How the fuck to Libertarians believe that borders are imaginary, but property is a right?

How the fuck to Libertarians believe that borders are imaginary, but property is a right?

Also ancap meme thread.

Because Le state makes everything Le evil ecks dee xD

this is a very good point

You're allowed to purpose your own desires - Don't tread on ME

The Government shouldn't be allowed to pretend it's a giant person

We dont say "dont tread on government"

The government should absolutely not have the same qualities as a person

Daily reminder that libertarianism is degeneracy, and shortsighted.

The only people against private property are literal niggers who cant refrain from breaking and entering and stealing shit

Not all libertarians are against borders, however libertarians believe in full autonomy of indivuals not collective abstractions.

Nice grasp on the issue you have there, senpai. Really made me think.

You're just asking for a free helicopter ride you filthy marxist. I'm going to personally destroy all your roads.

>people should have property but not the combined group of people

Because nations only exist through government. Government only exists through taxation. Taxation is the theft of wealth and resources from the productive class, at the threat of violence or imprisonment. If everyone was willing to give their money to a service provider which provides the services government claims to, it would be a business transaction... not government. So, government property is defined by borders, but is morally illegitimate, as it is only defined and maintained by massive amounts of theft of money from taxed workers.

property lines which are established and maintained through voluntary transactions are legitimate. Property lines which are established and maintained through the initiation of force and violence are illegitimate, on moral principles.

Empirically, that crossing those lines in either a peaceful ancap society, or a statist society, could get you killed, regardless of moral legitimacy.

idealist ancaps refuse to see that the borders must be maintained in a statist society while a welfare state is also in place. You can't have a welfare state without a border, and expect to maintain a culture which respects private property and western cultural values.

no one is against people willingly sharing property. willingly being the operative word
do you think people should be forced to associate? is it only bad when le jews force assimilation?

When have libertarians advocated for a private police force? How will government protect property rights without a police?

Read Rothbard. There are people who unironically advocate this shit.

How, I hear you ask? Well, it usually involves a lot of hand waving and saying "oh well it would sort itself out, trust me goyim". Rothbard actually does this in several of his books.

>Property lines which are established and maintained through the initiation of force and violence are illegitimate, on moral principles.

The only property lines which are legitimate are the ones that are maintained by force.

This is why everyone should be armed. Most people can respect others property but those that dont deserve to get their faces blown off

they don't

Governments are just the strongest ruling over the weakest. If you don't pay their taxes, follow their rules, they will send armed men to your home to kill or imprison you. That sounds a little like the mafia, right?

Why should any man have control over another? What right do you have to correct my behavior?

I don't. Not all are for open borders, including me.

there is no such thing as libertarians and ancaps anymore, they all turned fashy

I love this pic


They believe that borders are the property.

Ancap would work in an all-white society, its idealistic but nothing wrong with it

What kind of libertarian believes we shouldn't have borders?
That is fucking retarded.

I'm pretty libertarian but I believe in borders, I think that's just a thing Johnson was pushing for some reason.

Every white country was libertarian until the 20th century, and it was shit for working class people

Libertarianism only seems desirable to me in a heavily enriched country, so you don't need to fund a bunch of lazy shitskins

Only retards think that. Borders are important, just look at Europe and what letting hoards of undocumented, unvetted people through has acomplished

Every day I fight the mental battle of trying to decide whether I hate commies or libertarians more.

Now that's a tough one

When you open the borders, they don't dissapear. They just migrate inwards to home, historical landmarks, buildings etc.

>shit for working class people
and everyone else

You don't know what libertarianism is. Please, read some books before making stupid posts like this. Thanks.

>Accordingly, population movements, unlike product shipments, are not per se mutually beneficial events, because they are not always -- necessarily and invariably -- the result of an agreement between a specific receiver and sender. There can be shipments (immigrants) without willing domestic recipients.

I'm against immigration but this way of arguing it is just so utterly retarded. Why do lolbertarians always have to be so cringeworthy and autistic? It's like they've never stepped outside the house in their entire lives.

>Durr hurr population movements are like shipments, so much for muh individualism and self-ownership, imma go full collectivist

>Durrrrr hurrrr an individual moving from point A to point B of his own free will is like a shipment there must be a sender and a receiver DURRR

>Durr hurr shipments without willing recipients are an act of invasion, if a businessman imports products that fail to sell it's an act of invasion

Libertarianism isn't about doing away with borders, it's about establishing borders with a group of like-minded individuals instead of having it arbitrarily dictated to you by a state


Libertarians often believe in borders. After all many are fine with minor taxation for various things which would need to be public goods. We just dont believe in socialism or that we should be cucks to statist governments.