Too Much Winning:

ICE Agents Arrest Undocumented Transgender Woman At Courthouse Who Was Filing Domestic Violence Claim

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don't stop can't stop

Don't break the law. Faggot.

So it was a guy on guy fight? Why would the police care?

Undocumented like, not a woman, or not a citizen

at a texas court house who was filing a domestic violence claim at a texas court house

these people actually went to college, and are paid to do this

ICE please use my picture I work hard on it


Stop with the winning Mr. Trump

It's too much for me



>Already been deported and returned 6 times

Rage inducing

Adios, shitbird. MAGA!

Well, looks like she's safe from her abuser now.

This is like filing a police report when you have warrants. Anybody would get arrested for that. They're not mad they're not being treated equally, they're made because they ARE being treated equally. I think a big strife between people who subscribe to identify politics and those against it have a different interpretation of the word "equality".


Will be put in the Mexican looney bin

I love you, Sup Forums. Never change.

This guy is going to get rekt so hard when he returns to his country.


>Fake news