Instead is trying to get laid, and if you fail don't give a fuck or become a guerilla or something fun, you work.
Under patriarchy men are turned into slaves, and this slavery is enforced by promise of pussy and violence from patriarchal male slaves.
Men under patriarchy are such needy cowards that they are willing to go out and attack men who won't serve women. Single men, players etc.
Smash patriarchy, live life for yourself.
Jonathan Evans
Get trapped in a sauna you stupid dumb Finngol scum
Ryder Ortiz
This is bullshit just like when marx tried to say that communism is good for the bourgeoisie. You may have legitimate points but this is not one of them.
Landon Collins
you mean matriarchy? you do know the queen rules the world right?
Dylan Green
Aug Frog?
Kayden Carter
It's a Jewarchy.
Adam Watson
Absolutely false. Weaker man have a much greater chance when monogamy is the norm since both men and women will choose their mates carefully and not only based on looks.
Cameron Kelly
Patriarchy is a social system. All social systems enslave human being to fit the norm, whether the norm is >Be like everybody else in your group. And people of your group do this and this and this, so your should also do this and this and this or >Be special. And special people do this and this and this, so your should also do this and this and this
You can't escape it, that's how society works. You will always have people falling through the grid, and those are the ones who will then try to change the system so what they think of themselves becomes the norm.