People that walk slow should be exterminated, all they do is waste my time

People that walk slow should be exterminated, all they do is waste my time.

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Having a couple of people slow walking in front of me in such a way that I can't conveniently pass them boils me into a murderous rage.
I don't think that there is anything else on the planet that does that to me, other than slow walkers, babies in malls, and speaking on the phone in cinemas.

yeah, let's all go outside and start killing people who walk too slowly

i'm so fucking autistic when it comes to people in my way and being in the way

I fucking detest humans who have zero regard for those around them while in public. Like, what the fuck kind of person turns their goddamn shopping cart perpendicular to the aisle and stops to chat with someone, what the fuck are you thinking?

This is exactly what I whine about every day.
Is this part of #croatiantragedies ?

People that stop in the middle of a path, or at the bottom of escalators are the first in the chamber.

go to bed batshit insane leftist, you´ve done enough misery already

Fuck, better to start running then.

Its a global thing.

If you hate people walking slowly dont live around blacks. American ones, at least, walk slow as shit.

>boxing day
>mall is fucking P A C K E D
>trying to quickly duck between people, get what i need, and fuck off outta there
>going down escalator
>couple a little ways in front of me
>holding hands
>they hit the bottom, boyfriend goes right, girlfriend goes left
>they HOLD ONTO each other and stop at the bottom of the PACKED escalator
>two morons spread as wide as possible and halting traffic
>someone bumps into me
>i bump into someone
>cascades and we're in danger of trampling
>being the autist beta I am, I do nothing about this and wait for death to take me
>thankfully this gruff sonofabitch slaps their hands down so they release their hold on each other and bellows at them to get their heads out of their asses


forgot my meme

THIS SHIT PISSES ME OFF SO DAMN MUCH. At least you don't have to deal with obese people on scooters blocking your aisle too leaf.

6'4'' reporting in this is true
kill them on sight

I go full autism survival mode in very crowded places (I hate being close to strangers) so I just start pushing and elbowing my way through not engaging in any eye contact.

The niggers here from various places do it as well

The root cause of slow walking and lack of awareness for others is stupidity

I detest stupid people so I naturally detest niggers

the worst is people in supermarkets, they walk slow and stops and put their fucking shoppingbaskets and shoppingcarts everywhere.
However, I'm sick of it and I just kick their shit away so they will move to go and get it.

This shit drives me insane as well, it's always women too.

>globalist thing
Fixed. It is a part of the special snowflake epidemic, where everyone thinks their time is more valuable than anyone elses. It is also why you get drivers making extremely dangerous and stupid decisions to shave 5 minutes off their total trip.

Life's better when you take time to enjoy it, user. The rat race is a Juden trap. Don't fall for it.

Just do this. Problem solved.

Stop being a special snowflake thinking your time is more valuable than mine and walking slowly in front of me, fat fuck.

Walking at too quickly a pace is one of the strongest indicators of autism spectrum disorders.

Have you considered that maybe you are the one who should go in the gas chambers?


Walking slowly in front of me on the sidewalk is a good indicator of being a fat elderly couple.
Are you a fat elderly couple?

People with under 80 IQs walk slow

I love walking, and the outdoors but I'm not a retard so I walk at a brisk pace wherever I go. If I haven't had enough I'll keep walking

You have autism, and are probably fat

Walking slow is comfy. Normies walk fast.

Half the time, people walking slowly or blocking things are busy staring at their phones. It makes me want to slap the fucking things right out of their hands and laugh as they shatter on the pavement.

Can we add dip-shits who don't know how to use computers but clog up the self checkout lanes anyway??? Scan, bag, pay, GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY!!!

>walking slow is comfy
Maybe if you are fat, under 5'9, or are disabled

I'm tall, lean and healthy. Walking slow does not feel natural to me, it is far more effort because I'm not subhuman

please contact your local GP immediately for diagnosis

Please contact an abortion clinic immediately, its not too late to undo yourself. And make sure to run there, so it doesn't close.

Just say excuse me and walk by them you autist.

How about telling them from behind with a bit-higher-than-normal voice, EXCUSE ME!

It works every time unless on escalators. Those fat ass cows cannot be bothered, nor they have the space to move aside.

Well what you said can only come off as autistic screeching to me, because I'm taller than 5'9" and I'm not fat at all.

If anything, walking fast probably indicates a certain lifestyle.