactly? Are all brazilians this functionally retarded?
Read the post I was replying to, shithead burger
>you don't own memes goyim
property is theft comrade :-)
>He is a raging liberal being edgy to get more hits and stay relevant
He lost millions in sponsorships due to his anti-Semitism.
Reminder that it doesn't really matter whether he's a Sup Forumsack or not.
The important thing is showing people the medias biased bullshit and badly researched articles
Poor guy. He talked about how his life has been stressful recently and now this shit happens. Media really wants him to commit suicide.
It's really annoying how a journalist can drag someone's name through the dirt without any consequences
Who fucking cares.
Until he creates a political channel and starts advocating for another crusade, I won't believe it.
Pretty much the entirety of the emerging internet culture - every personality on youtube that has a clear relationship and history with Sup Forums - is redpilled to some degree, from Fantano to Hyde to PewDiePie to FilthyFrank to JonTron to H3H3 even.
We're completely informing the future culture. They all grew up on Sup Forums and are incurably anti-SJW. Even H3, who are probably the most liberal, are still really anti-SJW.
We're just fucking winning. It's as simple as that. And we've done it through meme culture, which is ours.
I was a literal fucking commie when those podcasts were done, now I want to kill all commies. He also wasn't doing the edgy memes and shitting on the media back then. Just sayin', people's views can change. Especially considering all the shit that's gone on in Europe since that was recorded.
spread the word, make it happen
Any way to back up the claims he made on rape?
At this point I'm surprised no one on the left has bought Sup Forums and destroyed it. I doubt it would cost them very much. Even if everyone moved to 8 or some other site, it would put at least a temporary blow to the red pillization of culture. A much better return on investment than stupid shit like CTR.
...and YT also kicked him off preferred advertising
Nope, I believe he is full of shit.
When does the crusade start?
>Sargon's videos on pewdiepie is trending
Wtf? Since when does yt allow free speech?
Dan Park is out of jail?
No, he's full of shit. Like the Swedish population were just not raping people then coincidentally once the non-whites started coming they began raping lmao
Its not like its the first time he's got shot from the media. His original content consisted of him shouting rape loudly for his audience of children, hes always got flak for doing stupid shit and he's been hounded for it.
He's probably just been redpilled by the media's constant attempts to slander him, this time however they had a real impact on him financially because somebody calling him a nazi will automatically brand him as trash in the eyes of the left.
being this triggered
"it's ealy not true"
what a fucking faggot
Dan Park is everywhere
hahaha what