/odg/ Oroville Dam General - Its over edition

/odg/ Oroville Dam General

What a fucking nonstory. shit tier happening

Other urls found in this thread:


Give it a week of rain and snowmelt lad

dam break in 30 minutes
t b h i dropped this happening after monday afternoon GMT

any livestreams if not who cares

defend this

Sup Forums just blew it's load too soon.
see that orange spot to the West of Reno? that's Oroville.


there was an user that broke kek's curse with quads and diverted it to france, so there might be a happening in france this weekend so we have that to look forward to. at least 100+ dead, right kek?

You know what's hilarious? You brockgobblers think you can sway opinions here. After the election pollocks are hip to avoiding posting in these threads, and when they do like this post, it's さげposting.

That means all you traitors can do is bump each other's
shill threads. In your minds you are creating the optics of dissent, but you are really just burning money.

Also normies are getting redpilled because the quality of the shilling is so bad.

You are doing our work for us, and for that reason, on behalf of traditionalists everywhere I thank you Mr Brock, Mr. Strider, Mr. FISCHBEIN, and Mr. Soros.

Keep it up. The world is watching.


Whats the forecast?

Quick, is there some way someone could spill the quick rundown on this run-down spillway?

glad nothing happened.
well, millions in damage to the spillway is not exactly nothing, and California like all Socialist utopias is dead broke.


>dam bows to rainfall
>in contact with ground
>...well fuck this i hate this meme

>Posting the thumbnail

LA is getting flooded tomorrow afternoon, and oroville is saved.

Fucking witnessed


I'm going to need a copy of that pepe. For security reasons, of course.

Fucking read retard

>post a thumbnail
>calling me the retard
K, retard.

This is your average Sup Forums poster

People like you are what's wrong with this world and thid board.U just can't accept anything.If u are buying a dam like oroville u are probably gonna buy a seperate spillway so no need for proper spillway,are u literally retarded, extra spillways are just a waste of space on the dams nowadays. You are so fucking stupid, if I saw u in front of me I would fucking rage so hard. U are fuckingmentally retarded to be asking shit like that fucking CWB jew, go suck off that emergency hillside or whatever it is ull never use it anyway go pay that 40$ for it u fucking retard. I am so pissed rn at how dumb u are, u are ruining this board and just making an idiot out of yourself. Please just stay off the internet in general if u are gonna ask questions like these u fucking attention seeking CWB bastard. All u guys want is attention now because the army corps is the only one doing stuff.I bet u still live in ur mum's house and suck ur dad off for that nice apillway. ITS SO NICE HAVING AN EMERGENCY SPILLWAY LOOK AT ME DAMFAGS HAHA DAM IS FINISHED NO MERGENCY SPILLWAY, ARMY CORPS BTFO. SHUT THE FUCK UP I WILL KILL YOU YOU STUPID FAG, STOP POSTING USELES THREADS LIKE THESE U FUCKING RETARD. U made me so mad I wanna punch the dam and hope there's you on the other side so it would shatter your dumb spillway u stupid fuck.I bet you are gonna make another shit thread after this one gets removed because it is SHIT just like your spillway and your shit CWB cuck dam.So fuck off to another board or off Sup Forums, because u can't handle us or even basic logic like why there isn't a proper backup spillway in rcalifornia dam's. Can't wait for the release to see you cry and be mad at yourself for spending so much of your dad's money on a shit dam with a crappy spillway u won't ever need.JUST FUCK OFF!! AND IF U EVER MAKE A THREAD LIKE THIS AGAIN, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER VISIT THIS SITE AGAIN. So bye faggot and I hope I'll never get to see you or one of your threads ever again!!

It hasn't started to rain yet
When it rains it pours

What the hell is this shitty OP?

They're slowly closing the spillway

Still 5 inches of rain forecast. I'd be very surprised if there are no future happening with this dam once snowpack begins to melt in the upcoming months.

Next OP should use the old OP thread.

We have a California Water Board shill here on Sup Forums

Also this one

it's happening the week of rain or it aint happening at all

Very comfy.
It is so strange to me that there are people willingly defending ignoring the problem for long enough that it causes an evacuation. Truly mind blowing.


>it's happening the week of rain or it aint happening at all
What makes you think that? The wet season has only just begun, user. This dam has to survive the entire season without proper repair, because they will never have time for a proper repair.
It is almost like ignoring the maintenance cycle of an important infrastructure causes it to fail eventually. Interesting.

real,freshly baked, anti non happening fags bread

>It is so strange to me that there are people willingly defending ignoring the problem for long enough that it causes an evacuation. Truly mind blowing.

What's even crazier to me is that they let them go back right before the rains hit. I realize that economic damage is done every day that systems are left unattended and such, but a fucking 4km^3 of water, or as some user calculated in a thread a few days ago, about 650 million tons or 9.5 million Abrams tanks.


Has rain hit the area yet?