Pope Francis made deal with Clinton?

I don't know if you remember or knew this, but Pedosta's emails via wikileaks showed that Hillary and company wanted to stir up a "Catholic spring".


What kind of "Catholic spring" you may ask? Well, none other than making the Catholic Church more protestant--supporting gender equality & changing pastoral application of doctrine toward the "non-negotiables" (abortion, contraception, and sodomite unions).

It also came to light that Francis and his cohorts were being funded by (((Soros))).




If it isn't wildly apparent, the Novus Ordo Church (mainstream church after Vatican II) is headed toward absolute schism, if not silently there. It is Protestantizing, and Francis is leading the charge.

Consider this:

>"Precisely the diaconate for women. Because it’s the only way to show our concrete closeness to the Lutherans and Anglicans. And you will see that by November we will have the diaconate for women."

This is a compromise toward women "priests", which Francis himself said could never happen. The end game here is, destroy the hierarchical Church in favor of a populist, Protestant model where laypeople lead "Mass" instead of clergy.

Anyway, Trump threw a wrench in the plans to go forward with the so-called "Catholic" spring.

Other urls found in this thread:


Leaked e-mails show George Soros paid $650K to influence bishops during Pope’s US visit


Conservative Protestants and Conservative Cathloics have to stop fighting each other(which lets face it, is in our nature) and start raging against the ACTUAL* demonic forces that threaten us.

So much ground has been lost thanks to minor doctrinal infighting, while Childern are literally being sacrificed on the alter of "Progress"....

You're telling me God is going to be angrier that "shall" was interpreted as "will" VS Satan literally enveloping entire communities and draining them dry?

>If it isn't wildly apparent, the Novus Ordo Church (mainstream church after Vatican II) is headed toward absolute schism, if not silently there. It is Protestantizing, and Francis is leading the charge.

No "Protestantisation" is going to happen, as Jesus promised.

They already Protestantized the Mass in 1969. They already adopted revolutionary principles of the French Revolution at the Second Vatican Council.

The mainstream Church is going to apostasy. Francis is openly going forward to support Holy Communion for adulterers (divorced and "remarried"). This is the Protestantization.

That does NOT mean that the Church will be destroyed. It means that the mainstream Church will cease to become Catholic, except by facade, having the buildings but not the faith--just like St. Athanasius said of the Arian hierarchy back in his day.

And here I thought the protestants split off because the church wasn't conservative enough

Buddy, Protestantism is a false doctrine--made up by men in the sixteenth century.

I do agree that we should link arms and fight secularization, etc, but Protestants support the very principles of revolution that are causing their own demise and the demise of Western civilization.

Theologically, there can be no healing without their renunciation of false theology.

Do what?
You do realize that Fr. Luther allowed Philip of Hesse to take a second wife, while retaining the first, right? Polygamy endorsed personally by the "great reformer" himself.
Henry VIII founded his protestant religion on divorce and "remarriage". There was no reform. They were not conservatives--they were the first drop of liberalism, theological liberalism founded upon private interpretation.

Protestant stands for any denomination besides Cathloic and Orthodox.

They are fully capable of being less or more conservative oriented then either... Though only the conservative ones are showing any kind of growth.

>Though only the conservative ones are showing any kind of growth
This is true.

Yet, they cannot even agree with those of their own denomination on doctrine. That's the essence of Protestantism and why they will never be a unifying force.

As bad as things can become (the way they did during the times of arianism), it doesn't seem it will happen anytime soon. Francis is a validly elected pope, he can't stop being one simply because of his views. And, thanks to Holy Spirit, he can't proclaim anything heterodox, even if he wanted to. His declarations may approach heresy, but they will never reach it, no matter how much he wants them to support his heretical views.

He Can stop being pope for obstinately remaining in heresy. Amoris Laetitia is just the beginning.

That doesn't mean that we can declare that he is not pope. It isn't for us to proclaim. As far as we know, he is validly elected (St. Gellen's mafia not withstanding). That isn't the point, at all.

He is working in the line of post-conciliar popes, like JPII, who was adamant about praying with pagans and promoting syncretism.

>May Saint John Baptist protect Islam and all the people of Jordan

The Cathloic Church isn't going to suddenly make right with God, instead of the World, if Protestants suddenly rejoin her.

And in the meanwhile, priests who toe the Pope's(and the gay mafia's) line, will be indoctrinating their sheep with their poison.

I won't lie and say many Protestant groups aren't guilty of great heresys... But having Priests remain celibate without families(to emulate something they'll never reach) only attracted the worst type of people into her upper echelons. God made the family to be stewards of the Earth, before he ever made the Church.

St. Paul was a celibate. Christ spoke of those who became eunuchs for the Kingdom.

Homosexuality is the Achilles heel of the priesthood, which is why the Vatican has long banned ordaining homosexuals. Bishops have disobeyed and allowed this to happen.

It is no surprise that 81% of the abuse was homosexual in nature, as the John Jay College report to the USCCB showed.

I hope the day comes when the good people of Western Europe abandon the Catholic """"""""church"""""""""" and join the true Church of Christ and become Orthodox.

Catholicism is literally a jewish tool, ruining and corrupting everything, even the """crusades""" were basicly the doom of Byzantium.

One can be a Godly man, yet have no childern. Nowhere does it say that only Eunuchs can serve as Priests.

IDK why that image got posted.

Yawn, says the church that allows people to divorce and "remarry" up to three times.

1054AD is calling you back.

It is a Western discipline, the celibate priesthood. It is also practical. The priest can focus all of his attention on the parish without having a family to provide for. He doesn't need to move his family around when he is moved. It is a perpetual penance, offering up the inability to have a family for the sins of the world and for their own sin.

There are married priests, such as with Anglican converts.

Hillary and Bill were tight with Cardinal Bernardin, a satanic pedophile faggot who Malachi Martin wrote about in Windswept House. Clinton gave him a Congressional Medal of freedom for fucks sakes. He spoke to them the day he died. There is a faction of Satanic pedos in the Vatican, obviously.

Yes and obviously.

Yet, Martin was a mole that promoted Nostra Aetate for the Jewish B'nai B'rith. Lot of information out there on his double-life. While you are right, I wouldn't trust everything he has said out of hand.

If it can be proven that Benedict was forced, or pressured, to step down, then his "successor" would be illegitimate.

For anyone interested, look at the satanic artwork and shit in the cardinals church, Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Fun fact: the cardinal had arrangements before his death to have a faggot choir sing at his funeral.

Yeah, I just primarily researched the Benardin thing.

why did ratzinger step down for this fucking communist? was he forced out?

Absolutely he would be.

Did you see this?


>Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence?

I've already lasped.

I have notcied the protestantizing myself, AND WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT THEN?!







It appears to be the case. He first said it was because of his "health". Yet he is doing well.

When asked why he still wears the papal white, he replied "because they had no other cardinal clothes". Who in their right mind believes that nonsense.

I'm surprised John Paul ll was allowed to stay as long as he did.

Can't leave Christ because of the sins of Judas. Can't leave the Church because of unfaithful hierarchy.

Find a traditional chapel or order. Attend the Traditional Latin Mass. You won't find the nu-church nonsense there.

>it takes a Cathloic convert to help fight the serpent head of the church

Obsession with non biblical tradition, and utilitarian application, is why homosexuals, and power hungry agents of "Progress" have usurped Cathloic Christanity... Which seems to happen all to often historically.

I cannot in good conscience, put me, and my family, under service to God, by going through such middle men.

While he was a partisan to the Novus Ordite revolution, he was still morally traditional. My personal belief is that they kept him around because he towed the party line with ecumenism and collegiality. Not to mention ordaining many of the heterodox (and sodomite) Bishops and Cardinals we have today.

all fucking christcucks must fucking hang

There are a lot of conservative priests who quietly don't go along with the agenda. My church even has Latin Mass.

Can you show me in the Bible where it says that everything that must be believed must be contained in the Bible?

This concept itself is unbiblical. Instead, St. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:14

Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.

Tradition and Scripture.