How long do you think he'll last........seriously?
>hurrrrrr 8 years
How long do you think he'll last........seriously?
>hurrrrrr 8 years
Hopefully someone better will come along, if not I guess it'll be 8 years
Hurrrrr 8 years. Kill yourself you shill faggot
Gone by April.
16 years
no. u kys brietbart shill.
He will get reelected by a bigger margin.
He cares too much about America and his image.
He will be a good president.
wow, lets seed "gone by april" and make a meme.
Again. Shareglue fails.
At least 4 years. Hopefully 8.
>hurr 8 years
Want to make it 24 years?
Until his death at the intergalactic HQ, a necessary rite required for his ascension to a higher dimension, heretic.
Gone by April.
Screencap this.
32 years?
20 years once he becomes the rightful fuhrer of the new American Reich.
> first he made war with the intelligence community, then the media, then he surrounded himself with a team that know nothing of governance or the constitution......but at least his daughter has a nice rack.
Depends if (((the media))) will win. Which they won't.
Those fools are playing checkers in a game of ultimate sixth dimensional bogdachess.
Kek be praised, Trump will prevail
>but it was muh turn!!!!
What does Sup Forums think will do it.
Health concerns
Bow out gracefully before he's impeached like Nixon
I wonder what Pence will be like potus.
Anther fuccboi I would imagine
half a year to a year
So deluded. So sad.
2920 days
he'll be gone before April.
66 years?
April seems to be the consensus, if we take the brietbart shills out of the equation.
Too afraid to spell it right because your ShairahBlue boss is watching your posts. Kill yourself you nigger loving kike-book viewing zog.
He will be impeached by April
Screenshot this
altright logic
different opinion -> must be shill.
I was first, fuck off cracker.
I hope he does well and lasts for at least 4 years.
I still like Ron Paul.
G2bed Steve.
You look like a disheveled vagina and you have more important things to do than shitpost on a weeb image posting site.
They say a man dies twice. Once when you stop breathing and the second when your name is mentioned the last time. I'd say Emperor Trump will live for an eternity.
poland please
How's NEET life going little buddy?
You scared muslim?
We will eradicate your religion, we'll wipe you pieces of shit off of history books.
Get a load of this 10 year old, kek
Hurrrrr 8 years
Also fuck Captcha half chan is gay
If he is doing such a bad job, then why are you being paid to oppose him? If he was really doing a bad job why would it be necessary to hire an army of people to attack him?
Definitely 4 years
The Republicans as much as they hate him don't want to impeach him and destroy their party
Also it'll probably be 8 years if the Democrats choose another Clinton shill candidate
8 years. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine, drought and disease
Four years
You Have To Go Back obuntu.
If he was doing such a good job why would breitbart etc need to bankroll people like you to support him in the chons?
Really what are you going to impeach him for? See the Democrats don't actually have a plan. They keep using the word impeach, but you need to actually do something illegal or wrong first.
i would rather hangout with homeless people than people this fucking pretentious. holy shit
Makea bait shit posting threads. Is a shill.
4 years. I doubt he'll win the election again.
Makea bait shit posting threads. Is a shill.
You kill yourself too for good measure
You're funny. The man is trash, and inspires more hatred toward him than acceptance. He's inept, childish and borderline retarded. Perfect pol mascot, shit in reality
Who realize that Trump doesn't actually Need to Pay the media for people to support him? The media will never support him because their freedom of the pins on unseating him. The media has been taking undocumented money from China and been committing felonies for the past eight years they're looking at a long prison sentence very soon.
He'll probably struggle through the whole 4 years although I wouldn't be super surprised if he just goes "Fuck you, I quit" and slips out the back door. Or if serious trouble starts brewing and he decides to jump before he's pushed but there's no evidence of that yet although we are only a month in.
i always found it was odd in one interview i saw of him where hes like "blah blah ya it'll be interesting to see what i can do over the course of 2, maybe 4 years as president" or something along those lines. but he specifically said "maybe 2 or 4 years" that part. and i was like what? the term is 4 years, why would he say 2 lol?
>breitbart bankrolling anybody
fuck off mum
He's got business conflicts up the ass. You can't deny that.
It's amazing how the media brainwashed Americans into thinking Trump is a evil racist who wants to kill Mexicans and Muslims.
Is it going to take 8 years for leftists to learn they have no credibility - that they are unable to shame others because they consciously agreed to feel no shame themselves?
Leftists are irrelevant. Gnashing your teeth does not make you a scholar, it just means it would have been better if you were never born into this world.
Longer than Hillary would have
Shut up shill. You're not fooling anyone.
Three more months tops, he keeps screwing up bigly and Flyn's going to make him lose his job
The left won't learn anything, they will intensify their efforts, driving even more people towards Trump. The man could fuck up royally and he'd still get re-elected because his enemy are self defeating idiots.
Wtf garbage are you spouting
>no, it's the media! My president is perfect!
I wish he would ass fuck you so you can get it out of your system, user. It's not healthy
I would gladly pay for the wall with taxes.
But Mexico is still gonna pay for it in some way. We've been over and over this new shill.
Because in reality you get 1-2 years of Congress to help you along. Then you run smack dab into the midterm elections, and after that, you need to start building your reelection run/legacy
Its why all the shit we complain about with Obama was done in his first 18 months. The next 6.5 years were basically him just keeping his head above water
The problem is major media outlets like Twitter only promote garbage leftist bullshit. They don't let right wing hashtags trend. These are the same people that only read Washington Post and New York Times headlines from Twitter. They believe that Twitter is reality. They are in for a rude awakening. They still don't realize it is Facebook Twitter Google and every alphabetic news agency that predicted Hillary Clinton would win by a landslide. They will never learn their lesson because they are dependent on media.
8 years.
not gonna lie, former trump supporter, hillary is gonna win the election
It's hilarious you, a trump supporter, brings up credibility. Be real, neither side is credible then, but the GOP and trump show themselves far more hypocritical and inept in 1 month than the Democrats in 8 years.
They will never believe that the media would ever lie to them. They will never believe that Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate, because that would require admitting the media is extremely dishonest. They would also require admitting they did no independent research. They're not upset with Donald Trump. They are upset they voted for the The most corrupt and the most dangerous candidate in United States history. They will never admit they made a mistake and that they voted for somebody who is so dangerous and incompetent.
Your piss king is a twitter fanatic, your post is garbage
> trump being incompetent is a media conspiracy
He'll be fine
He likes using Twitter because he can avoid directly speaking to the disgusting scum bags in the mainstream media.
after Flynn was BTFO I could literally hear the assburn screams of 1000 Sup Forums trumpkins in unison
like a psychic screech of virginity
Enjoy 8 years of sniffing Trump's farts.
6 months.
By then he will either be impeached or removed by violence.
He's got the entire world against him, over 50% of the American population as well, the deep state is against him, the GOP is against him, and he's creating wars against the organizations that's provide intelligence in the USA.
Only a moron thinks he will come out of this victorious.
I laughed too hard at this.
That's interesting, The media was dumb enough to run with the story that was created by Sup Forums.
>Trump and pissing prostitutes
>Trump and hentai (anime porn) and over 50 Asian prostitutes
You realize that we are the ones who created that story in the media was enough to print it as fact?
>The problem is major media outlets like Twitter only promote garbage leftist bullshit
>trump Twitter to promotes himself daily
Trump supporters btfo of themselves
Hah, no. Amine hentai shit wasn't in the real one. But it's interesting your gullible ass believed that narrative
Nice meme bro......keep telling yourself that.
Seriously, the media will print ANY negative story about trump no matter how stupid. We even left our calling card
>hentai, dressing up with many Asian prostitutes.
Democrat and desperate leftist shrieking is not evidence of any lack of credibility. Inept at what, exactly?
Your reality is based on the premise that whatever doesn't impress leftist freaks is "inept" - you would accuse Trump of treason or fascism for wanting to enforce a border - all the while you avidly support a color revolution initiated by the deep state.
>Be real
So you're a nigger then. Keep it real, dog
so the left is into kink shaming now?
We created that story because we knew the media was dumb and off to try and print it as fact.
Longer than CNN will, and you can quote me on that.
Maybe 2 more months.
All the jews in the world are collaborating to get rid of him. No matter how powerful you are, you can't win against that.
>removed by violence.
By who? The cops are ready to die for Trump. Most of the army is with Trump, the marines are for Trump.
Who is left? The bikers? For Trump too.
Good luck making a coup with only the cartels and the gangs.
That was probably just the sound of another mass murder/suicide bomb going off in your neighborhood, roach.
>No matter how powerful you are, you can't win against that.
Sure you can, it's pretty easy once you pit them against each other.
Just wait, you'll see.
8 years.
Only less if he does a major fuck up and if that happens, he'll be impeached. So if he doesn't get impeached by the end of his term, he WILL do 8. I'm also moving to a swing state and WE NEED less lunacy in the country to counter SJW.
You have my promise, that I'll do my best to give him 8.
Betting sites have it at around a year.
I think 2-3 easy.
>committing felonies
such as?
Working against the USA for a foreign government while working for the media is certainly treason for one.
Trump won, sorry sweetie