Why would a woman ever want to be with a hairy sweaty man when she can just be with another woman?
Why would a woman ever want to be with a hairy sweaty man when she can just be with another woman?
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women only fuck other women for attention.
because women are mostly attracted to men you dumb bong
>79 cents
to reproduce and be protected?
Because that can't emotionally regulate themselves and end up beating the shit out of each other.
Literally a fratboy dudebro meme
All lesbians secretly crave dick
As a faggot, how can anyone be with a woman?
I learned the other day that tatoos in that area depicted on said woman in OP are called skank flanks
tramp stamp 2.0
also real lesbians are butt ugly
Why would a woman ever be attracted to a man? Men are gross. Ugly and hairy and shit. I think women who pretend to be attracted to men have just been brain washed by the patriarchy.
fuck off to Sup Forums god damn
Lesbians can reproduce via surrogate
Real lesbians are ugly as sin both internally and externally.
Why would you ever want to be with a hairy man
Thats just repulsive
Women make less than men and all women care more about money than their partner.
Post more.
Reminder that Ruby Rose could bang your gf within 15 minutes of meeting her and there'd be nothing you could do to stop her
>tfw most lesbian couples i see look like bridge trolls
If they were like the pic in OP life would be better
Women only want men for their money. When a women no longer has to trade sex for a comfortable life she will naturally drift toward a relationship with another women. Women have strong in group preference. Real love can only be felt by two women, its the most natural and equal of relationships.
Literally a meme spawned by bitter gays
and YOU fell for it
OP you can discover the answer to this:
First watch a bunch of lesbian porn and self insert as the woman. It'll take a while but when you get really good at it move onto hentai and again, self insert as the girl.
Now start reading rape doujins about faceless old men defiling you until you have massive orgasms and ahegao.
Then you will understand how to paint with all the colors of the wind.
Why would a man ever want to be with a whiny neurotic woman when he can just be with another man?
>implying I would want to stop it
Because lesbian couples inevitably try to murder one another. Have you ever known any? They fight all the time, they throw all of their dirty laundry out into public, arguments come to blows in a matter of moments.
Lesbians are unstable people. Two of them together for an extended period of time will thus be characterized by instability. And sometimes outright lunacy.
They can do whatever the hell they want, but the result will be women rotating in between complete unhappiness and murderous, seething hate for one another.
Men are the more aesthetic sex. Ever wonder why the Greeks and Romans made so many sculptures idealizing the male form?
>Why would a woman ever want to be with a hairy sweaty man when she can just be with another woman?
And then what?
They just get a job and work all their life?
Get a man to pay for shit.
Women like hairy and sweaty men which you obviously don't know since you are a faggot
No one likes hairy shitty asses?
I wish lesbians looked like that. Lesbians tend to be overweight and dumpy.
Whos going to be the meal ticket? Lebians and feminists BTFO.
The domestic violence rate for lesbian couples is eye opening. Can't imagine what a shitshow it is to live in a house with such unbalanced hormones exasperated by the fires of sexuality. No wonder most of them are fat and depressed.
Women are nasty. Seriously, the men are complaining about them for a reason. Half of them don't wash their crotch and lesbians are fucking cunts to each other.
Fuuuuuck that. I wish I were just a gay man so I could be associated with them even less.
Because individuals satisfy their needs in different ways.
But they like bleeding slimeholes?
What kind of fantasy do you live in?
Get out you underage fuck.
Your first mistake was thinking anyone on Sup Forums has a gf
I can't even imagine how terrible a relationship between two women must be.
How would they ever work through an argument?
I laughed.
>He doesnt shave
Because they're hardwired to want to be held down and cummed inside by a hairy sweaty man
Only desperate women and other men like hairy sweaty men pajeet. Normal girls want something that looks at least vaguely like an evolved homo sapien.
>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reports on the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner, focusing for the first time on victimization by sexual orientation. It finds a victimization prevalence of 43.8 percent for lesbians, making it the second most affected group after bisexual women (61.1 percent), ahead of bisexual men (37.3 percent), heterosexual women (35 percent), heterosexual men (29 percent) and homosexual men (26 percent).
td;dr: bitches are crazy
Haven't seen that one in 10 years.
Sup Forums really is shit now
I love hairy asses you faggot.
>Judaism: the post
because hairy sweaty men are hot
and women are insufferable
>lesbians are young and beautiful
muhhh fantasy porn
>pic related
This,lesbian relationships have the highest domestic abuse of all relationships across race and sexuality.
Woman will always hit men in an emotional state, but if a man does it he's a fucking monster.
yea most of us are married.
Even if a woman could have kids with another woman, they'd still choose to be with a man.
Wait so the MINIMUM victimization rate for ANY SEXUALITY is 26 percent? Literally 1 in 4 OR MORE of anyone in a relationship is going to be the victim of violence from their intimate partner?
What the fuck is wrong with people today.
Do you have the 40k edit?
Most people are cunts, so I'd say that's low.
Can confirm.
Know a lesbian and her previous relationship devolved just like this, nearly to violence.
Current one is going pretty well and desu I kinda like her gf more than her.
I hope me and her gf can still be mates after they break up because she is literally a bro-tier drinking buddy.
Because they were fags like you.
And you're using the word aesthetic wrong.
beats me
Someone should tell /r9k/, it'll make them feel better.
Are you new to the internet? Everyone uses it in that bastardized context you fucking retard.
Because less than 5% of the world's population is mentally ill.
Because women hate each other.
If Ruby Rose wants to go wake my wife up and bury her face in that overnight sweaty cooch, knock herself out.
I wouldn't though, kek.
Real lesbians don't exist. Lifetime confirmed lesbos are just asexual freaks who need a way to explain to their parents why they're in their 40s and still living with a roommate.
See: Lesbian Bed Death
I think you'll find his first mistake was coming to Sup Forums...
>feel love
Haha that's hilarious.
>penises everywhere...
Why would a man ever want to be with a hairy woman when he could just be with a hairy man?
Because men are tough, cause men have the strength to overcome difficulties and because we have a great sense of humor. Do I have to go on?
Men are very caring and protective of a woman in a way a woman can't ever be towards another woman.
Give a guy a shot. Get to know him
Cuck spotted.
Why would they care?
I also don't go on that bored nor do i know anything about it.
Because they NEED the dick to make kids...
Actually this is my theory that they only date/marry because a never ending onslaught of attention is thrown at them and many of the men will buy them nice things. In no way is love a equal 2 way street. Women can easily live alone much easier than men.
Because lust is not a solid basis for a relationship. She might be able to satisfy her physically but emotionally and spiritually we need someone from the opposite sex.
I've got a rare straight girlfriend that is grossed out by girl on girl action. Like, genuinely repulsed by it.
>(((a study)))
Fuck outta here
because they're biologically programmed to.
why does anyone do anything? you think its you motivating yourself? you think you're in control?
Lesbians serve the purpose of giving me something to fap to.
No dix, kthx.
Oh, and as proof, a 10/10 lesbian wanted her so bad and she wouldn't so much as kiss her- she just 300% doesn't swing that way. Which is weird, only totally straight girl I've ever dated.
Women can't stand to be among other women all the time. Plus no dick.
well, the amount of women who actually study something useful (that means non-genderstudies/social studies/arts/language stuff) or get an apprentienceship with good perspectives for a job is rather low. If both want to sit at home all day while wanting the partner to do the work (because you can't go shopping yourself if you have to work) there will be a conflict of interests - more importantly, since there is a high probability that neither of them is qualified for a well paid job, both would end up having to go to work to cover their live expenses. Well, or both are lucky and get some gender studies position paid by taxpayers.
The thing with hairy, sweaty men is that they are somehow socially expected to secure their own income, which is one of the factors that lead to men chosing routes of education or apprentienceship with a better outlook in terms of payment. So if you ask "why a woman would ever want a hairy sweaty man if she can jsut be with another woman?" i would answer with "The subset of women that prefers having free time at home (apart from some puny housework) while letting others go to work for them". Pretty natural. I personally know some girls that _literally_ answered (when asked why they were not doing anything for their education, or - if they did - why they chose fields with bad furture payments) "why would i care? all i need to to is to let someone impregnate me. Then i have all the time i want at home, and HE is the one that will have to work"
Of course this doesn't apply to women with an actual work ethic, whose numbers seem to be on the rise (luckily)
so? I can admire a good looking dude and admit hes hot but that doesn't mean I want his 8.5 inch cock filling up the inside of my butt
am i the only one who read wrong in trump's voice?
checks out
>a study
What study is that user? Do you have 'reliable sources' as well?
How weird. I get not swinging that way or not wanting to watch it but being outright grossed out by it? How is it any moer or less gross than any other sex.
We make more money
>memes not true
You've never spent much time around lesbians apparently. They're fat, usually drunk, and beat each other up on the daily. They're not happy people.
The study specifically tracked eye movement and subconscious physical reaction as well as polling the women on life experiences and sexual fantasies
Many such cases. Sad.
absolute truth
1, Women don't know what they want/need.
2, Lesbian sex is only and exclusively for the sake of garnering male attention.
what if I told you that women (at least my generation) dont know how to be women? Like... for real, theyre just slutty dicksuckers and bitchy attitude is the main (and common) thing in their character...
men evolved to endure women. women cant stand each other :^)
You were tricked by your chinese cartoons, my man. In reality women only care about their children, and even that is not as common as you would expect.
>Portugal nigger gets it