Brit/pol/: TFW Thursday evening and no plans edition

>Bercow aide reveals Labour bias, controversy rolls on

>Nutall caught out using emotionally manipulative lies; UKIP in collapse

>Bank of England to keep using meaty fivers, now tenners too - despite fiat currency on brink of collapse

>UK-EU citizens threatened in EU exit negotiations

>Lord amendment abandoned by May falling well short of intended aims

>UK Church of England is splitting further over report on gay marriage

>Fear the hackers! 'Restrict all freedoms as neccessary' says Queen

>May has no plan for UK energy mix, unable to respond on nuclear

>Air pollution at breaking point - EU slams UK

UK Column News : 16 Feb 2017 - Conservative's treason on defence

Scotland split over EU and Indyref2

Other urls found in this thread:


Do Not Reply To Trips

Do not reply to trips, hide & ignore.


Imperial Leather

Alright lads, it's finished.

Here's your official Question Time Bingo card for tonight!

What are you planning on drinking tonight?

Imperial Leather :'(

Sup Forums-X filters for Brit/Pol tripfags:

I miss him.

>1PBTID Anonymog

Big Soup.


Read Starship Troopers

I think I love you worst korea


Moray Council telling SNP and their cuts to fuck off.




the tripfags rush in to spam their weak memery, then tumbleweed descends.

ty based 'korea'

You're a bit of a 'tard aren't you mate?

If I want a scale of the deepest 1% of sea creatures swimming depth, it'd be fucking retarded to present that on a graph that includes the swimming depth of a goldfish

Is this the face of London now?

>Starship Troopers
>weak memery


Welcome to the filter.



Who would vote for her, be honest

>The Israeli terrorist Karl Marx will be charged with Treason and causing the Paris Revolution and the end of the French Monarchy.

Sometimes I wonder what the lefties of the past would think if they could see how England turned out. I get the feeling that even they would be horrified

She's alright, all except for

>wanting to ban nuclear power

>All Irish Traveller sites will be closed, and All Irish Travellers, their ancestors and descendents will be repatriated back to Ireland.

>Compensation will be paid to Dwarves created by Thalidomide.

surprisingly based article from the guardian


Can we send the scousers back to Ireland too

Simon Jenkins is the only decent bloke on there. He's floating on a sea of shit.

okay thank you

Listening to this shit while walking through Town centre.

Scousers built half the British empire la

I hope there's no extreme free speech ITT I might have to call the police.

>a monster

wew lad

Why do white people is that they are the most important, and guess what, I really Quick term doesnt come answer I tell you what is important, it's me and you all better control. Do not carry it not true, as the bear stopped, but these prices you better for everything, and I know that for a fact.

You certainly put in your fair share, but come on now.

Of course they would. The modern left spends most of its time mulling over ideas of gender and sexuality. They couldn't give a toss about economics beyond "muh ebil 1%"

Someone in Stoke has sent loads of Stoke Muslims a text saying they'll go to hell for not voting Labour.

Monbiot can be a cheddar but I agree with him on common land

and this article pulls no punches

but fuck the guardian


No need to do that



Hmmm... Yes, interesting.. . ....

And now we move into stage 5. It's quite eerie how this model has manifested almost perfectly in the left's reaction to Trump and to Brexit.

You women have heavy period, noting the damage from his water supply interruptions flooding. In order to further reduce the outflow of water flow, the water reservoir to prevent the crisis, loose wiring, critical decisions, whereas threatening.

>Keep your SCROTUSES - he is a blonde for a gentleman of a certain age...
What the fuck did Laurence mean by this

Many such cases - sad!

Probably the greatest comedians alive imho. Disgustingly underrated.


FUCK YOU I know what you act like you better than me I just want to learn english but no you have to talk to me like I'm a child I know better than that I would beat fuck out of you boy I know what you think you better because your white well I know how to do everything better than you, you ask someone, they will know it just like how I do in the way


i wonder what dr johnson would have thought of the fact that most people know him from this image rather than from his lifes work

Yeah OK mate

Free speech is not an absolute human right.

I just want to learn english

Practising is

You people I can all pay if help

Please stop, you're hurting my head

Fuck listen you my words was like I know what you want to manage as you know what best like all ideas that come from God, but I know you fuck, I do not know, it is necessary to fuck they be I remember when I fucked your mother I needed to remember what it feels like, I bet you white fucker, skin white like cum

>If those brave men who stormed the beaches in 1944 could see the state of this nation today, they wouldn't have left our shores

>human rights


Fuck man why I'm talking to you and I wasnt you know that if you talk to me anyway, like why they want to talk to me is they do not like and do not want other people to talk to me only not racist way, no one wants other people to talk to them like I should type as if I was what you would say why would you

Are you a nignog?

0.5 BTC and i'll get you fluent

And on this day, Brit/pol/ found its first house pet. Out with the old, in with the new.

I swear to God that you destroyed, you act like white is good again you know what you think even if you do not know what you want to know for sure, to see what kind of thing I want to see an excuse play their not so smart with funny she did not know that others do not know what to talk to me, and I do not like to try to understand, but there are so many people I have said or alone when I laugh, some say, it might be laughing mind

>absolute human right
Get out of here JK Rowling

Is someone offended?

Lad plenty of 'em are still alive. And guess what? They are literally spending their last days in the safest, healthiest, technologically forward, and most most free time in the worlds history.

You call me pet, thats what I call you mother, you need to know I dont give fuck now I know what you been like I try to be nice, but you dont know or dont care when i want to come in and talk to you, like i did, but you act like i did like doing it wasnt for you


This is why I get so pissed off when a leftist uses the old "we fought against the Nazis" trope. Those men that fired their rifles at the Germans weren't doing it in the name of tolerance and diversity. They were doing it to defend their comrades, their families back home, their nation. Not for some abstract notions of liberal democracy.

Sum Brit/pol/ up in one picture

And they're all lost, confused, and miserable



>when you get all your grammar techniques from twitter nogspeak and smoking weed

If they were around today leftists would call them Nazis

There are two types of human rights as set out by the HRA and the ECHR.

Absolute Human Rights - these can not be infringed under any circumstance, not even national security. These include freedom from torture and right to law/fair trial.

Qualified Human Rights - these may be restricted in certain cases known as 'legitimate aims', legitimate aims include protection of others rights and national security. Free speech is a Qualified Human Right.


>Human Rights

SPOOKS I tell you

human rights dont exist you retard

>Living standards have improved so our society is fine

Living standards were also at a record high for American slaves at the beginning of the 19th century.

Absolutely hufflepuff

>nazis think that they can magically predict the future and conclude that the world would have been better if the nazis have won



>Stirner memes in my brit/pol/

Violate a few and then tell it to the ECtHR.

Who the hell do you think you are, I met your mum, I fuck your mum, have kids with your mum, oh you look to ring her find a small child. Theyre MINE bitch

Say what you will about the man, he was right about human rights.

>it's evolving

you cant like own britpol man

also ive actually read stirner unlike most of the memelords on this website

>violate made up laws and then get punished
yeh no shit


Why, Katy T ??

Fuck you all