Let's discuss all of the positive contributions to humanity made by Islam and lament the negative consequences of the Mongol Invasion ending the Golden Age of Islam.
Islam Appreciation Thread
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Islam has made great advances in pedophile praising and goat fucking.
fuck islam and fuck germany
They figured out the earth was round.
Did they just figure that out?
>lament the negative consequences of the Mongol Invasion ending the Golden Age of Islam
That and Al-Ghazali rejecting Greek philosophy. Islam was making real scientific and mathematical progress before that. Thankfully, Italy got their hands on that progress and carried on the tradition.
>Al-Ghazali rejecting Greek philosophy
What is Kalam cosmological argument.
Islam was always scum. The only reason they advanced so much was by conquering other civilizations and stealing their great people and ideas. Same thing happened in the crusades for the Europeans.
muslim girls tend to have big asses, i appreciate that
Quran, Surah 65:4 dictates divorce of females that don't have periods to 3 months. Those that are too old, have medical issues, or are to young to have periods all have a waiting period of 3 months to divorce.
No fuckhead.
[65:4] "And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease."
>those who have not menstrated
Some women do not menstruate. The exact words are "لَمْ يَحِضْنَ - lam yahidna", "did not menstrate".
It is a medical condition called amenorrhea.
young girls don't menstruate either. Checkmate
Again, "did not menstrate', not 'have not yet mentrated'. Also, the Quran says:
“And test the orphans [in your charge] until they reach a marriageable age; then, if you find them to be mature of mind/sound in judgment, hand over to them their possessions…” (Quran, 4:6)
"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way."[17:32]
all girls who 'have not yet mentrated' fall under the category of "did not menstrate'
>those that are too old, have medical issues, or are to young to have periods all have a waiting period of 3 months to divorce.
Is correct
>"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way."
and what was unlawful? not sex with 9 year olds or goats
So following the prophets example marriageable age is 6. Surah 65:4 implies me and my then wife could have had sex so we must wait to divorce. Whether she has a period or not, gotta wait 3 months.
Who is Eratosthenes?
reported and saged
Reminder that Islam is a Jewish cult devised by Jews as a way of conquering the West from without, while the Jews were conquering the West fom within. Hence all the similarities:
circumcision / circumcision
kosher / halal
kippah / taqiyah
>all girls who 'have not yet mentrated' fall under the category of "did not menstrate'
No that's something you have just made up.
>and what was unlawful? not sex with 9 year olds or goats
Strictly speaking, if it bleeds you can fill it. But this is not common practice.
Also, The Prophet , also said: "If someone engages in sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal." [Ahmad and others - Al-Arnaa’oot said its Isnaad is Hasan]
>So following the prophets example marriageable age is 6
No, the prophet did not marry aisha until she had her menses. Yes, she was probably pretty young.
Islam appreaciation thread? Fuck. /pol is dead.
>No that's something you have just made up.
That is some nice islamic critical thinking you have there...
If a girl has not yet menstruated she did not menstruate, how do you not understand that?
>No, the prophet did not marry aisha until she had her menses. Yes, she was probably pretty young.
she was six and he fucked her when she was 9, he is a pedophile thus all muslims praise a pedophile
"Now let man but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted - Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:" S. 86:5-7
>thinks sperm comes from the back bone or somewhere around the liver
What is anatomy?
Fuck Islam, long live Israel!
>Everyone ever before 1700 NOT marrying and having sex with 9 year olds
I'm not saying its right, it's no, but everyone did it back then. (Which they shouldn't have)
>she did not menstruate
What age are women expected to menstrate? 'Did not menstrate' means they did not have menses at this time. When they 'could have' menstrated but they did not. Again, the verse does not say 'have not yet menstrated'. 'Did not' is after the fact, after the expectation for that age. It is refering to amenorrhea.
>she was six
This is incorrect.
Prophet Muhammad did not marry Ayesha when she was only 6 years old. Her parents offered marriage as was customary in their culture at the time. However, the Prophet
did not accept this and they waited a number of years before offering marriage to him again
>I'm not saying its right
Do you think mohammed was morally wrong for having sex with a 9 year old girl? Should muslims praise mohammed, a pedophile?
Other than the jews and shintos it is one of the few religions that carried the light of the grand fisher king/Elohim while the christians languished in impiety. Deserving their lives of never ending warfare and torture. The Islamic golde nage didn't end with the Mongol conquests, but reached its apex with multiple empires spanning the earth post the Mongol conquests e.g. Mughal, Ottoman, Persian, Indonesian etc.
get lost ahmed
have not yet mentrated
means hasn't
>Did not' is after the fact, after the expectation for that age. It is refering to amenorrhea.
Did not menstruate means all girls who have never menstruated... that includes little 6 year old girls...
I've never even seen one
Next to the Greeks of course
They figured out how to make the 9th century last over a millenium
>This is incorrect.
Your taqqiya wont work here, it is fact that he married a 6 year old, then fucked her when she was 9.
They brought nigger hating to the modern age.
Well, you're wrong. So keep going if you want but it doesn't change this.
You know you've lost an argument when shout this.
Say what you want about Islam, they were good at making pointy houses.
No, it is not morally right it's bad, real bad. But just because a historical character is ,by our standards today, a pedophile doesn't discredit his other achievements,
other wise we also have to discredit Charlemagne, Henry VI, Socrates (young boys), Alexander the Great, Rollo and others
Such a shame the Great Khan didn't annihilate Islam entirely...
what argument, you say mohammed didnt marry a 6 year old and proceed to fuck her when she was 9, I and your sacred texts do
>Well, you're wrong. So keep going if you want but it doesn't change this.
Keep working on your english, mohammed
We do not hold those figures are holy you shitskin.
Thanks for the numbers, sandniggers.
The point is we don't praise these people as moral paragons, whereas muslims do.
its not even them, it was the fucking poo in da loo
short thread
Islamic golden age lasted for 40 years and ended with the mongolian invasion. how awe inspiring.
rome lasted for 1000 years.
usa has had a 250 year track record.
islam is aids
Right you are Ken!
Oh. Well fuck the ayy-rabs then. Thanks, pajeet.
>le everything is a jewish masterplan
Islam is shit, and so are you
>moral paragons
Charlemagne is a saint, Socrates is regarded as one of the founders of modern morality, Henry VI was the head of the English Church and Alexander was literally praised as a God.
Do you guys even have history where you come from?
wow I'm happy I'm not anymore muslim otherwise i would have been really mad to see this
>you say mohammed didnt marry a 6 year old
Thy were 'engaged', not married. {Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234}
I though Australia has stronger borders. Shits like you need to stay in the desert and be bombed by a drone.
Who were ancient Egyptians who had to know the earth was round to build pyramids
>Charlemagne is a saint
>Socrates is regarded as one of the founders of modern morality
Not praised as a moral paragon
>Henry VI was the head of the English Church
Not praised as a moral paragon
>Alexander was literally praised as a God
Not in modern day
The only equivalent would be if Jesus was also a pedophile like mohammed. No one views the people you listed as morally infallible.
I'm white man, don't be so salty when you're wrong, it shows bad character.
it makes him a swedish national, not a swede
They lead to huge habbenings
>Building the pyramids.
Ayy lmao
Islamic Sharia will never succeed and will be forgotten.
Sure I'll concede to that, none of those people are relevant today (although I'd argue that Alexander was viewed as infallible by some, and yes technically Charles Isnt a saint forums.catholic.com
Sure, I don't think Muhammad should be seen as a Moral Paragon, no one should be IMO, the point I was trying to make was just because a person throughout history married and had sex with underage girls/boys doesn't mean the rest of their achievements are suddenly without merit. Muhammad was a great speaker and an amazing (mostly) tactician. He rose to power quite quick and drastically changed the world (for better or for WORSE)
When I say relevant I mean in the religious sense, not the historical sense.
If you don't believe mohammed is morally infallible then there is no issue.
Wrong! That was the Greeks, next.
Historical context and infallibility are not mutually exclusive.
why are you shilling for islam? you know if they did manage to conquer the west you will be first to be up against the wall or be shunned from the society as a kufaar?
mohammad was redpilled on how the jews took the christians under control.
Sure but just because I abhor something doesn't mean I can start being illogical when thinking of talking about it.
>Blind hate < Informed Hate
depends on your view of morality
I am informed enough to know how cancerous Islam was and is. Sure they did offer some good things but why praise them?
You are slowly treading the line of being a useful idiot.