When will Sup Forums finally take the Marxpill?


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Is that a cyanide pill, you commie fuck?

You havin' a giggle, m8?


You know what's hilarious? You brockgobblers think you can sway opinions here. After the election pollocks are hip to avoiding posting in these threads, and when they do like this post, it's さげposting.

That means all you traitors can do is bump each other's
shill threads. In your minds you are creating the optics of dissent, but you are really just burning money.

Also normies are getting redpilled because the quality of the shilling is so bad.

You are doing our work for us, and for that reason, on behalf of traditionalists everywhere I thank you Mr Brock, Mr. Strider, Mr. FISCHBEIN, and Mr. Soros.

Keep it up. The world is watching.

Never, Marxists are by and large mental midgets.The ideology is not compatible with human nature and eventually always devolves into strong man totalitarianism.



kys, faggot

How's that high level college "education" treating you you brainwashed communist shitbag.

Marxists will never succeed

never have, never will

not even once

renting and loaning creates value, the marx depiction is wrong from the first sentence

Good answer,

Here's a cookie

Marx knows exactly how to identify problems, his solutions are shit though.

All you have got?

Where are the ARGUMENTS, you genetic abominations?

The red pill from a bum , who wasn't an economist and was leeching off other people's money ?
What are you ? a coon ?

I wouldn't say its genetic, I would say it is a failed educational system driven by ideologues clinging to broken theories and debunked lies who seek to project their feelings onto the next generation, just as the previous generation had done to them

This was good.



what's defened



>All value is created through labor
>said by a man that never worked a day in his life
So marxism is worthless.

>Points out spelling mistake rather than argue the point
>Who normally changes lanes in an argument?
>Better check the flag just to be sure
>Surprise fucking surprise

Pure excrement.

pointing out spelling mistakes isn't a substitute for an argument, it's mocking you. if i had said that you're retarded, therefore your argument is wrong, you would have a point, little child.

why show a quote from marx, but not a quote for other's only a strawman argument?

you are a jew.

i am one hundred per cent a jew

if germoney is so smurt how come you never won a single war and lost both world wars and got raped by the red army and became murican/brit/french/soviet clay then muslim breeding grounds???

Pointing out obvious typos is the stuff of intellectual midgets; pedantism is the last refugee is those with a weak position.

It's the Fabian strategy if Fabian were a cuckold without any marital talent and he were about to be slaughtered so he starts telling his enemy about soldiers whose shields aren't polished and as such Fabian must be declared the winner

Marx was a jew commie. Id rather die

Lol I understand how lazy I am

In a communist society, I wouldnt even pretend to work

Its irrelevant for where you are going shlomo

That's why you have commisars adjusted to every workplace, friendo. A few extra strikes in their notebook and you're sent to hard labor camps where you'd probably die.

No NEET on Friedrich Engels street.

you flatter yourself if you think you presented an argument strong enough to be worth evading

you are simply grasping at straws trying to make the case that i had some hidden motive or attempt at misdirection when in fact my insult hasn't been presented as though a substitute for an argument in order to discredit your words, and in the first place i wasn't even engaged in argument with your retarded self. you just got yourself triggered over a juvenile two word insult, be ashamed.

Idk anything about communism but Mao was making the beat drop way before capitalism could catch up so...


Never. What's actually going to happen is that all the communist fucks who have been trying to subvert this board since the election, are going to be Nazis by the time the year is out.

Marx was a shitty human being and his theory is a castle built on the worst foundations possible.