wage gap thread, what do yall think?
Wage gap thread, what do yall think?
It doesn't exist
Women shouldn't be working in the first place.
>also saged
>1 sentence, kikebook-tier topic
If businesses could save 21% on wages by switching to employing only women, they'd do it instantly.
It's the difference between average earnings between men and woman.
Men obviously have a higher average because they work more than women because they tend to become housekeepers or work part time
I have been hearing about a wagegap for yet but have never seen the first bit of statistical data that would convince me itis real. Also they need to see what percentage of women are actually in the workforce instead of asking stay at home mothers and students.
I have a female manager that has been working for this organization for 9 years, and a male manager that has worked for 10 years and he supposedly makes twice as much as she does, thoughts?
How much hours does the female manager work and the male?
Because it isn't real. The only cooked-up stats that imply there is a gender wage gap compares a female secretary to a male electrical engineer. The majority of women go for the low-hanging fruit, that's why.
I think it's been disproved many times, you thread sliding ShareBlue faggot. SAGE.
Caused by choices in career.
Repeal the 19th amendment.
I didn't want to be criticized for bringing up a class argument, but that was a situation that a classmate brought up, I do not have knowledge of how much that person's managers make, I'm just reciting what they claimed.
That's a pretty convincing picture, mind if I save it for Facebook?
I am now a #wagecuck
>>I think
You forgot to include the part where men give the money they earn to women
I won't say for certain that it doesn't exist, but I've never seen any evidence whatsoever that it DOES exist.
Earnings Gap, not a Wage Gap, the difference is that women get payed less based on their own choices in the workforce, not because of the institutions of the state
Exactly. Not information enough about the hours, maternity leave, or positions. Therefore, you cannot conclude that there's a wage gap.
It's actually like 98c for every dollar a man makes here so fuck feminists
conspiracy theory.
wrong as fuck, even fag nigger fucker (((milo))) proved it wrong. it was created to be intentionally wrong and spread like cancer to be used by niggers like obama and all of europe.
The wage gap doesn't exist. Saged.
>wage gap thread, what do yall think?
so have any anons actually run into a woman in the wild who has spewed this claim? I did yesterday and I didn't engage the topic any further because I don't know enough about it to either refute or support her claim.
Sources with links to studies are greatly appreciated!
this, there is plenty of women at our work that make more money as men at the same position
Shouldn't have to work.
this is all you really need to know to debunk the wage gap, that's it's illegal to pay women less for doing the same work as a man in our country, if she thinks someone is being discriminated tell her to take it to court or to fuck off
>Pussy pass
>Maternity leave
>PMS leave
No need to respond. If women are with their weight in gold they wouldn't need to complain. You don't hear chinks complaining about pay
no such cases.
>work 20% less
>get paid 20% less
Probably has something to do with the same reason as why women are do bad at math.
I want to shoot my gender fluid all over its face, if ya know what I mean.
Women pay less tax and get more out of the government.
This needs to change. I suggest a +21% increase on all taxes for women.
there's no fucking convincing people once they've declared its real
I got into an argument the other day and it devolved into her basically saying women are brainwashed from childhood to not like math
Bitch was linking tumblr accounts for sources
>save 21% on wages
>productivity drops 40%
Debunked to sage and back.
Also saged.
Yes there is a wage gap between men too. A female CEO makes more than a male social worker.
Only dumb fucking normies would believe that.
thank you user I had not known about this law until now.
In 2014 the U.S. Senate blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act which would make it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform the same work. The goals of the act were to make wages more transparent, require employers to prove that wage discrepancies are tied to legitimate business qualifications and not gender and prohibiting companies from taking retaliatory action against employees who raise concerns about gender-based wage discrimination. Opponents argue that studies which show pay gaps don’t take into account women who take jobs that are more family-friendly in terms of benefits rather than wages and that women are more likely to take breaks in employment to care for children or parents. Proponents point to studies including a 2008 census bureau report that stated that women's median annual earnings were 77.5% of men's earnings.