Redpill me on white privilege

I haven't heard good arguments opposing it. What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?

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Nothing. Good luck finding one though.

Ok, so white privilege exist. And nobody redpills me so it's a redpill that white privilege exists.

It is the result of generations of hard work and suffering by people before you to make things better for those that come after them. Privilege isn't stolen, it's what our people built for themselves that we must cherish and preserve for future generations.

White privilege?! What?! I get nothing from nobody. When I check the box that says [white] it says fuck you back. I work. I bleed Red pills. I provide for my family. I believe in God and I pay it forward. MAGA!

That webm, my sides are in orbit

If there was white privilege it would be universal, and as statistics show there are plenty of whites who are poor, have been shot by the police, and discriminated against, and there are plenty of black people who were born rich, gotten away with crimes, and had easier acceptance into universities.

It does exist in the sense that people build societies suited to their needs, their language, customs and social norms.
Go move to Africa, the Middle-East or even Asia to live the minority experience and realize the absurdity of demanding them to adapt to you as a foreigner instead of the other way around.

>I haven't heard good arguments opposing it
there is nothing like a white privilege. Tell me what you think what "white privilege" is and i tell you what´s wrong with it.


>What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?

the problem is that nonwhites tend to not be particularly intelligent or talented

If white privilege is real, then why do they ALWAYS bring up the notion that there "are more whites on welfare than blacks"

Well, in the US at least, we had slavery followed by Jim Crow (Seperate but """""Equal"""") for about 80% of the the nation's email existence. While we did some nice hand waving with laws and govt regulation, you can't really just ditch nearly 200 years of institutional and societal bigotry just like that. Which is to say you can't just declare "everyone is now equal" and have it be so.

Hence "white privelage" kind of encapsulates the inherent holdovers from that past. For example, it's not like you took the totality of accumulated wealth of whites and equally redistributed it to bring blacks to parity. It's more like you have mostly the middle class paying for entitlements with their taxes lol.

Idk if it really makes sense out of that context though because in Europe it would be more like "Native Privelage" (but I guess people treat you better in a lot of foreign countries if you're white, so idk lel)

There's your God damn redpill, fricken Yuropoors.

entire existence*

It's just an inner happiness, hard to describe. When we see people all butthurt we just feel even happier. Stepping over them is a small joy.


Its a schoolbus not a privilage

Why are their own countries such shit if they're so great and talented?

Its just rice


the dyke-haired bitch in that video needs to be gassed

What is colonialism + ducking out w/o rebuilding stable governments because America wouldn't provide gibs to the colonizers home countries after WWII if they kept colonies? (See: Marshal aka "Build Walls of Money against USSR" Plan)

It's like you guys forgot about the entire cold war lol.

White privilege is beauty privilege.

White people are better looking and seem more trust-worthy physically, hence getting much more opportunities in life.

I will explain why the thing you call white or male privilege exist.

You see, societies doesn't appear one day by chance. They are forged by people. People who work to make things work. Obviously, thoose people being the one creating society, they create it to fit their needs. It happen that women don't enjoy breaking their back at work and would rather spend time with their loved ones.
It happen that blacks and Muslims are unlikely to get a job if they can leech welfare.

This is white privilege. It extend to Asians and Jews.

Also, they don't commit much crimes. This is why whites and Asians are trusted but not Gypsies.

First you have to define " privilege".
Pro tip: being born into a financially stable family is not privileged.

I think they're saying that the far greater likelihood of being born into a financially stable family if you're white (or vice versa) is the privelage...Because of historical trends that kinda depressed such chances for blacks.

Most people in the US didn't just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, many relied upon the gains their parents and grandparents had made to be in a position to go to college, take over family business etc.

It's not exactly profound as a thought, but then it gets used as justification for safe spaces and shit and everyone just shuts off lol. (Who can blame the people who do?)

>What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?
if they were that talented and intelligent they wouldnt need special treatment

arguing you can't hire white people because they're white, while simultaneously arguing you should hire blacks just because they're black is full on fucking retarded

>What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?
The problem is that liberals don't want a meritocratic system, they want a codified set of racist laws that lower the bars for blacks and raise the bars for whites. So a black with a C average can get into a good college that a white with an A- average cannot.

This is why SJW and BLM protest to reduce welfare received by single mothers.

>it's a privilege to be white
wow racist

Oh, but the blacks aren't the ones who benefit the most from this. Guess (((who))) has the highest acceptance rates in colleges relative to merit.

Also I think they're defining the privelage part as "benefiting from holdovers of the 200ish years where slavery followed by Jim Crow were the law of the land in the US"

Hence all that "institutional racism" n shit. I actually agree that you can't just legislate all that shitty history and make everyone equal beyond just in law. The minds of people aren't so easily changed unfortunately which leads to unequal treatment just because you're not their preferred melanin content.

Thus, they do have a point* although once it goes down the identity politics road you end up in the shitty land of speech policing and safe spaces, which is where they always lose lol

My mother was a poor refugee from communist Hungary, didn't speak the language, was hated by everyone for being from a soviet country, and had not a penny to her name. Now we're comfortably middle class.

Blacks have lived in the USA as free people for generations and still don't have the potential to succeed? Whose fault is that?

White privilege dosen't exsit.
The privilege ones are thos who are on wellfare and don't have to work for their money.
It's the white people that work and pay tax so the peasents can get their free wellfare privilege.

You didn't say what your dad did lol

No, that's just the result. They don't want equal opportunities but equal outcomes.

Dad was an illustrator who died of cancer 5 years into the marriage from asbestos poisoning; leaving my mother a single mother in a foreign country with no family and no safety net.


It IS meritocratic relative to the upbringing and resources they were afforded in life. Otherwise Lamar from east LA would never ever be able to compete with Bradley from OC. Privileged Bradley will have a butt fucking load of opportunities no matter what Lamar manages to get. To have a problem with this system is racism and the sourest of grapes at its finest. The fact that Lamar has this opportunity is what makes this country great.

White privilege is the point of view held by people who don't understand that labor can denote ownership.

Free*** for a couple generations you mean..? I mean, the Civil Rights act was only passed about 50 years ago now. And it's not like all the racist people who would just find other reasons to not hire you if you were black, vanished after lol.

I saw a pretty neat study a little while ago where they sent out identical resumes with "white" sounding names and "black" sounding names to employers. Lemme go try and find a link. I'm sure you can guess the results they got though lol

White privilege doesn't exist.
Black privilege on the other hand, now that's a real issue in today's society.

You can figure out what it means.

Question 2:
What was her path to "middle class"?

This is an obvious troll, but I'm going to bite anyways.

Why do think you can judge whether or not someone is poor and has no opportunities based on race alone?

If the issue is poverty, then shouldn't you raise or lower the bar based on family income, rather than race?

I gotchu familia:

>Black privilege on the other hand, now that's a real issue in today's society.

Social stigma against things like race (which I'm not sure you can call racism) is of course there, and arguably part of white privilege. But you're named Jeffrey and every single other Jeffrey in the country is a known serial killer, who should you blame if people don't hire you? It's a fucking stupid analogy but there's a reason why people avoid nignogs.

Took a 1 year course in college and worked her whole life as an illustrator; sometimes working a second job as a waiter. After working for a few small companies that went bust, she found steady employment and worked her way up to marketing manager and a good income.

Nothing, we DO give opportunities to intelligent, non-whites. We give more opportunities to them in the western world than they'd get anywhere else.

Some take advantage of it, a lot don't. The ones who can't hack it then bitch that there's something basically wrong with the system, because of their failures.

My mother had a Hungarian name, and nobody liked Hungarians in Canada 40 years ago. They treated all soviet bloc Europeans like shit.

Physical privilege (not being born deformed or mentally retarded) > economic privilege > country privilege (being born in the first world instead of a third world shit hole) > gender privilege (woman's moist hole in the west guarantees she can coast through life)

The left is being retarded as always. To say white privilege trumps all is to admit white superiority

"The bar" is usually a combination of those things and as far as race goes, blacks are by far the most marginalized and demonized group in the US (be fucking real for a second, okay?) which is why, in turn, they are given the most help in these cases.

>inb4 muh welfare

Anyone without a job can be on welfare. Most people would rather be working if the white bitches in HR would give them a chance.

white privilege is real. it used to be that when you hung out with your grandpa or dad, they'd tell you to finish your dinner, because there are kids starving in africa, etc. if you complained about being bored, they'd tell you about how they used to play with sticks and shit.

then white privilege got turned into a buzzword like """racism""" and now it's unfashionable for white people to accept that they lead lives of privilege. it's now important for a large segment of society to race to the bottom in arguments about how unprivileged they are.

it is healthy to acknowledge and be appreciative of privilege. it is healthy to feel charitable because of this privilege. it is unhealthy to believe that white privilege is inherently evil or representative of some malicious forces.

What is a white name and an African-American name?

So you're okay with robbing people and giving the money away based on skin color?

its made up bs to try to promote white genocide.

we need kek to save us

yes whites are clearly better than any other race. this gives them privileges that blacks and other shitskins aren't allowed to have

>I haven't heard good arguments opposing it.
you have to prove it exists first

They sucked before Colonialism too...

It's as if Europeans entered countries, build gigantic megacities, hospitals, schools and legal systems, and left without expectation of a "thank you".

There's no white privilege, but there's female privilege and Jewish privilege.

Hypothetical question:

Who is more privileged: Barrack Obama's family or an Eastern European refugee with no family in the country, no savings and English as a second language?

That's right! The white refugee has more power and privilege than the former president because they are white!

This is a totally moronic ideology.

They didn't have stable governments in the first place numb nuts. They had tribal societies while Rome built their first republic, and they had tribal societies while the American republic was formed.

In that time span Europe worked hard to learn many new things in several different realms of study from music and art to math and science.

Also we did try to leave them with stable governments. See Liberia. Basically had a copy of our constitution. Shitty country.

Also see Asia. Left with plenty of our shit and had no problem eventually adapting to the modern world.

Also africa has plenty of resources. Oil reserves wildlife diamonds and so fourth.

May I have some of those cherries you picked?

>benefiting from institutions made by and for your people
>not fair to third worlders
That's basically it.

It's an excuse to not sort out non-white communities which continually get worse, the more society becomes 'equal'.

Why bother raising standards, which requires effort, when you can just say 'fuck white people'?

when you apply the same set of rules to everyone on the condition of the color of your skin alone, that is a valid example of your idiotic beliefs

non-white straight male privilege

By the standards in USA, Barrack Obama's family is considered underprivileged, but the white refugee is considered overpriveleged.

This is because your shitty system looks only at race as a measure of privelege. Id you were actually dedicated to equality of opportunity, you would consider not race, but income and savings as the metric for privilege.

There is only one privilege in the world, and it trumps all others: wealth privileges. A wealthy, famous black lesbian jew or whatever, who owns a company or holds a cabinet position, has more respect, connections and a higher standard of living than a poor white homeless person living in the gutter. Nothing can change that. Yet the leftists always screech about whites instead of focusing on the actual problem.

fuck niggers, taco niggers, sand niggers, kikes, & chinks. die in gas cloud.

this user gets it, yes we ride on our ancestors doing as does everyone and as should everyone. Justins father set him up beautifully for the PM lottery. Some work hard and get lucky and others dont and turn to drugs and alcohol. Their problem.

Thank you.

I was utilizing a reductio ad absurdum.

intersectional feminism is based on false premises. intelligence, race, gender are genetic realities. social construction theory is false, and social engineering that begins with feminism is doomed to failure.

>forced pigeon meme
you have to go back faggot

>Redpill me on white privilege

Whites are superior genetically to everyone else and therefore the savages of the rest of the world are jealous. Some of them such as the nigs are incapable of critical thought. The people in our tribe who think we are all the same are retarded fools and plebs who are in of course in good company with them.

>I haven't heard good arguments opposing it. What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?

By opportunities you mean special treatment and by giving you mean forcing. There is no reason why we should. If we let the good ones in their children will be more similar to the rest of their tribe and we will have sold our unity and culture for a little temporary material gain.

I guarantee you poc in the US have it 10x better than we mongols in the 3rd world. Now redpill me on sjw hypocrisy

White privilege is how liberals explain the poor performance of minorities. They wholeheartedly believe that everyone is equal, so differences in achievement must be the result of cheating.

hey hey hey, what's with the missing trigger warning?

It is a pretty well drawn pigeon tho..

the man on the street knows what academia refuses to acknowledge. blacks are stupid and fuck shit up.

Idgaf if ad hominem but you're all being idiots and what I said was fact, not just "beliefs".

Money is privilege, not whiteness

yep now go kill yourself faggot.

>Privilege isn't stolen, it's what our people built for themselves

built for themselves by exploiting the groups they now claim are inferior.

blacks in the US got the worst of it, and how anyone can expect them to integrate effectively into society after systemic breakdown of their family structure, education, and rights is beyond me.

we're talking generations and generations of not being educated, suffering horrific abuse, and not being able to have a stable family structure.

then suddenly free and expected to just go and start a normal nuclear family. add to this, they are still targeted with intense prejudice, and were heavily segregated in the southern US only 50 years ago (separate entrances, water fountains, restaurants).

yes they need and deserve an extra helping hand. or 40 acres and a mule.

Here is the neighborhood I live in where is my white privilege? I'm stuck in the hood just like them.

Black people are not literal retards asshole.
You are the racist.
Blacks are just as capable of improvement your Shit give them free shit is makin them into criminals.

>Lamar from east LA would never ever be able to compete with Bradley from OC
His inability to compete is not socially constructed. It is genetic. That you think everything is socially constructed, gender or race is a belief, not fact. Giving Lamar undeserved positions hurts societies ability to meet the natural challenges of life because more capable minds had to be displaced to accommodate his blackness.

We cant grow as a community if we envy one another.
All your "White privilege" stuff is driving people further apart.

Ya, I agree it is driving people apart. The academics who came up with this shit were paid to do so, in an effort to destroy society. Liberals need to keep going though. Never stop until we have a race war.

No such thing as white privilege. All men are not created equal, that is a lie.

Welfare penalizes black families. Men are driven away by financial penalties imposed when he is in the home. Welfare is a Democratic institution, as was desegregation. There are genetic racial differences, and the people need the freedom to live apart, and free from gov't social engineering.

>blacks in the US got the worst of it, and how anyone can expect them to integrate effectively into society after systemic breakdown of their family structure, education, and rights is beyond me.
Probably because you're a racist asshole that doesn't believe black people are capable of working hard and making their own way in life

Not all of us want to be some pity party for your white guilt, fuck off cracker

Maybe if they spoke proper English and fully pronouned their words

>His inability to compete is not socially constructed. It is genetic.

His inability to compete is due to lack of resources, connections, role models and the other millions of nuances that go into making Bradley the superb and overconfident little cunt he is WHO WILL BE BETTER OFF THAN LAMAR NO MATTER WHAT LAMAR IS "GIVEN". What's so wrong with the Bradleys AND Lamars of the world succeeding?

>lack of whatever
We don't care. Inequality exists across society, race, gender, and everyone must play the cards dealt. In this we are all equal. Ultimately genetic differences cannot be superseded through social engineering.
>overconfident little cunt
You are racist.
Your narrative held power until the average Joe lived through the consequences of you social engineering. Joe six pack has lost out and sees first hand affirmative hires and the shitty job blacks do at the DMV and elsewhere. It's a sad state when uneducated workers place more emphasis on observation than academics do.

>wahhh wahhh I'm right ur wrong
>ur all Stoopid whiteys

You havent even bothered to address their agruments you dimwit. You have absolutely no substance except for one liners and as you just admitted ad-hominem.

Don't you have anything better to do than shitpost on an internet forum?

White guilt became a joke so it has been re branded.

The only real privilege is being rich

Which isnt limited to white people

They say White, they mean Jewish.

Prove that being white IS a privilege first. The only real privileges in the world are a good family and money that is inherited. 'White privilege' is just thinly veiled hatred/contempt for Europeans.

>What's wrong with giving opportunities to talented, intelligent non-whites?
Probably nothing, except that has nothing to do with white privilege.

In a free society everybody gets the same opportunities but this will always reuslt in different outcomes.
It is not the fault of white people that blacks have a lower IQ and are more prone to violence.

White privilege simply does (and can not) exist.