It's gonna get ugly. Who will be victorious
Milo vs. Bill Maher
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Bill Maher is a cuck, he lost before it even began
Is that happening?
When it will happen?
Bill is a chill
We advertising tv shows now?
Honestly outside of maher editing the shit out of the show I can't see a situation where he doesn't get absolutely crushed. Hopefully milo and crew will be recording as well so we can go back and see where the shit was edited
I'm nervous about this. I don't think even Milo can do will with bbc as well as Maher can. Not gonna lie its gonna be tight
Bill's going to make a bunch of shit up and refuse to stop calling him a fascist and a nazi, like the disrespectful retard shill that he is.
*do well
its going to be interesting.
>yur a white supremcist
"but im teh gay and haz black boyfriend!"
ad nausium for 30 minutes + canned laugh track
you know what
as much as i hate the faggot, being given this platform is a HUGE opportunity and in all honesty, he can redeem himself in my eyes by not making it about himself and providing good arguments instead of le ditsy faggot routine.
will this happen? probably not
When does he not lay out a solid argument in between his ditsy fag routine? Do you actually watch his speeches?
ikr I thought I was on Sup Forums for a second.
Milo doesn't even have to defend himself to win.
This is about how people call him a nazi and that he's a voice of the alt right , all while he is neither of those.
Maher will have several other people jump in to save him as he gets BTFO.
As is typical, both sides will declare that they won if its anything other than a complete trouncing, which is unlikely between the two. If Milo is extra manic Bill will capitalize on it.
Maher is giving him the opening interview slot so no panel
Milo's not on the panel, he's the interview before the panel.
I don't really care for Milo. But if he just stays out of his own way he'll make Maher and whatever other brainless liberals he's invited on the show that day look like a bunch of jackasses. And that is a net positive for me.
Anything that shows so-called 'culturally influential' people as the modern day snake oil salesmen that they are is a win, I think.
Bill Maher laid back as all hell as a host, he'll just steer it on to Islam so they can agree
>bill uses pompous cynicism
>milo uses sass
>it was super effective!
Milo will bring it, but ultimately be too polite and the big-dicked kike Bill Maher will out-bully and insult him.
>thursday night kike fights
Have you ever seen Milo's debates with feminists? Milo can handle Maher
You guys seem to think Bill is anti-Milo.
Bill, Dave Rubin, and others are all lefties who are growing very concerned about the attitude of the democrats right now, and I think Bill will not only defend Milo's rights to free speech, but also agree with some of his positions (but not all).
Bill Maher is kind of a cunt, but watch his face during the Morgan/Jefferies incident. He was mortified that his show fell to hurling insults and the audience cheered. He wants a quasi hi-brow show, and and having world famous reporters screamed down is not what he wants.
>When does he not lay out a solid argument in between his ditsy fag routine
hello milo, often you do. for example your circumcision argument "I am a faggot and i love them that way therefore all men should get circumcised" is counterproductive and makes you look like a fucking retard.
stop doing it, faggot
I disagree milo been confronted with way worse than bill Maher. In fact I think bill got to comfy with his show he always has writers making jokes so I think he lost his real snap, I haven't seen him really debate in a long time... hell I think this was a bad idea milo might shove a BBC up his ass
You're talking about bill Maher, right.
He's not going to be on the panel appearently, i dont watch much Maher, is it like a 1v1 interview ?
no, maher is a lost cause
to think i actually liked that asshole pre 2016 election.
now he is literally nothing but current year cuck "DRUMPF" tier. hes a lost cause
I'm gonna be severely disappointed if Milo does call out the trained seal audience and circle jerk panel
Maher will probably win because I doubt he'll do this.
SO Milo saying he likes it is now him saying all men need to have it done? I didnt realize he couldnt have an opinion.
This image makes me cum shamefully please stop posting
Milo easy
Mahr is a commy who hates America and is wrong about everything and needs a fake audience to laugh at his lame shit.
Capitalism in 180 made america great and equality is totally ok because some people are way more productive. Inequality is fair.
except it wont, because theyve both done this a million times before, and itll just end with a handshake and some shit like "well i respect your opinion and it echoes the political climate in america today, glad i could have you on the show to talk about it' they get their checks. ad companies get theirs. and everyone lives happily ever after, while we all watch and comment on it like the idiots we are.
I'm guessing whoever is at the table will yell over him and call him a nazi/racist/fascist and the audience, which naturally consists of mostly liberals, will applaud and cheer them on.
I.e. Milo 'wins' by not doing anything wrong.
Milo will win but Bill will have his fans clap at everything he says so it will look like he is winning.
fuck off faggot
>SO Milo saying he likes it is now him saying all men need to have it done?
its just one of the stupid arguments you have made milo but feel free to gasslight all you want and degrade your position to just "opinion". yes, you are totally going to change hearts and minds with your faggot opinions instead of facts.
most of the alt right hates you, dont fuck this up and maybe a few less will hate you
It's on HBO
>milo says some edgy shit to trigger maher
>maher makes some 2nd grace rebuttal
>lib audience eats up maher's words like ass salad
*2nd grade
Milo takes bbc on a daily basis. Not sure you have a sound argument there pareeep
there is one BIG thing that if the topic shifts they unilaterally agree upon.
Mahr HATES islam, he shits on guests anytime they talk positively about it.
Aw, poor leaf doesn't like circumcision, cry about it. So tell me more about how Milo gaslights
Really? I don't believe that.
Bill Maher will unashamedly bring audience on his side, like aways. Any dumb aggregation of words that come out of his mouth will be followed by thunderous claps. Any sentence of what Milo says will get massive booing. On the next day, the most upvoted topic on Reddit will be "Watch Milo getting utterly destroyed by Bill Maher!", celebrities will talk about it, Twitter will talk about it, we will talk about it.
You can print my comment, that is what will happen.
The first slot is a 1v1 yes.
Also I guarantee the cuckcrowd will boo him to hell.
Bill will shit his diaper and start str8splaining who Milo is being oppressed and acting against his own best interests.
>Milo: "Am I r-r-r-racist?? Oh really? W-w-w-w-well listen here, I have had soooo many black dicks in my mouth you don't even know. So how am I racist? Hehe!"
That's Milo in a nutshell during debates and cucks here on Sup Forums likes him. Ugh.
>asks for example
>gets example
>glosses over example
>demands more examples
you will end up in an oven inside another oven faggot kike
Bill Maher & co. will win plain and simple.
Not on the merits of their arguments or because Milo isn't articulate enough, but because it's his show.
Just the same as any other talk show/news personality; the narrative goes the way the home team wants it to, people laugh at the home teams jokes, and the guest loses.
Think about Fox v. CNN. On Fox, the conservative viewpoint always gets the last word/most legitimacy (i.e. O'Reilly, Hannity, etc); and on CNN the liberal viewpoint gets it (i.e. Burnett, Cooper).
Anybody expecting Milo to get a fair shot on a fucking HBO program is in for a rude awakening.
Although in the case of Milo, I don't think he cares much about any of that and is just using it as a platform to kick sand in people's face.
We shall see.
Bill is going to obliterate Milo.
When you put Milo up against someone who doesn't take his bait or gets riled up with what he's arguing about, you very quickly realise Milo is very shit at debating.
He got humiliated by Assange and didn't edit it out. I would hope that Milo gets the same treatment.
They were arguing over the candidates, and Assange brought up that he had a record of "William Maher" making a donation(I forget the amount) to the Clinton campaign. Maher just stood there laughing nervously.
And yet...
Likely, but Milo rose to fame in this environment. Pretty much any venue where he gets to hash out his views is going to be effective. He's pretty composed at breaking down his views and thinking quickly.
Maher is great at bashing islam and politically correctness/SJWs so depends on the arguments, they also could be on the same side of the table.
This thread is proof that all the reddit fags, milo cock sucking, open boarders, race mixing, what is the bell curve, civic nationalist retards have invaded pol.
Bill will just chant "FUCK YOU" and "SHUT THE FUCK UP" and the leftist crowd will cheer every time.
>Any dumb aggregation of words that come out of his mouth will be followed by thunderous claps. Any sentence of what Milo says will get massive booing. On the next day, the most upvoted topic on Reddit will be "Watch Milo getting utterly destroyed by Bill Maher!", celebrities will talk about it, Twitter will talk about it, we will talk about it.
Man you are 100% correct unfortunately.
But instead of accepting this and adfmitting defeat we should instead:
So the question becomes: How do you win the debate when everyone including the audience is working against you?
(I legit don't know. Seen it gone wrong a million times and we can never win whenever we come debate at their home base.)
Bill maher has to much starpower, normies auto-agree with him
Bill will call him "faggot" before the night is over.
He tried this on Ann Coulter and got completely BTFO.
Funny how the rational atheist skeptic only uses emotions in a debate.
>two jews who hate muslims
Oh so you're just racist. I asked for another example because you said there were many.
>doesn't like circumcision
7 out of 8 women don't like circumcision, user.
Do people watch cable TV anymore? Fuck Bill and his dying show.
>So the question becomes: How do you win the debate when everyone including the audience is working against you?
Be right. The Ben Shapiro method. Crazy, I know
That's not the point. The user acted as if having an opinion is the same thing as telling people what to do.
Milo is a shit but he can still stomp Maher
how many other jagoffs will be on the show to ruin it?
Damn, ben needs to lay off the yay
Not Jeremy Scahill
Maher is of Irish ancestry you dizzy twat
maher will say some stupid tired leftist rhetoric and his brain-dead crowd will cheer and clap like trained circus seals while interpreting milo at every moment he opens his mouth with overwhelming boos.
maher and his fanbase will consider this a victory
You don't have to like him to appreciate the consequences of the left eating itself by treating a gay, racemixing jew as a white ultra-nationalist in the media
Was it easy typing that with Shadiq's dick in your mouth?
Milo is a fucking moron. I don't agree with any of them, but Bill Maher is much smarter than Milo.
The crowd will laugh and boo at Milo, then time will prove him victorious. Bill's on a dying show, and this is a desperate move for ratings.
stfu faggots it's pure Sup Forums related.
Well, one is a useless giant fag. The other is openly homosexual.
Maher is a moron, he stands no chance.
I miss that old fat contrarian fuck
I think they're gonna agree more than argue. Bill Maher is against the college riots and shutting down speakers.
It's honestly gonna be an echo chamber.
They agree on the Muslim problem and the colleges that's about it.
Haven't seen the rest of the guest list. But if it's like his other shows, it will be Bill Maher, his audience programmed to feed him applause breaks after every sentence, a leftist professor to quiz Milo at every turn and correct him after sentence Milo utters. A cool minority to roast Milo for practicing in wrongthink. And a jew cunt to be outraged on behalf of pet minorities. Bad scene for Milo, and if he stumbles once leftists will be spiking the ball on every channel for a week topped off with like & share FB clips titled BILL MAHER DESTROYS ALT-RIGHT BULLY!
i think they'll unite over the bullshit that is Islam.
Exactly but the college riots is likely why Milo is on the show, so that's probably what they're gonna talk about and how the left is going insane.
Well obviously Maher has never been wrong about anything, so I guess he's right.
His actual viewership is pretty moderate. He's only talked about because every liberal platform on the internet loves him and because he can book movie stars.
Milo probably has a larger following at this point.
Also, this. Stacked odds.
Victorious at what, who the bigger faggot is?
>as if the bbc has never tried to jew milo like this
its live
>mfw I remember milo calling some thot darling
If you're not allowed to be a racial realist, you will most likely lose a debate with a liberal when it comes to immigration. This is how they "win" all the time, they forbid a critical part of the discussion.