Why is it socially acceptable for Sarah Silverman to dress like a nazi?

but if Pewdiepie does it he's branded as a hitler loving nazi?

P.S. fuck nazis

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Because she's an establishment puppet.

shes literally a kike and a puppet

>Because she's an establishment puppet.
Girls really aren't funny (at least intentionally) people need to get over it and stop pretending.

strange isn't it

Because she's actually a Jew?

Idiot. Sad.

The standards have been doubled:

Literally a kike.

I expect nothing less and thus I treat them like less than nothing.

cause she is a comedian and she is a funny one at that while pewcreampie is just a plain racist who only try to mask his racism in his "jokes" who arent funny at all

So as a Jewish person, isn't it even more outrageous for her to act in such a way? Isn't it even more disrespectful?
Shouldn't she know better? How do her grand parents feel about it?

She's a Kike ?!

Fuck you leaf...Day of rake should be the next holocaust.

jewish privilege

barren kike

because hers was an anti hitler/trump comedy routine, pewdiepie does his shit in support of hitler. are you people really this retarded

because pewdipie is a FUCKING WHITE MALE, if he was a nigger nobody would have said anything about his latest videos.

Yes. Yes they are.

Did you even see the Pewdiepie videos, because no he didn't?

Or are you just trusting the WSJ and CNN?

because she's an unfunny liberal jewess

i didnt see his videos but ive seen images of him posted on here for a while. i've also seen people saying "he's one of us", etc. doesn't seem like he's doing it as an sjw comedy routine, does it?

Jewish humor consists of two things:

>stereotypical jewish victim playing
>stereotypical jewish mom jokes



eh there's some funny chicks. difference between them and silverman is that they don't go on about the fact they have a vagina.

Självmord är enda lösningen för dig

impossible. This is 100% of female humor if you include the related items.

>i didnt see his videos but ive seen images
just like the media is doing is what you are doing. Seeing images, taking them out of context and you got yourself a retarded opinion based on lies.
go watch the vids and them come back


If you actually watched the videos you would have seen that he was joking around. He even made a video dedicated to explain that he was just joking around.
Just because a bunch of stormfront nazis jumped on any chance to justify themselves, even though it was completely wrong to. Doesn't mean shit. Pepe the frog got hijacked too. Is Pepes creator a nazi also, no.

this is the same bitch who imagines swastikas where there are none
she sees nazis under every rock

so then what is he doing in the videos? please explain. somehow i already figure he isn't telling people the evils of hitler

because Pewdiepie is a
>f____n_ wh___ m__e

ok, even if he was doing that, why would he choose to joke about that? given his audience (kids) and his status i don't see why he chose to partake in such a risky routine. he's an idiot if you ask me, he's probably going to lose money and is risking his career.

I'm not going to explain videos that have a lot of subjects and are all made just to make people laugh.
Just watch one video of the ones mentioned everywhere and you will understand.

because its well known shes jewish, so no one cares except you idiots at /pol lol.

the fuck is it with you americans and your hatred of women. it's fucking easy to be funny, even a chick could do it. not like i'm saying any of them could lift 200 pounds.

Here's one that might help user. Thank you for keeping an open mind.

Maria Bamford is the closest to a "female robot" I've ever seen in a comedian. She is the exception that proves the rule.

>P.S. fuck nazis

What Nazi's? The ones from the 1940's?
Why would someone write that?

It'd be like me ending my post with "P.S. fuck the Wig Party"

you do realize where you are, right?

What happened to her Sup Forums? She use to be an edgy comedian making stupid jokes. Now she is sensitive and part of the system. It just disgusts me.

fucking tory bastard

jewish privilege is real

Is jontron /ourguy/?

I love how it went from jontron is a nazi to pewdiepie is. I wonder who will be a nazi next to the media

that's cultural appropriation!!!

Kathleen Madigan is a pretty good female comedian, broski.

It's just a joke


Because only kikes are sure that other kikes will be mocking of the Third Reich the way they want.
They're far too paranoid a people to ever allow the goyim to do it.
Fuck these faggot Jews.

>P.S. fuck nazis
Fuck you, you worthless blue-pilled kike-lover.

unfortunately I don't have the story of a guy meeting him at the grocery store buying cornbread and milk saved


why what?



Ok Trudeu

>the wig party

>P.S. fuck nazis
>virtue signalling to jewed indoctrinated

Where to fuck do you think you are?

She did not dressed like a ''Nazi'' but National Socialist you fucking Leaf

That was from a video called ''Hitler hates being compared with Trump