You clearly him start to say, "I'M JOHN PODES-"
This motherfucker is done
You clearly him start to say, "I'M JOHN PODES-"
This motherfucker is done
Other urls found in this thread:
It's gotta be him.
>37 seconds into video FYI
Podesta or not.... whoever that is should burn in hell for torturing that kid, that is pure terror heard in those videos.
John Podesta Secretary of State, could you imagine
It's John Cenna
Nothing to see here goyim.
how is this chick still alive?
Although I don't debunk Pizzagate, this "I'm John Podesta" is bullshit.
It's a psychological phenomena where if one person says something, everyone will hear the same shit.
This is how mass histeria is created.
Regardless of if he said that or not (I don't hear that) you can tell it's the same damn voice.
The whole worldcorpo shit is a red herring. The videos are clearly made and promoted to be creepy and go viral. No one is catching anyone in anything. Anyone intelligent can see this, and I'm starting to think this is controlled opposition with the amount it's being pushed.
where the fuck does this footage come from anyways?
Sorry if I'm retarded, but why would Podesta post this on the internet?
who knows if he posted this himself, but i'd imagine they record to share with their inner circle friends
This is Sup Forums, one of you doesn't have a program to get the vocals only from the audio track? If you could hear it without all the background noise and isolate the voices only we would know what they say
Assuming what happened, he saved it and sent it to a friend. Somewhere along the way it's ended up on Twitter. Psychologically speaking this is what a pedophile would do. He is showing off his dominance against his "slave"
It's not looking good, it is difficult to make out the words of the very young child. But the voice of the offender is very likely John podesta
Benn donde, here
If you're going to go with this theory you need to then also theorize 1) who owns worldcorpo, 2) why it is still online after this has been found out, and 3) why it by all means looks like an ARG / viral marketing
KeK I want him in a plane crash, but to live. I want his under aged cargo to die. I want his sex computer leaked. I want his frends in jail and his gods temples smashed.
I'm not hearing it.
>this is Sup Forums
Well there's your answer
wow, it would be great to hear the entire audio track like this, from beginning to end
Context? Especially were both saying?
eh. its close but its not quite the same. more of an accent in the torture one and you can tell theres an a bit of an echo too.
that said, i hope they can prove its him and he gets the electric chair
It don't matter, normies already think that John Pedoesta and Hillary rape little kids at CometPing Pong.
Join the Discord if you believe so.
You have to understand these people are insane I don't make logical choices because they have never had to act carefully. They literally have been able to do whatever they want and the media and every branch of the government would cover up for them. They would take drugs party all night abuse children and nobody give them shit if anybody caused a big enough problem they would simply being murdered. These people only have one skill and that is fear intimidation and murder
pizzagate is fake news
Stop wasting your time on it
>This is Sup Forums, one of you doesn't have a program to get the vocals only from the audio track?
Maybe some do, but it's Sup Forums, we mostly listen to full pack of military march songs, hymns and - secretly - cute anime OSTs so we have no need for such.
So it's discord faggots shitting up Sup Forums as a ruse?
keep shilling. Bump this fucking thread.
What company would use what sounds like vicious child abuse as marketing?
Hey fuck that Caillou cartoon. That kid is a fucking pussy.
That dosen't mean it's john pidesta. It could be a LARPer doing a vocaroo and adding it to a video.
ya i dont hear shit. sounds like bill burr talking lol
Go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums for this. Sup Forums would probably want to help us more than Sup Forums would.
>You clearly him start to say, "I'M JOHN PODES-"
>This motherfucker is done
Could someone tell me what is going on in that video?
Do you think if Podesta were a Trump campaign manager that this would be covered by the news?
This is Sup Forums the home and inventor of fake news. We are Newsmax for the disillusioned Prison Planet listener
Guys this isn't fucking advertising or Jew magic or gas lighting. It is not that fucking difficult these people are dangerous pedophiles and they are sloppy because they've have always been covered up by every major media outlet in every major branch of the United States government. They got sloppy and they got caught.
Some bizarre form of child sexual torture and abuse. Video is likely taken by John podesta and he sent it to a fellow pedophile.
I didnt hear skippy either. I def hear John but i think the kid says daddy, not skippy.
This is porn to these freaks or maybe while he bashing the kid about someone snuck in hoping to blackmail at a later date or protection from these sick fucks.
The wikileaked emails talked about all sorts of nastiness including disappearing that guy to a jap island
np polskabro have a good day
It's crystal clear he replaces the word "Caillou" with "John Podesta" in the first verse.
I had seen the 'fatherhood' video but not the 'grow some more' one.
My 2 year old loves Caillou... this guy Skippy is actually evil.
I used to think that the villains were all just misunderstood and thought they were doing the right thing from their perspective.
The PG thing has opened my eyes to the fact that real, true evil actually exists. I feal anger and sorrow at the same time.
You can bet your sweet ass they would honey
Fatherhood.mp3 (Arguably the most fucked up one) I transcribed this one
You think you're hot shit don't think you're ho- LISTEN UP
*screaming/crying please please put down?
My other name what do you call me
I am your FATHER! from now on you will call me your father, do yo- SHUT UP
*screaming (dad/no?)
You will call me your father! what am I- what is MY NAME HUN?
*screaming (oh yeah?)
What do you want me- What do I want you to call me?
*screaming (what?)
*I wanna play
*John - screaming
Each.mp3 (he's just singing Caillou - I don't hear Skippy) - also not AS creepy
Desist - without watching vid, this is a joke?
Malarkey - a bad rap with poor audio quality.
Despite this being an elaborate art project (I hope and fuck that pedo Podesta)... the only conclusive evidence I've found cleaning up the audio is "John" in the fatherhood video. At no point do they say Skippy or John Podesta in the Caillou vid.
He talks about Skippy in public.
Abuse like beating or rape?
I don't hear those sentence in it at all. It could still be him, who knows but this is reaching
>people are already rubbing it in his face
Wow, what a great way to burn your evidence, and your entire platform.
>shoving tenuous evidence down someone's throat with nothing concrete
>expecting anything to come of it that isn't everyone calling you a psycho conspiracy nutjob
Agreed. Look at
This seems like a red herring to me - there's so much evidence out there surrounding Podesta...and as much as I want this to be true so we can nail the fucker - there's not enough evidence here.
seriously though, if Podesta's alter ego was skippy, wouldn't his other name by skippy and not father?
I think the kid is saying "dad", maybe it is john but is this totally unrelated to PG and is this a step dad going insane
And wasn't this also found some months ago? This was also linked to pizzagate and dropped, why is it coming back?
Actual lyrics:
>I'm just a kid who's four
>Each day I grow some more
>I like exploring
>I'm Caillou.
He clearly doesn't try to sing "I like exploring".
I can definitely make out "I'm" and the rest is mubled like he skipped a line, in which case he definitely wasn't trying to say "I'm Caillou".
There's nothing else in the song that sounds remotely close to what he was mumbling, besides his name.
I think this is either nu-pol jumping on a controversial video or a targeted disinfo campaign. I agree - and at no point in those 4 worldcorpo vids did I hear skippy
It's frustrating seeing thread after thread on this when we could be investigating elsewhere
Woah who was talking here?
what in the actual fuck....
Oh my fuck
Right, because you can find John Podesta singing along to Caillou like a maniac, yelling at someone asking them what his name is, to correct them and say he's their father, all with a sadistic, sociopathic overtone, is out there for everyone to use.
This. I want to know what happened to that poor kid and where he is now. I can't let myself think he's dead. Bad enough knowing his psyche has been FUBAR.
no, it's not clear enough. Could be "dad", "dan", etc. And there was no full or partial "Podesta" in the audio.
Health Inspector Smith: As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Giovanni. It seems that you've been living two lives. In one life, you're Paulino F. Giovanni, pizza chef for a respectable italian restaurant, you have a social security number, you pay your taxes, and you help your landlady cook pizzas for dinner. The other life is lived in front of ovens, where you go by the chef alias Neo and are guilty of virtually every food crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not. I'm going to be as forthcoming as I can be, Mr. Giovanni. You're here because we need your help. We know that you've been contacted by a certain individual, a man who calls himself Morpheus. Now whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant. He is considered by many authorities to be the most skilled chef alive. My colleagues believe that I am wasting my time with you but I believe that you wish to do the right thing. We're willing to wipe the oven clean, give you a fresh slice and all that we're asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice.
Neo: Yeah. Wow, that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I got a better one. How about I give you six bucks... and you give me the whole pie.
Health Inspector Smith: Um, Mr. Giovanni. You disappoint me.
Neo: You can't scare me with this Polizia crap. I know my rights. I want my pie.
Health Inspector Smith: And tell me, Mr. Giovanni, what good is a pizza pie if you're unable to eat?... You're going to help us, Mr. Giovanni, whether you want to or not.
I heard 'I'm John podestee'
This sick fucker must burn eternally for his crimes against humanity
CNN fake news making threads again
I hear "dad" and "daddy".
The guy does say something similar to "john podes-" in the beginning of the 'each' clip.
Why is that guy still alive?
God damn Sup Forums has the biggest faggots.
fuck off shill
Aging malevolent beings like podesta want to download their dead souls into young kids that they prepare for years as future vessels through systematic torture. When they die they hope to 'live on' as demons in the body of a young kid. The newest fad among the satanist DC/NYC crowd.
The truly fucked thing is this guy can't be doing this alone. How many sick pieces of shit are in league with him? And who are they?
Too many coincidences guys.
man: "What's my name?"
kid: "dad"
man: "no, what's my other name?"
kid: "step-dad"
man: "no my other name what do you call me?"
kid: "dad"
man: "I am your FATHER, from now on you will call me your father"
Most likely one of the many psycho step-dads who should be strapped to the electric chair.
ya think ya hot shit, don't ya? just get lost
Have we ever figured out where this website came from? Who owns it? Who brought it to our attention?
It was created on April 1, 2016 but thats all ive been able to find.
He says
>I'm just a boy who's four...
You need voiceprint analysis for this.
ya think ya hot shit, don't ya? just get lost
Streep's screed.
Well, he is Canadian.
I legitimately do not understand why people are like "holy shit ignore this LARPing it's going to make us all look crazy." There's already been MSM articles about how horrible degenerates on Sup Forums are ruining perfectly normal people's lives because they think a horrific pedophile ring is being uncovered. Do they legitimately not hear what they're saying? The dark underbelly of the internet is HORRIFIED and is amassing evidence of literally the darkest crime imaginable and they're shitting on it. A bunch of social outcasts went from "pool's closed" years ago to trying to bring down a child prostitution and murder ring, and the world is against us. What a sick fucking world.
Where is the source video from ?
Where did these videos even come from?
The fact that they're just hosted openly and plainly on some weird-ass 2spooky4u website really makes it seem like it's an unrelated viral video thing.
This... it's literally ARG/VAporwave-"Rappers" doing Vapor-creepypasta themed around
>le ebul Illuminati Mega-Corp
fucking ultimate derail and just what the actual perps need to get away.
^^^That^^^ is what's gonna happen.
No one looks into Giustra, CGI/CHAI. Sandusky Jr's linked "children's homes"
...nope, now it's all fake shit and autists/sjhills saying
They don't realize that it's just faggot vaporwave artists using a Greek Bust because "everyone else is" due to the MAcintosh+ Floral Shoppe vaporwave album.
>pic related
God I hate these mouthbreathers.
Literally aiding and abetting pedophiles with their stupidity and need for "excitement'
Oy vey!
This thread is fake news!
Glad we have mods to protect us!
Mods, please delete this thread and everyone involved! We can't have FAKE NEWS on Sup Forums!
Man am I glad the mods are on our side and that Sup Forums not only did not elect them or know their identity, but also can't do anything about their behavior!
oh. hello sharblue damage control. How are you? Do you sleep well at night knowing you work for pedophiles, or are you a college student with no children so to you its not such a big deal. Just making a paycheck right?
Well. Keep telling yourself you will be just fine.
This is what Total Information Control looks like. They throw out these Weapons of Mass Distraction like candy. Everything gets slid, everything gets drowned in garbage.
You fucking faggots this shit was shilled by some fag before the elections with a new YouTube account and then been deleted and now you fags believe it again jesus christ
sounds like a shitty art project desu
Reality Construction Gaming FAQ
What is a Reality Construction Game (RCG)?
>RCGs are the most enthralling and immersive entertainment on the planet where millions of players from all over the globe join together to focus their attention on one subject and as the name suggests, construct a reality around their subject.
Do RCGs cost money?
>No. All that is required to play is an internet connection. Finding an RCG to play can be difficult at first since they only exist on obscure image boards and the more difficult places to find on reddit but once you find one or two you’ll start seeing them everywhere.
Podesta is linked more to the Panama Papers, which pizza gate really is about if you dig deep enough. The pedo thing is just an attempt that backfired due to some being pedos, too.
Who makes RCGs?
>The players. RCGs are unique in that the players are constructing the reality 24/7. The reality may be constructed with existing information on the web or elsewhere. The reality may also be constructed with real or fabricated information supplied by the players themselves.
>The important thing to remember is that RCGs do not have a designer. There are no boundaries. The players decide the boundaries.
If nobody makes an RCG, who starts an RCG?
>RCGs are usually started by rumor or a half-truth. They form rather organically. The first players to join the RCG will, for example, focus on the half-truth in a manner that makes it the full-truth. All the new players to join the RCG must conform to this new full-truth as the basis for the game. Then once the game has started the reality construction begins!
What’s the point of an RCG?
>The point of an RCG is to create an environment as close to reality as possible. It should be the goal of every player to create an environment so real that the players cannot distinguish the RCG from their own reality. The most convincing RCGs dominate the players’ lives even when they are away from the RCG.
When does an RCG end?
>Ideally an RCG does not end. The existence of UFOs is a prime example of one of the best RCGs to ever exist. If an RCG ends it ends because there is irrefutable proof to the contrary of the RCG. Take the recent examples of Jade Helm and “Assange is dead” as evidence of RCGs coming to an abrupt end.
If I start playing RCGs will I go crazy?
>Very few people turn to violence after experiencing the full immersion of the RCG. For the most part RCGs are harmless fun.
Is there anything else you think I should know?
>Nope. Happy gaming!