I'm muslim and if you have any questions feel free to ask below
I'm muslim and if you have any questions feel free to ask below
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We don't, fuck off
Is your name Mohamed Islam?
What is your opinion about (((the chosen people)))
What's your name?
Why did Muhammad have sex with a little girl?
just kill yourself already. 72 boi püussies are waiting
What is the most degrading, insulting thing a person can say to a Muslim that will really really hurt?
How can we trust a single thing you say when your religion incentivizes misleading non-believers?
Explain how 2 billion mudshits are dumb enough to believe the 2000 year old word of a schizophrenic, war mongering pedophile.
How do you reconcile the Dead Sea Scrolls with your narrative that the scriptures have been altered.
Why is there an entire chapter on the Virgin Mary in the Quran?
Their is no Allah
Only KEK
>I am a mus--
lost me there
Why can't you properly download an image
Why do you worship a confirmed pedophile -or- why don't you have a problem with pedophilia?
We have had a huge number of muzzlems attacked by Americans. The MSM is trying to keep it quiet.
How long before Europe just starts attacking Islam in a frenzie?
Do you think Islam can survive the Americans in a total, all out, unmerciful attack?
Are you enjoying the rubble pile we have made for you. Did you ever dig your mom out?
we have our reasons, we are not centralized like Catholicism, so it takes an external threat to unify the sects.
the people of that region of the world accept islam as a religion to identify with, thought they do impose their culture over it, for example indian muslims celebrate hindu festivals and hold partial hindu marriages, iranian muslims are more lax as to laws regarding prostitution and intoxication etc.
so yes 2 billion believe in the idea of "theres no god but got and Muhammad as his messenger" however, all 2 billion only act as a single block when they are under threat.
ever find yours on 9/11?
Mudslime get out
Go away mudslime cult-follower
Muhammad can suck my big hairy left testicle
Why do Muslims move to secular countries and then complain about the fact that they are in secular countries? Why don't they just stay where they are, in their own countries?
Why Sunnies and Shiites want each other's heads?
What are your thoughts on Christian Arabs?
Explain how nearly as many displaced snow niggers believe in the exact same strand of idiocy.
Are you ever annoyed that the far right can't swallow the redpill that Islam is actually a true ally to the far right?
Don't care at all. Muslims call out the Jew. Muslims control their women by fear. Muslims punish all forms of degeneracy including homosexuality and drug use. Muslims force morals in their society by persecuting those who do not abide.
I don't need to worship the religion to understand that I agree with them on these issues
Mohammed was possessed by a demon. Abandon your moon demon cult and embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Nah. He's right. Fuck off, dumb Arab cunt.
Stop making your shitty shill threads. Last month you were off to join ISIS. Fucking ass-blasted sand cuck.
Nice didgeridoos.
This is a Taqiya free image board, please leave.
When you you are about to die and realize there is nothing after. How do you think you will feel?
Why are you guys so based and how do you plan on counteracting JIDF shills ?
You need a internet presence to redpill normies. Sup Forums once almost supported you until JIDF and /nupol/ came along.