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>Sup Forums tries to create "weed is for betas" narrative
>tons of successful alphas smoke as much weed as they can
yet again eternally BTFO'd by Chad
joe rogan is fucking losing it lol.
What you saw last night night was someone who suffers from substance abuse. And no, not just weed. 20 years of working at rehab clinics. Joe needs help. Watch his recent podcasts. It's getting worse.
expand on this
story time, I dont have time to watch him talk about weed and monkies with kettleballs
Joe Rogan has some good points, Marijuana can cure some forms of cancer and treat other diseases.
Crowder has some good points, Marijuana is harmful for some people who may have a dormant genetic psychosis.
For instance, I am physically unable to smoke pot because it gives me severe anxiety attacks...every time. Anxiety that is so intense I had to go to the doctors once.
That is shit I never want to mess with again.
same, i am prone to anxiety (out of control fear thinking) in normal life and weed magnifies that
I'm a proponent for legalizing all drugs but to say weed is harmless or has long term benefits is like claiming playing contact football for years doesn't cause brain damage.
he drinks during every podcast now I noticed
he didnt always do that
Substance abuse gets easily triggered if you question their drug of choice. "Alcohol isn't bad, I can handle it, those others are pussies" They do not enjoy imbibing alone. Look at how he keeps pressuring Crowder to join in even though Crowder clearly does not want to. The argument becomes personal attacks because Joe saw him as a loser who is a square, e.g. calling him fuck face, etc I have seen these symptoms many times in group and one on one meetings.
Crowder is a cuckservative retard
obviously that means we need to criminalize marijuana and kill anyone who resists.
because that would be preferable than someone having a panic attack.
the problem is weed is just weed to someone with 0 tolerance
but build a small tolerance, and all of sudden there is a discernible difference in sativa and indica dominant strains
if your anxiety wasnt sativa related try a strain called "hashplant"
As someone who rewatched the Alex Jewned one 3 times, I will not even click this dumb shit
I dont need to see 2 dumbasses debate weed. It's a fucking plant you smoke to relax and be lazy. Discussion is over.
nobody said that and Crowder also didn't say that
>Marijuana can cure some forms of cancer
I never said that you intolerable fuck.
this meme has to die.
also what is this claim that it should be legal because it is anti-inflammatory as if we don't already have anti-inflammatory drugs doctors can use
Holy shit you are both mentally weak pussies
Theres no such thing as freaking out on weed but whats in your head
Just fucking calm down when youre high you neurotic sub human
The guy is on TRT and HGH, weed is the least of his worries. As for alcohol god knows how much he drinks
Exactly. It treats symptoms associated with cancer not cancer itself. If it did chemo wouldn't be necessary.
On his show he always goes on about how liberals are ''special little snowflakes'' and need to grow some balls. But later on in this podcast he calls Joe a bully and nearly storms out of the studio. What a cuck.
kek wills it
>Holy shit you are both mentally weak pussies
Seriously, guys. Schizophrenia only affects people who don't have the willpower to control their thoughts.
He needs to get on BF and SMV
These threads are made by drug dealers and their viral marketing crews. Pretty low of them to act this way instead of paying to advertise on Sup Forums.
weed is a dumb nigger drug, fuck anyone who smokes or promotes it.
It's called being in control of yourself not being a helpless insane retard
have you sucked their cocks? i have.
People don't say it should be legal because its anti-inflammatory. People say it should be legal because the government is throwing people in prison for smoking a fucking plant that is less harmful then alcohol and prescription drugs.
Rogan wrong.
Crowder right.
>All of the studies except one (65) reported a statistically significantly increased risk of crash involvement associated with marijuana use (Figure 2). The estimated odds ratios were heterogeneous across the studies (Q statistic chi-square = 38.21, degrees of freedom = 8, P < 0.001; I2 = 79.1). The summary odds ratio estimated from the random-effects model was 2.66 (95% confidence interval: 2.07, 3.41).
and the reverse of these threads are made by betas who got cucked by Chad weed dealers
In my opinion, he has more than one problem. Weed, alcohol, probably roids since he talks about them so much, and the psychotropic drugs. He's an addict and it's getting worse.
You can't expect much out of a neocon. These types of people aren't conservative because they've come to any rational conclusion about the most well functioning form of governance, they just decided to play for a team. I can't stand them, there is no nuance in their opinions, they form their entire identity around a label, it's pathetic.
>Epidemiologic studies published in the past 2 decades demonstrate that marijuana use by drivers is associated with a significantly increased crash risk. The crash risk appears to increase progressively with the dose and frequency of marijuana use.
>The empiric evidence supporting the association between marijuana use and crash risk was derived from studies conducted in different countries and based on different research designs.
>To further assess the role of marijuana use in motor vehicle crashes, additional research is needed to rigorously address the effects on crash risk of dose, recency, and administrative modes of marijuana and of marijuana in combination with other drugs.
>Given the ongoing epidemic of drug-impaired driving and the increased permissibility and accessibility of marijuana for medical use in the United States, it is urgent to better understand the role of marijuana in crash causation and outcomes.
TL;DR don't smoke and drive.
john rogane is not white
There you have it, a classical marketing tactic: making people feel like losers who would be winners if only the use the product you wish to sell them.
Lol, only idiots on Sup Forums believe that. The recreational consumption of any drug or alcohol is degenerate and no matter how successful someone is, they will always be less of a man compared to somone who doesn't.
Yea im on joe's side and even i knew you probably shouldn't smoke and drive. The one thing crowder got right.
>i need to smoke mug magic plant just to get through the day
Potheads, everyone.
What is it with "DUDE WEED" tier individuals that makes them start flinging shit every time a person has some opposition to it.
I don't care if someone takes it, but I have noticed the same response that Joe has from other people when an argument is made.
>It's called being in control of yourself not being a helpless insane retard
Should I link you to the peer-reviewed studies showing marijuana can spark psychosis and schizophrenia, or will you just scamper off now and shut your nigger weed-smoking mouth?
Only autists hate weed. They have either never smoked it and get their info from Reefer Madness and similar absurdities. My other idea is that they smoked it a few times, and sperged out hard at their friends when they smoked and told them they were degenerate and deserved to die or something stupid like that. Marijuana has helped me so much. I used to be emotionally dead and totally immature. Marijuana changed my perspective on basically everything. I have been smoking for 8 years, and I am very loving and compassionate and happy and have a good attitude that I wouldnt have without it. It has improved every aspect of my life. It is especially great for treating depression and anger issues.
lmao I didn't force them to make butthurt anti-weed threads. they got cucked and blamed it on an herb instead taking a look in the mirror.
Rogan is a SJW asshat. Fuck that asshole. And this come's from a huge pothead.
DAYUM!!! IS THAT REAL????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? don't hairdo drugs.
Agreed, Joe got defensive and prickly about it. Crowder seemed oblivious to this, maybe coz he was the guest
nice strawman drug addict
jaime is such a passive aggressive little bitch. he did this with gavin mcginnes too, where he'll google what they're saying to "fact check" it by bringing up a left wing website like cnn or washington post
he did it another time too when dan carlin was there and they said something about Trump, and the article he had them read was a russian conspiracy theory
i fucking hate that guy
beware the dangerous effects of the demon plant marijuana (aka as reefer)
So you admit it is an mind altering drug?
>stoned over the hill has been on hormones freaks out over pot for half the podcast while arguing like a dunce
Yeah, Crowder sure came off as a loser, haha!
>Rogan is a SJW
What has Joe ever said that makes him a sjw?
fuck off faggot. you probably posted in that disgusting mormon thread last night. lmao
He's a whiteboi acting like a nigger to belong, nothing new under the black sun.
Rogan is a Kike so who cares
Joe sounds like a sloppy mess
Joe Rogan just embarrassed himself
He came off like a druggie moron, the guy is almost 50 and acts like a child
I'll play along with your game and pretend your crew didn't make that thread either.
Commenting on other threads instead of making your own is a pretty effective tactic, it makes you seem genuine, shariablue can learn a thing or two from what your lot is doing. You're being a bit of a tryhard with your memespouting on the other hand.
Open borders?
Drugs is the best?
Everybody should just love each other and become comedians/shitty artists?
Nope. You wish. I don't need religion to tell how not to be a degenerate and take care of my body.
>Every year in Canada, 125 000 car crashes result in over 12 000 serious injuries and 2400 fatalities.
>Drinking drivers are at increased risk of crashing. The crash risk doubles at blood alcohol levels (BALs) between 0.05% and 0.08% and increases over 150-fold at BALs above 0.24%.
>After alcohol, cannabis is the second most widely used impairing drug in the world, and many Canadians drive after using cannabis. The rate of cannabis use in BC drivers is particularly high.
>A 2008 BC survey in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island found that 8.1% of drivers had been drinking and 10.4% tested positive for drugs, including 4.6% for cannabis.[1]
>The rate of cannabis use is even higher in other parts of BC. However, many cannabis users believe it does not impair their driving ability.
>The true contribution of cannabis to motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) is therefore of substantial interest.
>There is clear evidence that cannabis, like alcohol, impairs the psychomotor skills required for safe driving.[2] Cannabis intoxication slows reaction time and impairs automated tasks such as tracking ability (staying within a lane) or monitoring the speedometer.
>I don't like it when my retarded beliefs are proven wrong
Joe Rogan is an addict, he's on all kinds of shit. Weed, alcohol, steroids, who knows what else, his body is completely fucked up.
Lols, I just watched this. I see Joe Rogan on this site all the time and I'm glad, Joe Rogan is an awesome podcast. This was the worst case I've seen of Joe attacking someone who disagrees with him. All just because he doesn't think weed is good in all situations. I was high as fuck watching this episode and still annoyed.
lolz, you're a fag.
problem is that alcohol in moderation (how most people use) is fine, weed in moderation doesn't exist because even a little bit every week slowly damages the brain, makes you slower thinking/less motivated/memory impaired etc
if you smoke a combustible plant all day for the purpose of chilling out and having fun all day mannn than you deserve to get looked down on a little bit from civilization. joe rogan needs to accept that.
That is what too much fame and no real problems does to you. It make's you think you are better than anyone, when the truth is probably the exact opposite.
t. spergs who never had friends to engage in debauchery with are salty at people who've had fun
if you spend any amount of time on a porn image board to discuss politics you deserve to have your right pinky toe cut off, and you faggot need to accept taht. I think I'd actually pay that price.
Lol had to go to doc because cant handle weed. Whats wrong with you?
it's more about the clear bias being annoying. i actually don't care about weed and want it to be legalized so everyone shuts the fuck up about it
>Yeah but this study supports my opinion so I'm right, just admit you're wrong.
>wont shut up about it for twenty minutes
>Geez, you're very defensive. You can't let it go!
Joe has issues.
>Hey what subject do you give zero fucks about?
>Oh ok, let me attack you on that
That shit was shameful, Joe's just triggered about his drug addiction. Steven was saying the whole time he didn't give a fuck about weed and even gave Joe a pipe as a gift, and Joe pulls this shit, he should be ashamed.
Weed makes you sleepy, happy and hungry.
>being this paranoid while sober
weed is definitely not for you user
t. weak willed, unsocial degenerate who needs to be under the influence to function normally
As i wrote before, i smoke just as much weed as Rogan, but unlike that asshat i can think critically about weed just as i do alcohol, too much sugar or the sandnigger religion christianity. Go pray to your magic sandmonkey in space asshole.
>Jamie pulls up and highlights
Yeah, so do bullets and bleach, IN VITRO =/= IN VIVO
any doctor or other medfags here?
Does this drive you up the fucking wall too?
I've never freaked out doing shrooms, not even close. I don't feel like I have anxiety whatsoever but for some reason smoking weed gives me this "sitting in church, tie is too tight" feeling. I first smoked in 8th grade, I've smoked it 100's of times since. Over the last few years the only times I enjoy it are if I'm already drunk or I'm near water (so I can jump in and snap back to reality)
Two idiots arguing
Rogan is more of an insufferable moron
>weed in moderation doesn't exist because even a little bit every week slowly damages the brain, makes you slower thinking/less motivated/memory impaired etc
Can you link me to the scientific studies that prove that? All the studies I've seen say that as long as your brain is fully devolved(over the age of 18), weed does very little harm. Of course if you do at a young age, its gonna fuck your mind up and stunt your growth.
>420 blaze it weeb
doesn't every nation with the except of thailand have the harshest punishment on weed? how can weed be attributed to weeaboo bullshit?
I don't vehemently espouse the virtues of image board posting to normies, though
better to be under the influence and socialize that a degenerate antisocial twit in your moms basement.
you've just fabricated that entire statement mate.
>alcohol in moderation is fine
That's a meme, spread by govt because they recognise saying never to drink is unrealistic. Alcohol is a poison, there is no magical quantity that does no damage to you.
>weed in moderation doesn't exist
What? What evidence is there for that? Are you saying no one smokes the odd joint? Or does that not qualify as moderation?
eat more shrooms.
Tried playing Dead Island on shrooms to see if I could freak out.
Was just a feeling of
>holy fuck, make this end, now
>no drug cures anything, the immune system does
This is how Joe argued when proven wrong about there not being a single drug that cures a disease.
>I don't care if someone takes it, but I have noticed the same response that Joe has from other people when an argument is made.
Seriously. When dude weeds make the "alcohol is bad, too" argument I agree. It's corrosive and ruins many lives. I say that as a casual drinker.
Ah, now we're getting into reverse psychology marketing territory. Kind of like these phone commercials in which they tell you to turn your phone off more often or banking ads that inform you about how easy it is to switch banks. If you're not actually working in advertisement, you should try find that kind of job. You're talented.
Weed is for lazy degenerates
Stop making a strawman and using ad hominem attacks
Weed is a good way to fuck you brain up without psychosis and schizophrenia (which you cant even get an mri for no reason to check if your safe)
look up Depersonalization and Derealizatio, in a very small percent of pot smokers who have perfectly healthy brains this happen
t. someone who smoked pot for a year and then suddenly got depersonalization symptoms which nearly ruined my life, now 3 months into recovery and still suffering from mental detachment, visual static, and other irritating symptoms
NO FUCKING DRUG IS 100% SAFE, and I know potheads will deny this until their last dying breath with shit like "but i know a guy in california making 400k a year with a hot wife and ferrari who smokes!" or "but bro it cures cancer"