Why would the germans build expensive high tech gas chambers and futuristic corpse vaporizing ovens to exterminate jews rather than just work/starve them to death through forced labor for free?
Holocaust Serious Question
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They didn't have Jews to tell them it's economically unfeasible
Bump for favorite Goy
Come on Goyim this is a great thread, don't you wanna come and BTFO me?
Lol so they really were just wasteful autistic germans?
I'll continue this discussion with you. Nice FPBP btw with the blessing of kek and everything.
Why didn't the germans use the jews as food? Assuming the germans were pure evil monsters, isn't wasting some tasty jew flesh foolish when you could feed your young with it?
Human flesh causes most people to get the shivers.
Vc kill it
>high tech gas chambers
>futuristic corpse vaporizing ovens
What are you talking about?
You would know.
Why didnt they draft they use the jews to clear minefields and do other dangerous jobs that don't require skill or have high life expectancy?
Assuming they were trying to eliminate them, there were so many useful ways they could have used those 6 million instead of building a bunch of shit just to do what a bullet or a week without water would do
Why did Jews stop Mormons from doing Holocaust genealogy? An accounting for all Jews in a cohesive family tree.
Better lawsuit that one away
Pro-Tip, its not the baptism they care about. Its that the tech is now able to efficiently tell how many people were actually Jewish among the dead.
>Why didnt they draft they use the jews to clear minefields and do other dangerous jobs that don't require skill or have high life expectancy?
Ukranian villages are closer to the field
>or a week without water would do
When people realize they are about to be killed they mostly fight back (aka Ghetto Warsaw revolt), so keeping it on the down low is at the top priority of a successful genocide.
Given that the Torah is full of genealogies, you would think they would welcome the help on their genealogy and to prove the extent of the Holocaust?
Thats the real smoking gun. A comprehesive genealogy of their people in the 1900s is very simple to complete but they do everything they can to prevent it.
Should be simple with the help they are getting:
Yet still we don't have an accurate tally...
People don't just sprout from the ground.
>Mormon "Holocaust genealogy"
Mormons suddenly decided to make Jews that died post-mortem Mormons.....
Which is like saying; "Hey I know you guys were dirty Jews and all, but since you suffered, we iz gunna accept you to heaven brutha".
Its faster
The MG42 was very effective against groups of unarmored combatants, especially if they had no guns and lack of food/water makes one very weak but fine I'll accept that answer.
Why were these jews told by the Germans to lie about what happened at auschwitz?
lol ignoring the fact i called out
all of your synagogues have genealogies and their records are available.
very convenient a country like israel that receives billions can't finish this argument once and for all
ill give the rest of the Sup Forumss a fact here. did you know that they have built a single family tree for white people of over 900 million people.
yet the Jews with all their genealogies can't produce one for 6 million...
instead they actively sue to stop records being given and rely on made up books the reference in the link above
See the problem is simple. I will use Hungary as an example
these people all existed on records for multiple decades.
Basic math says you divide the totals by 3 to get the amount of families.
Then you just find every family and if they existed beyond that point.
Another example
Lots of records and yet so very little evidence
>Movie is literally 15 fucking minutes
>All things I heard before
>All things already explained to fucking Goyim thousands of time over and over and over again
Let me explain it to you in a way you would understand:
You cannot shove a 1 killogram sallami into a a men's asshole in one stroke,
you cut it into pieces and put it in one after another,
EVERYTHING is true(camp movies, plays, whoring rings, button factories), they didn't just woke people up and shove them in the oven.
Everything ended in death, because germans decided it's 'okay' to kill certain types of people ( not first time in history).
enjoy your denial kike. every thread on jewish genealogy will open more and more eyes. see I am not using feelings or theory.
cold hard fact
see you jews had lots of censuses. how convenient they all went away.
More examples
math and hard historical facts dont favor your lie and the autists around here love their data.
i abhor your abuse of statistics. if you compare a non jewish census to a jewish census, you appear to be a significant percent of the population.
yet you are a minority in how you describe everything. how does this work?
Well in the official story the gas chambers and ovens weren't high tech at all. The "gas chambers" were just big rooms they dropped Zyklon B crystals into through holes in the roof and the ovens were just regular ovens and most of the cremation was done in big fire pits or on improvised grilles made from railway tracks.
I mean look at these made up figures
Sort the table so it shows the largest percent of a population to smallest.
lol you even include America with a rounded number in the Europe count!
Sorry Oceania. But New Zealand is part of Europe!
Ok can you just delete this post and respond 1 more time without the wierd autistic sliced salami in the ass metaphors
You kinda lost me there and didn't answer my question
"Wasteful" was a common occurance among Nazi Germany's war effort.
But those wouldn't get the job done unless the jews were addicted to sniffing Zyklon B and Lucifer himself powered those firepits with magic
Did he give any speeches justifying the gas chambers? I mean he had to convince the germans they were necessary right?
Except every official Holocaust study claim that Nazi's ovens where able to turn a fresh corpse into complete ashes in less than 15 minutes or some other ludicrously low duration, because otherwise the maths between (number of corpses to make disappear) vs (period of time during which the camps existed) doesn't add at all.
Now, knowing that even modern-designed, gas-powered, computer-controlled crematorium ovens need a lot mote than that to take care of a corpse ...
jews always bite the hand that feeds them
israel and the jews are a debacle due to their rampant abuse of usury.
look up the LIBOR scandal, those are all jewish banks.
you cant learn history without learning to hate the jews for their subversion of every good thing that Christianity has done for the world.
Jonas Salk. A fraud that killed kids and ripped off a German scientist.
Einstein. An idiot that was disproven by American scientists.
Einstein is a meme to buy Jewish love. See for what science is actually proving relativitycollapse.com
Jews just cant stop lying.
i can answer why jews are hated and its logical.
Capital is like a lake. All lakes need an outlet or they die. Jews have currentlly damned up the world's capital. In lieu of capital, they spout the Bootstrap lie or the American Dream.
The truth is you need significant capital investment to start businesses.
So what do the Jews do? They rig interest rates. They monopolize the valuables that back currency. They create fiat money.
And they will go to war to stop you from doing anything about it.
Communism is a front to steal what you have just like fiat money, gold backed money, compound interest rates, 401ks are.
Given the new weapons of war, I have a feeling that this last war will be the final one.
God is ironic in having the Dead Sea exist in Israel as it is a reflection of their soul's willingness to share.
too slow
gassing a burying a jew is faster than building work camps for all of them and waiting for the vermin to starve
>rather than just work/starve them to death through forced labor for free?
Are Americans taught every last one of the 60 gorillion were gassed or something? Working till death was probably the most common way for interned jews to die in WWII.
Did you ever burn logs? A single log might take as long as an hour or more to burn.. But a pile of 5 doesn't burn for 5 hours just because there is now 5x the amount of fuel because that's not how combustion works.
I don't even care abou jews, and I kind of assume there were less than 6 million killed, but for fucks sake holodenial memes are just too retarded. I thought only yanks bought them, Pierre.. I am disappoint.
We were told 10% were turned into lamps, soap and mattresses, 20% were shot and then the guards got sad shooting jews so they had to gas the other 70% to stop the guards from getting PTSD
I wish i were being ironic
Sounds to me the conspiracy you should be adressing is the American school system m8
Kek.. I enjoy your dedication to the memes m8 but Americans know fuck all about ethnicity or their 'European homelands'. You're not European. Don't come here.