Anarchy (Zero government control)

> Anarchy (Zero government control)
> Communism (Full government control)

Good job mate

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck finding job with these.
Oh, wait
> antifa
> job

I've never met a white, far-left dude who wasn't a huge pussy.

Mate, Communism is no State at all. None.

Communists and Anarchists are fighting for the same thing, using different means.

Sure I am ready to punch a nazi

I beat my meat all day.

You can get jumped for a lot of stupid reason in most "anarchist" communities because theres no middleman in justice
Freetown Christiania is full of drug dealers and rapists.

The hammer and sickle is a USSR symbol. A state.

weird how it's never implemented like that

conservative - libertarian - ancap - anarchist

this is the true regression

Incorrect OP.

Anarchism and Communism are synonymous. Socialism is full government control.

He wasted money getting his knuckles tatted, forgets the last one. Is able to spend money on silly consumerism (tattoo), doesn't realize his ideology will destroy his money and his tattoo shop. kek.

He is gonna have to chop those fingers off when the political tide turns.

>norwegian education
>communism and anarchism have the same goal
>they just think it will be accomplished diffrently
>marx was afraid of ((outside forces)) so he was all big government, then it will turn into a stateless society

??? somehow

No. The hammer and sickle is the symbol of industrial and agricultural workers. It was conceived during the Russian Revolution before the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Go Steel the Patriots running back from Daddy Putin

Pick one

Capitalism gave him those sausage fingers

in america maybe

libertarian is a word used to describe leftists before the ((right)) tokk it over

No, that's the retarded two dimensional libertarian political spectum.

On your spectrum Communists are to the right of Libertarians and AnCaps.

Communists are fighting for a State free society. Same as Anarchists.

Pic related, the pussy with the tattoo is located here. When he eventually settles down and picks up a book, he will be embarassed. Unfortunately the downward spiral of a lifepath that these permanent scars (tattoos) have put him on virtually guarantee that he will never get there. He will make less money, work more hours, and statistically be less happy than someone who didn't make such a fucked up life choice.

And a rainbow dick for the last finger?

>all those jars of fluids
I'm afraid to ask what this picture is insinuating.

technically communism is stateless so he is right is the painting, the punching your political opponents is not.

Fascists aren't political opponents, They are the enemy.

I bet these faggots don't even know what a sickle is used for nor have ever seen one in real life.

Thank god for capitalism and mechanization.

There would e no "mechanization" if it wasn't for the toil of industrial workers.



>communism is stateless
How does it prevent a smart person from inventing something, hiring others to produce it, pay them a wage and become rich?

Am I being trolled? How are the people supposed to all have equal control over the means of production without a state to "share" everything, or force people to do things that need to be done? Who wants to be a doctor or physicist without having any greater claim to resources than the store clerk?

And the market value of unblemished flesh goes up every day. Being the 1% without tattoos in 50 years is going to make you look like a genius. Everyone else is covered with childish doodles and references to long-forgotten nonsense.

libertarian is classic liberals which has nothing to do with modern liberals since they abandoned all the principals they once had

communists want to destroy the state to put in a imagined utopia that always ends in death and starvation where socioeconomic classes still exist

There wouldn't be industrial workers if it wasn't for the toil of the factory owner to provide them a place of work.

>Industry without state centralization
>Peaceful industrial workers(the factory and products being completely shared equally amongst workers) and farmers will be left alone to prosper for eternity with zero outside enemies to threaten them


>tattooed knuckles
>tattoo is on finger.
nazi's did this!

>The hammer and sickle is the symbol of industrial and agricultural workers
Funnily enough, it was the agricultural workers who opposed the reds most vigorously. In the days of Russian monarchy, farmers had steady paid employment.

It really is difficult to tell a troll from a genuine communist, because communists have such a ridiculously bad grasp of history.


The USA's industry was so superior to the Soviet Union that we were supplying their military for years in WW2.

Without evil capitalists the "might red army" wouldn't even have had boots, lel.

>those soft baby fingers
>joints aren't remotely callused

It'd be like getting punched with a pillow.

Because the idea is that people will just want to do really hard work because they really like it and wanna be nice with absolutely no material or social gain for doing so.

I don't think your spinal cord touches your brain, friend.

>be anti-communist
>have no tattoos
>see a lad on the street with black-bloc tattoos
>approach and shout "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK!" as if being attacked
>you're actually beating the shit out of him
>make him submit and call the police

Who are they going to believe? The average Joe, or the anarchist?

>Am I being trolled?

You seriously don't know Communists are fighting for a society with no government?

Jesus wept...

>How are the people supposed to all have equal control over the means of production...

There is no ownership in a Communist society. Organisation is by consensus.

> force people to do things that need to be done?

Shit jobs are conducted by consensus, too.

>Who wants to be a doctor or physicist without having any greater claim to resources than the store clerk?

There are no "store clerks". Anyone with the aptitude can train to be a doctor or physicist.

Pic related.

>knuckle tattoos

Hope he enjoys working in Starbucks for the rest of his life.

You're wrong: See "Libertarian" etymology

>communists want to destroy the state to put in a imagined utopia that always ends in death and starvation where socioeconomic classes still exist

I think you're confusing Communism with "free market" Capitalism...


Communists can't fight for a free society because it's based on collective ownership

Factory owners don't "toil". They employ others to toil.

Capitalism 101.

>We are all born equal blank slates capable of anything.

If the government is just the sum of its citizens than communism gives even more control of the government to its citizens.

No presidents,

No politicians,

Just professionals.

Think about that for a second.

Vc run pissed off farmers

>Funnily enough, it was the agricultural workers who opposed the reds most vigorously.

You're confusing agricultural workers with the "peasantry".

Peasants were a hangover from Russia's fuedal past.

>It really is difficult to tell a troll from a genuine communist

I'm not a Communist.

you fantasize about commies too much
most of them want a goverment

>communism means no state
>"hey, look at this example of a society with no state"

So communism is no state + something else, that something else being a code of conduct which people must operate under.

Almost like a state.

>Someone with an IQ of 95 can be a brain surgeon

Kill yourself

I know about 120,000,000 people who would disagree.

>The USA's industry was so superior to the Soviet Union that we were supplying their military for years in WW2.

The Soviet Union prduced superior military equipment to the US's during WW2.

no they are similar but one gives the illusion of resistance and unity for war time

Anarchism was the goal of communism

"Anarchists" just believe in skipping the dictatorship (somehow) and going straight to utopia

They do toil. The view of what constitutes "work" is the same for everyone nor should it be. Many successful companies have been founded by former workers who save their money and invested it in order to fill a need their former company couldn't.

So was the beginning of America

If we abrogate the historical irrelevancies like some sort of religion than your looking at modern definitions of communism which are more viable than archaic definitions.

It's apparent you've never read a word written by Karl Marx, nor, studied political ideology.

>Communism (Full government control)

No, you're describing state socialism. Actual communism is the total worldwide abolition of all states, private property, class and money.

Communism is not synonymous with socialism, socialism is, under Marxist-Leninist theory, supposed to be the stage after capitalism, and communism is supposed to be the stage after socialism.

This is why communism and anarchism are stupid. Having the same goal doesn't mean it's a realistic goal

>I'm not a Communist.
Yeah, you just employ arguments from Marx's critical theory, defend the USSR, claim that communism has never been tried, and claim that PERCEIVED instances of communism were actually capitalism.

>You're confusing agricultural workers with the "peasantry"
You're confusing Moscow-centric middle-class youth for "peasant uprising".

I agree with you, but IQ as a measurment of natural intelligence isn't very good
Too many variables

There is no ownership at all in a Communst society' "collective" or otherwise...

>Shit jobs are conducted by consensus
Can you give me an example of how this is supposed to work?

And then there are some greedy guys who will take control. That whole communism thing has never worked. It got tried many times now and never worked out in the end. Why should it work now, what did change that people think now is the time it will work?

capitalism: property free trade indivudal rights
communism: democratic anarchy anythign goes liquidate people if mob ok

>So communism is no state + something else, that something else being a code of conduct

Ever heard of the "Non Aggression Principle"?

Imagine actually believing this


Greedy people exist regardless of form of government.

I know enough people with guns that would stop a community coup in a heartbeat.

IQ is one of the best predictors of outcome. Someone with an above average IQ is not going to become a professional brain surgeon or an astronaut anytime soon.

That's because communists are dumb and don't realize inherent contradictions in their beliefs

How do you deal out your rations to everybody?

Killing everyone in the government and replacing them still means there is government. Its just that the sheep think "they" are being represented now.

>anyone with the aptitude

reading is really hard.

Hahah can't tell the difference between knuckles and fingers.


You're one of the few on Sup Forums who know what Communism is about,

Trying to establish a communist society using decade old books is like trying to establish a new religion using quantum mechanics.

Which would have to be enforced retard.

If I built my house in the middle of nowhere, with no one around for hundreds of miles. You would be justified to take it away from me using your logic.

You are scum, nothing more than a worm.

>Yeah, you just employ arguments from Marx's critical theory, defend the USSR

I've studied and feel obliged to share knowledge.

I apologise if I've upset anyone's sensibilities...

You guys on Sup Forums will never win arguments with "leftists" if you don't know what "leftism" is.

Know your enemy.

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me?

I think you mean below?

>> Anarchy (Zero government control)
>> Communism (Full government control)
Neither of those definitions are correct. Anarchy means no rulers, there's no difference between a king and a property owner except scale. Anarchy is inherently communistic.

>tfw something idles in the distance

Google: "Rojava".

>Anarchy is inherently communistic

Uh no. Try again.

Capitalism->dictatorship->stateless society

Capitalism->????->stateless society

There is a reason Antifa are considered the running joke of the Anarchist world.

Even Archeo-Anarchists are not that retarded.

If I try to sell ice cream in an "ideal" anarcho-communist society, what is my punishment?

>be communist
>Work 8 hrs at soup kitchen
>getting hungry, busy day feeding the proletariat
>waits in line 2 hrs for bowl of soup.
Seems legit

It;s actually true.

Willy's jeeps and trucks were used extensively, but Shermans and military kit was abandoned on the field.

The Soviet Union produced the best tanks of WW2. Better than the Germans.

Yes sorry typo


Why would a society under produce?

Communism still decides democratically which means that the majority voice make decisions and in essence acts as a state.

why do commies think capitalism is a form of government? dumb subhumans