So what % is Sup Forums at now?
In hating the orange monkey.
80% yet?
So what % is Sup Forums at now?
Robert Myers
Other urls found in this thread:
Juan Cooper
40, I'd say.
Kayden Brooks
what the fuck
are you talking about?
Jonathan Smith
They think they're winning, sad
Charles Brown
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Trump keep the nuclear codes.
Joshua Martin
Sup Forums and dare I say Sup Forums wlll never hate trump. he is our guy. We memed the pussy grabber into office.
I hope he grabs every pussy in the white house and congress by the time he is done
Dominic Hughes
Less than 1%, including you shills & the gullible.
Carson Perez
100% of the three digit IQ crowd
probably only 1/3 of us once you include /r/t_d cucks
Matthew Thomas
calm down pajeet, you can still come to Canada to steal IT jobs
David Lopez