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oy vey

Like him or not, he's getting ratings. I saw that he was behind O'Reilly with viewers.


It's fucking over for Trump and everyone who still supports him

so a bunch of anti tucker articles just suddenly came out all together

looks like ((they))) want to get rid of him

We're not even racist

Nice lighting bolts fellow harry potter / star wars fan. I don't see much imagery combining both.

>Media Matters

Normies don't go there anyway, they're just circlejerking to one another.

Move on.

Just keep calling everyone a nazi. More and more. Until theres like 20 people left who aren't nazis





Mediamatters is controlled opposition.

Honestly I cannot imagine an entity being so unwittingly useful to conservatives.
There has to be some dimensional level of chess going on with these guys.

I too am an electrician.

Probably organized from the latest version of JournoList

Daily reminder that this whole meme of forced denouncing is straight out Maoist China


You may have well just said, "The Democratic party proves that Tucker Carlson is loved by Nazis."

This is what they did to PewDiePie

They watch this site, and anything that gains any level of interest from /pol gets immediately attacked for being Nazi material.

If we continue to love and shill for anyone vaguely right wing and these articles keep coming up think the media will turn on itself?

The left are right about me. I am a Nazi, and fucking proud of it.

I was normal until Obama turned non whites against white people in America and now I identify with race politics myself.

silly media matters. POL IS A BOARD OF PEACE!

Not going to lie, it's impressive how they happened to make that one shot of Cernovich even more intimidating than it already is. Notice how they call him a misogynist too, it's as if they want you to think he's a rapist the second you see him, some will probably not bother to do their research and actually continue to think that.

Unironically, this. The Left made me a Nazi. They only have themselves to blame. I was a good boy.

SO we should start false flagging and causing the fake fires.

Shut the fuck up

>anything that gains any level of interest from /pol gets immediately attacked for being Nazi material



How do i monetize me being in this autistic board all day?

Anything ever happen with eichenwald v @jew_goldstein

I notice that these articles never talk about how "neo-nazis and misogynists" love Taylor Swift.

This just in: Alt-right loves breathing.

Why are all you italians so against Trump? I cant figure it out

Uh oh... Misogynists are watching stuff.

Who do you think is controlling Brock? I remember reading something about the Dems trying to get rid of him

I dont think that word means what you think it does.

right there with you brother

We should start supporting Rachel Maddow to really fuck with the main stream media.

David Brock is watching us, Sup Forums.


if whoever Sup Forums advocates get the media jew's attention

Maybe Sup Forums can destroy whoever it wants?

Why is mister baboon mindframe in this picture?

Give it up, Sup Forums

You will never defeat David Brock's army of 40,000 nerd virgins

lol Cernovich side by side with David Duke
Serves him right.

>(((Mike Cernovich)))

This sounds like fun!!

David Brock = Mugatu

what the name of that guy on left??

Delete this post.


(((Media Matters)))

wtf i hate tucker now

>media matters

this is shit

> monetize: to change something into money

>audience is literally nazis
>most watched cable news show

it's almost like most of America agrees with him and the legacy media is blowing billions to radicalise the leftist fringe in a last-ditch effort

>fucking brilliant
Start creating subtle memes turning her into a red pilled news anchor.
It would have to be a slow yet gradually increased, to be believed.
It could work. And MSNBC would shit themsleves

wait we like this guy?

Facebook and Media Matters sitting in a tree....

>current year

wew cucks

I like how they make him sound so awesome until they mention in the end when they mentioned white supremacy and Neo-Nazis.

>"corporate pressure campaigns"
>actually bragging about silencing those who disagree with you through attacks on their livelihoods rather than actual arguments

Don't worry guys, it's all cool. Media Matters encourages (((good journalism)))

No bias at all!

Will the Left never learn? They keep calling everyone a Nazi, pretty soon there's going to be an ACTUAL Nazi and no one will believe them.


(((((((((((((MEDIA MATTERS)))))))))))))))))))

Isn't that run by ((((David Brock)))) the pedophile kike queer pizzagate freak?

Kek. Ok, I got what your saying. You want to get paid for being on Sup Forums all day. Like CTR does. (Not implying you are with them)

She's so hot. God I hope she's a lesbian.

nothing to see here move along!!

Media Matters is a Charity, they would never do such a terrible thing.

Tucker is a faggot.

This slav gets it

Do you really think there are paid shitposters in this shithole?

Hail Tugger :D


>media matters

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff.

Jesus fucking christ

I wonder what they consider to be conservative misinformation. Probably factual reports of nigger and immigrant crimes


This. I'm a liberal and this shit is really starting to piss me off. All of this bullshit they keep pulling keeps radicalizing the far left causing them to autistically screech the loudest which is causing actual liberalism to become a joke.

Jew Goldstein was sent to a concentration camp


How can they call this grassroots?

Only on social media from what I have seen, since they form their opinions through "funny" meme pages that occasionally mock Trump. Otherwise news about him on our national TV are completely unbiased.

Only in my wildest dreams do I live in a time line with a red pilled Rachel Maddow

Fucking kek I can't believe this is real

I'm not raciest or anti semitic and happen to be white. but I do find tucker to be a pretty chill guy and has some views I agree with.
This interview with Gavin McInnes shows hes just a normal dude.

Archive link please

Do you lurk lefty twitter at all? They plan on never allowing the Democrats to reorganize again, so that they can pull off their communist revolution.

>hundreds of thousands
Where are they getting all that fucking cast for this people, Soros can't be the only one on this scam.

Watching Maddow when I was younger definitely gave me a thing for short haired women. Thank god I woke up though

She is. This is her wife.

She can be if we collectively agree on it and meme it into existence.

>they used that picture of Cernovich

You switched to short haired men?

They can't take Trump down. Their only options are to pick on those smaller than him.

Tucker, Milo, PewDiePie, Bannon have all transcended into untouchable. They will lose money, but they don't care at this point. Patriots for the cause. In an antifragile sort of moment, they are actually making more money now. the chaos is enriching the righteous.

So all we need to do make jews attack powerful and highly visible people, redpill them and bring them over to our side is... start supporting them?

same here


Nazi has lost all meaning much like racist and fascist

They're running out of words


This is their old tactic that has worked in the past but crying wolf is wearing off. It amazes me how quick the crooked media has picked up the nazi labeling of Trump supporters though. This is part of their war o Trump.

Remember when Fox News said that Obama and MSNBC were stalinists because he was beloved by communist dictators, and the left laughed at them and called them fearmongers? What happened to that? Why are they now doing the same thing to people they don't like?

Be black