
Death to Shiptar Kosovo independece day.
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I T ' S O V E R N O M O R E B R O T H E R W A R S

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Koji je jazavac ovaj OP. Sad moramo postat svakih 20 minuta da nam dred ne ode 404.
Odaberi oboje.

hahahahahah FUCK SERBIA

nobody would support retard mud gypso-turks like you

kosova esht shqiptarve

Dudl dudl

Jazavac (tm) mafija


Držite dred na životu, momki.
Ček imam i ja jednu ovakvu. Izvori su 100% istiniti :^)

Evo još.

It could have been worse. We could have been a cuck slave race.


Shit, even if we were slaves, we managed to survive and even have five minutes of fame, and that's pretty fucking badass.


ajmo se opet poklat svi u nadi da će trump posjetiti balkan pa možemo svi otići ga vidjeti uživo

>We could have been a cuck slave race.
but you already were :^)

Croats are Xenophobes

Serbs are Americans without Jews or Niggers who hate Muslims and got bombed for that

Slovenes are Germanboo cucks

Macedonians are wierd ass mixture of everything

Montenegrins are cucks and should be nuked

Muslims are traitors and should be nuked

There I just fixed balkans


oy bre

And Nederlanders infest threads they shouldn't reply to
fuck off we're full

Bice ovde kvalitetan banter sto bi se reklo. Dabogda pocrkali siptari btw

>Be France
>10% Muslim
>Capital is completely muslim


Zamisljam onu dvojicu klinaca iz Lepa Sela Lepo Gore

Daily reminder that only us and Swedecucks are Europeans, others have to go back.

I'm confused now, don't we usually claim Serbian war propaganda not to be true?

My dad's side of the family is Croatian, can confirm the xenophobe part. However...

>Implying it's bad to be a xenophobe?


I'm so tired of this... Read it from the beginning you illiterate creature. It literally says how it was made up to stir up hate among the turks. The right of the first night didn't exist in the Ottoman empire.

It is bad when it's not your land so you decide to steal it and kick the natives out

Što vi Srbijanci mislite o ovome? Postajemo razvijena zapadna zemlja dok vi idalje jedeta govna i ganjate Kosovo.

legija stranaca se bori za onog tko daje veći kurac buraz, zato se nismo nikada borili za vas :^)

Sta ovo treba da predstavlja ?

he probably is a newfag

Why did serbs not want us to be in Yugo?

>alboroaches still exist
day of the spray when?

on the contrary, the serbs sought refuge in vojna krajina when the turks conquered serbia, so it's about their land as france is muslim land. another example why you shouldn't accept refugees, european or otherwise.

Good one. The natives can fuck off and die.

>be Netherlands
>degeneracy everywhere

Even sharia can't uncuck that country

Because Tito wasn't aching for a knife in his back.

But they fought against the Muslims and willingly joined Austria Hungarian army to fight the Ottomans?

I'm pretty sure Serbs weren't chimping out and demanding gibs like modern day refugees are

Because you were the only ones who spoke a language we couldn't understand

if there weren't serbs your whole land would fall under ottoman empire you ungrateful dumbfuck

Steta, oduvek sam teo da jebem malog Hrvata.

we love you too black serb cheers

But Serbs and Croats are same people, speak same language and are same religion

What's the point of stealing their land when you're both the same?

>what is slovenian
>what is macedonian

Kupovna moć, gdp per capita il tako nešto.

Centuries have past and you still havent gotten your history right.

they wanted to secede from croatia in 1990 even though they were given refuge there hundreds of years ago in what was always croatia. they did fight against the ottomans, but that doesn't mean they have claim to land which was never theirs to begin with. they were good refugees up until they revolted in 1990
>only serbs fought against the ottoman empire
nobody is trying to downplay their part, just saying that they were given refuge there

>he doesn't understand Zlovene

The language was different before Austrian agents like Ludwig Von Gay and Strossmeyer started pushing for Austro-slavism. The language we speak today is in fact Serbian.

Actually Tito wanted the Bulgars in Yugo. He was even promising Macedonia if you joined.

But you you guys wouldnt do it. So he made the Macedonian nation to forever cuck you out it.

Jebote, podseti me sad na onu brazilsku čamugu što samo postavlja slike kako smo mi u par bitaka kao nešto bili na strani turaka jer smo morali, a postavlja slike gde ste se vi pod Mađarskom borili protiv njih. Ignorišući činjenicu da smo se mi s njima "učestvovali" u bici par puta jer smo morali, ko što ste i vi morali, jebiga.

Ja lako razumem njih. Its literally almost just like Serbo-Croatian bre.

Stvarno mi je nerealno da je ekonomski srbija homogena. Sever i Jug su bukvalno dva sveta.

I've never lived there, I couldn't tell you. My father and grandfather seem to hate their guts though.

The Balkans could be used for farming and feeding the entire ottoman empire and it could be a vanguard agaonst arab degeneracy. But nooooool.... They just had to give it back to the retards and now it's a freak show circus.

>muh clay

I guess we should fuck back off to White Croatia as well.

i veliki bi te primili ak si dovoljno crn ;)

So hold up

>Be Serb
>Forced to immigrate because Muslims are taking over my country
>Live in the land, grow food and farm it peacefully, and continue fighting the Turks in foreign army for 300 years
>Continue fighting until ww1, become Yugoslavia
>Happy you can visit your homeland back
>Continue living in your homeland your ancestors fought and died for
>Some Stipe demands you to go back because now after 300 years it's his
>Get your farm burned down and your family exiled

So this is what you're trying to say?

Može bit da je jedva na granici svijetlo-plavog. Beograd i Vojvodina su civilizirani.


it's rare to see based croat to speak the truth about his language
it's a pity you didn't decided to stay with kaikavian


Čakavian is in fact the purest Croatian dialect.

If that were true we wouldnt have a reason to join the Axis.

The axis already collapsed by the time Tito was in power, and you weren't really a full-time member.

I'm pretty sure Croats have their native language in Istria or smth like that but it's extinct right now

I just hate how modern day Western politicians are pushing this whole ''Every Ex-Yugoslavian country has it's own unique language" bullshit

Like look at Bosnian or Montenegrin for example kek

it's debatable though because it had influence from shtokavian, but yeah. chakavian and kaikavian are croatian dialects

you have more documents written in kaikavian throughout history than any other dialect

>Some Stipe demands you to go back because now after 300 years it's his
nobody demanded them to go back, they revolted and started killing people for no reason. they could have resumed living in croatia but they wanted a bigger serbia. that didn't work because serbs can't win wars for shit. please don't discuss things you know nothing about nederlander.you've only read about the yugoslav wars from Sup Forums, I lived through them, the serbs wanted a greater serbia and were killing indiscriminately (not just muslims, but christian croats). we needed to defend ourselves, we never even invaded serbian land, we defended our own territory

Well Tito's Yugoslavia was after WWII Bulgarbro.

Prvo mi reci o čemu se radi ovde.

I nemoj misliti da ste išta bolji. Samo kupuješ vladinu propagandu. Ušli ste u EU pa vam je sad kao bolje, a u stvari vam je bolje zato što ste pun kurac pozajmica uzeli. Šta ćete kad dođe vreme za otplatu duga? To je, koliko ja znam, snašlo Grčku.

EU nema čarobni štapić kojim samo učini zemlju razvijenom. Vlada države je za to odgovorna. Budite srećni što ste imali mnogo bolju vladu od nas u poslednje vreme. Sad, nadam se da će kod nas na vlast uskoro doći neki protekcionista - jer nam to jebeno treba, jer nam se privreda, a samim tim i država uništava u ovom trenutku. Da ne pominjem stanje obrazovanja, pravnog sistema, zdravstva itd.

Dalmatia held on to the language far more than Istria did, even the Istrians who do speak the local dialect only do so at home.


kajkavci i dalje pričaju hrvatski, za razliku od blitvara koji pričaju srpski od 1918.god

Half of us spoke Kajkavian and all the coastalfags spoke Čakavian. Štokavian was introduced with Serbs and Hercegovna who fled west when the ottomans arrived.

Idalje mi nije jasno zašto nismo uzeli kajkavski ili čakavski kao književni naglasak. Istina je da su štokavci većina, ali kakve ima veze? Jadni zagorci/prigorci, gorani i dalmatinci moraju učit jezik koji nije njihov.


It is a lesser known fact that the "cakavstina" dialect is the only true Croatian dialect and that "stokavstina" was pushed onto us by a well known serbofile and a supporter of Great Serbia - Ljudevit Gaj. The langue the Croatians outside of Istra and Dalmacia speak is in fact Serbian.

a fucking SERB

This map clearly shows why socialism doesn't work. Literally all countries that are mostly blue were ruled by Communist scum.

we're still kajkavian in zagreb and northern croatia, you can take the rest for all I care. they're basically serbs

Smiri se, Dragane. To je gdp per capita koji je uvijek bio veći u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Ništa se nije promijenilo otkako smo ušli u EU.


afaik dalmatians are more serbs than croats, but they assimilated local venetians when they arrived so they're now half-italic half-slavic

>Killing people for no reason

So you forcefully deported 500,000 civilians and burned down their property and then claim it was just?

Also it was their land, if they wanted to be part of Serbia why not, they've fought for that land and worked hard for it, 50% of Modern day Croatia was inhabited by Serbs

Also back in the day there was no such thing as Croatia, but Yugoslavia, so claiming it's your land is bullshit since you didn't even exist for thousands of years.

balkan I union when?

>Day of the spray


>Idalje mi nije jasno zašto nismo uzeli kajkavski ili čakavski kao književni naglasak. Istina je da su štokavci većina, ali kakve ima veze? Jadni zagorci/prigorci, gorani i dalmatinci moraju učit jezik koji nije njihov.
kao sto rece jedan user odavde - uticaj austrije

>But you you guys wouldnt do it.
We can thank mr.gulag for not letting that happen.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
>So you forcefully deported 500,000 civilians and burned down their property and then claim it was just?
Closer to 250 000, but that's beside the point.
>50% of Modern day Croatia was inhabited by Serbs
Not even close. 10% at most.
>Also back in the day there was no such thing as Croatia, but Yugoslavia, so claiming it's your land is bullshit since you didn't even exist for thousands of years.
Trust me, everyone knew where the borders were. We weren't really "allowed" to talk about them because we had to keep deluding ourselves we're Yugoslavs.

>bosancu okrenuta leđa, puca iza
Što je mislio s ovim?

Entire history of Albanian-Serb relations in one wikipedia article


>On 1 May 1985, Đorđe Martinović, a 56-year-old resident of the Kosovo town of Gnjilane, arrived at the local hospital with a broken bottle wedged in his rectum. He claimed that he had been attacked by two Albanian-speaking men while he was working in his field. After being interviewed by a Yugoslav People's Army colonel, Martinović reportedly admitted that his injuries had been self-inflicted in a botched attempt at masturbation. Public investigators reported that "the prosecutor made a written conclusion from which it appears that the wounded performed an act of 'self-satisfaction' in his field, [that he] put a beer bottle on a wooden stick and stuck it in the ground. After that he sat 'on the bottle and enjoyed'."[1] Community leaders in Gnjilane subsequently issued a statement describing his injuries as the "accidental consequences of a self-induced [sexual] practice."

>So you forcefully deported 500,000 civilians and burned down their property and then claim it was just?
the people who LEFT BY THEMSELVES (they ran) were soldiers+'civilians' who shot, burned and raped their own neighbors just for being croatian
>50% of Modern day Croatia was inhabited by Serbs
that's not true at all, where do you learn all these 'facts', stop believing Sup Forums
250 000 serbs in 'vojna krajina'
>Also back in the day there was no such thing as Croatia
croatia existed since 925 as a kingdom, before that as a duchy for 200 years. after that croatia was united with hungary under one king (personal union) and was given its own government and ban (duke). if anything, croatia existed way before the netherlands and we don't deny you the right to govern yourselves.

I've seen what the 'poor serbian civilians from krajina' did to my people, why don't you shut your pampered sheltered asshole of a mouth and mind your own damn business?

That's only because the political center of power was in kajkavian-speaking parts throught the Hungarian rule.

Štokavians weren't even close to being a majority at the time. It was only used to further the Austro-slavist agenda. The only place of any importance which spoke štokavian was Dubrovnik.

Real Dalmatians aren't, but the Herzegovinians which flooded Dalmatia in the past half-century are. You can take them back.

Ovo ne može bit istina.

herzegovinians are more croatian than dalmatians because they endured turk rule and stayed catholic while dalmatians licked any foreign boot they could get their mouth on, you just hate them because they're willing to work

So why does morality start in 925 and not in, say, 15 AD? By your logic, the serbs should have left the Krajina, but we should have packed and went back to White Croatia as well.

Muh clay is a retarded argument which leads to abominations like civic nationalism. Genetics is all that matters.


Dobro, ali životni standard je isti. I što si onda napisao da postajete razvijeni? Jeste li sad ili to tek postajete? Slovenija jeste nivo iznad, tu nema poricanja. Ali i Vojvodina je drugi svet u odnosu na krajnji jug Srbije. Jer to su delovi bivše Austro-Ugarske, gde su ljudi bili obrazovaniji.