W-were not fake news

>w-were not fake news
>he shouldn't attack us
>we're fair to him
>Donald trump is unhinged and dangerous and you should think about what if your boss acted like that how would you feel? He doesn't care about the americans that voted for him wow, if I was an American worker I would feel like he cares about being mad at the media and not me, wow, he only had 44% of the vote, probably he's crazy also, Russian spy, we're not fake news.

Other urls found in this thread:


video link now fucko

The good thing about this is that some, not all, not even most normal faggots, but some, are rending the veil.

Some are seeing the deception, the deep state, the insanity.

I'm not saying that the current Trudeau tier populist strategy is going to work, but this is a good thing.

Really gets the noggin joggin'


Trump crashed kiddos.

Deal with it.

give it up Sup Forums

you can never defeat David Brock's 40,000 nerd virgins. Give it up.

in the eyes of a godtard, evolution is "fake news"


The moment the far-left mentions homeless mothers and hungry children is the moment that I know the far-left is guilty as charged and has lost the argument.

The far-left operatives in the media and in D.C. haven't a clue how to deal with the absolute devastation Obama's eight years has wrought on the Democrat party.

poor lil trumpcucks

>lowest ratings of any news network
>lower ratings than fucking HGTV
>67% of your own viewers don't trust you

The relevant question isn't whether Trump should kill you, it's why aren't you killing yourselves?

Jake Tapper is a clow. He knows he's a clown. You know he's a clown. Everyone knows he's a clown.

tfw cucked scifi dystopia is being actively pursued by a free (read sycophantic) American press who are shilling on behalf of a psychopathic banker controlled deep state, and not even an Eskimo fish skinning message board is left out of the disgustingly far reaching grasp.

Is Satan gonna win guise?

it's quite obvious if Trump cured cancer and gave everyone free healthcare this guy on CNN would still talk shit about him
his blatant bias against him is a turn off and he wonders why people no longer take CNN seriously

>Progressives in particular are significantly less likely to challenge content than their conservative counterparts

Bad goy. Down.

btw, in case you were wondering what we are up against, these media cucks are just the pawns. youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0&spfreload=1

They are trying to shut down our rhetoric for a number of reasons. I never asked for this...

Hey! HGTV has quality programming.

Unlike CNN.


Sorry forgot link

it's unbelievable how much CNN relies on the ignorance of their audience. if any of their viewers bothered to actually watch the press conference for themselves, they can instantly see right through all his "if your a soldier abroad, a hungry kid in the inner city" bullshit concern trolling

i mean for fucks sake, at one point in the press conference Trump literally said "i know you guys are going to paint this as me RANTING AND RAVING, but i'm not, i'm just trying to clear the air, and frankly I enjoy it"

what happens an hour later?

they have used every synonym for ranting, because if they actually said "ranting" or "raving", it would be dead obvious

>it's unbelievable how much CNN relies on the ignorance of their audience

Even people who believe this shit are starting to question it.



>He doesn't care about the americans that voted for him wow, if I was an American worker I would feel like he cares about being mad at the media and not me
I'm white. Trump cares about me

Funny mention by Dilbertman, but when he mentioned the hallucinations that are being experienced by the left, they're analogous to the hallucinations when Obama won, ie. Muslim, not born in America, etc.

Yes, I know, some people still believe the latter, but you get my point.

The seditious patterns are the same in some regards. Though the conservative people who were doing that were scared, they mostly still had a nationalist tier loyalty to their country in spite of the Becks and Limbaughs and the other lunatics out there with a microphone. They just thought Obama would be terrible for the country.

This neoliberal seditious shit is actively shilling for the shadow government, because they hate Trump (and us).